Should the perpetrator be accused and the case come to court, the government in Washington might be forced to reveal what Eric Olson believes is top secret information about illegal research on biological weapons, about the use of anthrax in the Korean War and about his fathers murder. put in a good word. But even the worst setbacks can be instructive. In view of Olsons upset state of mind that was not unreasonable. Inexplicable silence during an interview comes in many tones and hues. As part of this experiment, Olson unwittingly received some 70 micrograms of the hallucinogen. Prior to that, according to military and CIA records, he served as the divisions director of planning and intelligence activities and as director of the SO division itself for about 12 months. Do to His Father? Oh my God, he said. The commission found all three practices unsavory, but reserved its harshest language for the drug tests. The film, which chronicles Luthers struggles against moral corruption in the Catholic Church and his ultimate break with Catholicism, greatly upset Olson. Some of the people they interrogated died. Back in Frederick, Lisa Olson confronted Vincent Ruwet, her father's old boss at Detrick. Did the biochemist intend to resign from an agency that could then neither let him continue nor permit him to quit? Even then he would have no knowledge of what happened to the products of Detrick when they left the encampment and he certainly had no idea that the Joint Chiefs of Staff had an offensive, first use policy for biological weapons applicable to the Korean War then in progress. Trace evidence, such as hairs and fibers, is collected off the body and from under the fingernails. One sued the government and won an out-of-court settlement in 1988. Fifty years after the fact, Eric Olson came to believe that he had finally prized loose the carefully guarded state secret of his fathers death. Gradually a completely new story of the death of Frank Olson was emerging, one that bore very little resemblance to the one that had long-since become the conventional wisdom on this issue. Whenever suspicions came up, the family would say: This cant be correct, because Ruwet would have known, and Ruwet wouldnt deceive us. Our relationship to Ruwet was symbolic of our relationship to the whole Detrick community, Eric said. Without declaring it. , Yes, one more thing, I said. Germ dispensers could be concealed in many objects, such as the exhaust system on a 1953 Mercury. You stopped taking any initiative, you stopped gathering evidence., For Eric, the D.A.s dumping of the Frank Olson case was yet another in a long line of betrayals by the state. Eric represented in a very straightforward way and with a calm and determined mind that he and his brother, Nils, wanted to have their fathers remains scientifically scrutinized to see if modern methods of analysis could provide tangible evidence of the underlying cause and manner of his death. It an inescapable reminder of the moment Erics life froze. The New York district attorneys handling of the Olson case can light the way for the rest of government, but only if all of us refuse to forget the victims of undue risk. This thing Feldman held up the fountain pen gas gun the boys in Washington sent it out and told us to test the gas. He had entered a world of covert operations, espionage, mind control, drugs, and even death. [57]. If a drawn shade separated the glass from the flesh, then perhaps the shade buffered kept the glass from piercing Olsons underwear-clad body, but it is nevertheless inexplicable that we found no cuts on the front of the lower extremities from dragging across glass shards on the bottom edge of the window. A memorandum circulated in September 1952 announced that the scope of the project was research and testing to arrive at, means of control rather than the more limited concept embodied in special interrogations. At a subsequent meeting of the ARTICHOKE steering committee, much time was taken up with discussions of LSD and on the possibility of concentrating on certain facilities in the United States as testing grounds for new ideas, experiments, etc., particularly using criminals and the criminally insane.. Vice President Public Housing. If the assassin immediately sets up an outcry, playing the horrified witness, no alibi or surreptitious withdrawal is necessary. 23.17 Fully vetted by the Agency, he had a top secret security clearance. The confluence of scientific fact and investigative fact points unerringly to the death of Frank Olson as being a homicide, deft, deliberate and diabolical. He felt certain that his father had not deliberately jumped out the window, but he was at a loss as to how to resolve his suspicions. This is a biological warfare story. Blows should be directed to the temple, the area just below and behind the ear, and the lower, rear portion of the skull. My own critical response to Murrays Thematic Apperception Test was one of the factors that led to my work on thecollage method. THE TRIAL He says were all stuck in 1953, in a sense, because the events of that year have a continual and overwhelming impact on our lives. But a new ARTICHOKE report was not promising as far as LSD was concerned. The prevailing mood was one fear, perhaps even paranoia. And how did they see the practical and ethical issues? (Gibson went on to a very distinguished career in medicine: he became director of Shepherd-Pratt Hospital in Baltimore, and President of the American Psychiatric Association.) Blunt weapons How many army scientists were jumping out of hotel windows in New York in 1953?. (i) The bizarre circumstances of his death could well cause a court of law to determine as a matter of public policy that he did not die in the course of his official duties. In the meantime, he has determined that Olson must have fallen to his death from 1018A, and that there was probably another person in the room at the time. Lashbrook refused it. Two weeks after that news conference in 1975, the Olson family was invited to the White House for a formal apology from President Gerald R. Ford. The preliminary estimate will reveal gaps in information and possible indicate a need for special equipment which must be procured or constructed. It was the C.I.A.s investigation into Frank Olsons death. These tests fed massive quantities of convulsant and psychedelic drugs to foreign prisoners in an attempt to make them talk, according to CIA records obtained under the Freedom of Information Act by author John Marks. Mulholland is a self employed magician whose normal income is derived from payment by various individuals and organizations for individual performances. Over the years, he amassed one of the worlds finest collections of magic books and memorabilia. Whether the manual is a complete coincidence, I dont know, Saracco says. And we are familiar with the risks taken with the lives of persons who were subjects of unwitting government experiments of various kinds. The verb is dropped. And the manual is a how-to guide for assassins. His first order of business was to visit room 1018A at the Statler Hotel (by that time, renamed the Pennsylvania Hotel). From the perspective at which we have arrived here, however, one can suspect that a decision to kill Olson would have to have been accompanied by a decision to arrange a spurious hospitalization for him. The government explained to the family that even though the body had been embalmed, it was badly disfigured from the fall. Eric wants to tell his friend Bruce about the latest evidence. But she did not know whether her husband knew the truth about this or not, or even whether he would have been in a position to know. How and when Mulholland came in first contact with the CIA remains unknown. Hypnosis, electronic brain implants, microwave transmissions, and parapsychology also received intense scrutiny. The men moved to the window. The sleepy boy immediately recognized the two men as the family doctor and Lt. Col. Vincent Ruwet, his fathers boss at U.S. Army Camp Detrick, just down the road from the Olson home. I had a strong reaction to the letter. Fuck them, Feldman said. Indeed, his story makes you wonder about that noble phrase ''The truth shall make you free.'' As the Rockefeller Commission summarized, This individual was not made aware he had been given LSD until about 20 minutes after it had been administered. analyzing the documents obtained by the Olson family from CIA Director William Colby in June 1975 The Olsons took turns reading from afamily statementdemanding full disclosure from the government. Or did it? It co-opted nearly an entire generation of scholars in the physical, social, and health sciences. So Cameron founded the Society for the Investigation of Human Ecology, ran a proprietary company called Psychological Assessment Associates, and contributed papers to learned journals on Psychic Driving, The Restructuring of the Personality and Suggestion and Extra-Sensory Perception., The short term goals were to counter any communist plot to insert brain-washed assassins into the West. By the time he realized this, his suite had been invaded by a variety of anti-Soviet people whose behavior had become so raucous that he locked himself in his bedroom. Frost to Dr. Yale Caplan, one of our forensic toxicologists who had established a private, commercial toxicology lab in Baltimore. Sargent was satisfied that the CIA team were doing similar work that M16 were conducting in Europe executing without trial known Nazis, especially SS men. Sometime in 1952, the agency began testing LSD on individuals, presumably CIA volunteers. We signed an agreement saying that all our claims against the United States government in the death of Frank Olson were settled. The exhumation at Linden Hills Cemetery took place on Thursday, June 2, 1994, commencing at 8:30 A.M, under clear skies and in the presence of the Olson brothers, my team members, representatives of the press and a smallish group of voyeurs. In all types of assassination except terroristic, drugs can be very effective. Was the CIA implicated in my fathers 1961 suicide attempt? Frank Olson didnt jump out the window (even in physical terms that would have been virtually impossible), and he certainly didnt fall out. But if nobody saw nuthin, somebody did hear something. This was supposedly to spare his family from seeing how badly mutilated his face and body were from crashing through a plate glass window and falling ten stories to the concrete below. Ha! According to Lashbrook, Olson was cheerful and appeared to enjoy the entertainment. He appeared no longer particularly depressed, and almost the Dr. Olson I knew prior to the experiment.. His sister Lisa had died too, together with her husband and their 2-year-old son. The war raged in Korea. Web analytics show. However, I now had another conflicting view of the last moments in the life of Frank Olson. Unlike many in the Company, he is no dedicated brwon-noser. Not even the presentation of my teams scientific and investigative findings at the National Press Club on November 28, 1994, closed the door to the emergence of new eye-opening details. My father was a friend of his.. As we were discussing the scenario in New York I mentioned the very strange business involving Franks visit to a magician, Dr. Mullholland. Of all the old bioweaponeers, Patrick is the only one who still has ties to U.S. biodefense programs, working as a consultant and trainer. He delivered a prepared statement and admitted to having destroyed perhaps one set of files. As the curtains fluttered on a window next to the front door, Gustafeste shut the door and turned his imposing full seventy year old frame toward me. His report was most abbreviated since the death had been no posted, (reported out based only on an external examination of Olsons dead body). The great historical irony, Eric said, being that the CIA brought LSD to America thereby bringing a kind of enlightenment, thereby opening up a new level of political consciousness, thereby sowing the seeds of its own undoing because it created an enlightened public. It made great copy, and youll find that this theme is the motif of a lot of books.. From 1949 to 1969, at the jittery height of the Cold War, the division tested the nations vulnerability to covert germ warfare and devised weapons for secret biological attacks if the United States chose to mount them. Eric had decided for the purposes of clarity to tell the story primarily through the narrative of his weekend with Norman Cournoyer. Thats too bad, Abramson reportedly answered. In fact, as we have seen, Murray was indeed a Cold War warriornot, perhaps, as prominent a player as some, but a player nonetheless. (Like me!) It was true that Mulhollands health was not good. The mystery of the death cant be solved until that body is reinserted into the sprawling network of crime, corruption, and power that motivated the murder. He still smoked constantly. I just dont give interviews on that subject, said Andrew M. Cowan Jr., 74, the divisions last chief, who is retired and living near Seattle. These files presumably routine records from the TSSs Budget and Fiscal Section had been sent to the CIAs Retired Records Center outside of Washington in 1970. Those were strong indicia that a thorough autopsy could potentially accomplish something more than previously-contingent on the condition of Olsons remains. With the discovery in the 1950's that the North Koreans were brainwashing American prisoners, the Special Operations Division at Detrick became the center for the development of drugs for use in brainwashing and interrogation. They had started with the active ingredient in marijuana and moved on to more dangerous drugs, like LSD once the program directors decided that informed subjects could not give authentic results, agents had administered LSD in large doses to unsuspecting soldiers at the Edgewood Arsenal and to unconsenting civilians in hospitals. He decided to investigate on his own. 344-348), So I went on to TSS with Allen [Dulles] blessing and Hughs strong arm around my waist. Plotting a covert germ assault is easier if the rooms cubic footage and ventilation system are known, he says. He calls it the most sensitive program we ever created at Detrick, and says its details should still be kept secret because they might be useful to terrorists and embarrassing to the United States.. He said that the intelligence information released by the Eisenhower Library had been declassified at the request of the subcommittee, and that it showed that the Eisenhower Administration was trying to do what it could to get the prisoners back short of war. (Backyard press conference, poster 3). To be reliable, it should deliver at least 5 rounds into the subjects chest, though the .45 caliber U.S. weaponshave a much larger margin of killing efficiency than the 9 mm European arms. DESIRE AND DENIAL Former SS member Franz Gajdosch was hired just after the war by the Americans to tend the bar in the officers mess at Camp King. In addition, we learned that the nature and thickness of the window glass, although altered at the time of our on-scene investigations, was identical to that of a window in an upstairs unit at the hotel. Past Addresses: Homes, Rental Properties, businesses, apartments, condos and/or other real estate associated with Todd Jaspers in Lakewood, CO. 5185 County 9 Blvd. In this memo Cheney refers to concerns about: the possibility that it might become necessary to disclose highly classified national security information in connection with any court suit, or legislative hearings on a private bill intended to provide additional compensation to the family. Social historians and political satirists immediately labelled these events a great historical irony, and Eric repeated these words to me through gritted teeth because he doesnt appreciate the fact that his fathers death has become a fragment of an irony. By the late 1950s, the CIA and LSD had become virtually inseparable. I was prepared to dive into the dark depths, but, of course, as soon as I finished training, they wrapped me in cotton. As the numbers of people using LSD multiplied, so did sensationalized accounts of its effects. Trained as a biochemist, he had been employed since 1943 in the Special Operations Division at Fort Detrick, Maryland, was associated with a CIA secret research unit known at the time as MK-ULTRA, and came to Britain frequently between 1950-53 to work at the British Microbiological Research Establishment (MRE) at Porton Down. That too was about to change. Understanding U.S. vulnerability may have been the main purpose of such experiments. Working with a team of 15 forensic experts, Starrs quickly discovered a number of peculiarities in the New York Medical Examiners 1953 report written by then-Assistant Medical Examiner Dr. Dominick DiMaio. The room was simply too small for his father to have gained the speed to take a running plunge through the window. Through a closed window, it was said. The next morning, their nerves frayed, the men decided to adjourn early. But records show that even CIA bosses were stymied as they tried to get the facts on the SO Division. The family home, a ranch house, is in a decayed state of suspended animation -- seemingly the same carpets, same couches, same dusty jar of Vaseline in the bathroom cabinet that were there the night Frank Olson died. Before Jim Channon and General Stubblebine and Colonel Alexander came along, there was Allen Dulles, the first great out-of-the-box thinker in US intelligence. MK-ULTRA? Care is required to insure that no wound or condition not attributable to the fall is discernible after death. Traveling with human skeletal remains in tow always leaves me, as Albert Camus said on another subject, strangely aching. I cannot leave the skull out of sight but at the same time I cannot treat it in away to generate suspicions. Even within the parameters of the CIAs own story this could not have been true. 21.46 He helped found Harvards Social Relations Department, which had been generously funded by covert intelligence agencies. TheWashington Posts coverage of the Rockefeller Report noted that in the early 1950s an unnamed civilian employee of the Department of the Army had leaped to his death from a New York hotel window after the CIA had given him LSD without his knowledge. Personal relationships faltered. The standoff between these two world powers meant that survival was seen as the end that justified all means, including the development of biological weapons and mental manipulation. Will he, now in his 80s, pay last respects to his old friend Frank Olson? And they both hung up. Olson was told that he had swallowed LSD about 20 minutes after drinking some Cointreau. These cunts all thought I was a racketeer, Feldman explained. This story of my fathers death as it was experienced by insiders was brought up to date for me in 2001 when one of my fathers closest Detrick colleagues and friends told me what he knew about the events that preceded my fathers death. His recollection is supported by another veteran of the anthrax program, 84-year-old James R.E. Mental health professionals recognize that in certain persons suffering from mental distress the ingestion of LSD can have consequences that are reflected in altered personality traits and behavior. As Feldman elaborated in a 2002 documentary about Olson aired on German television: The source that I have was the New York City Police Department, the Bureau of Narcotics agents and the CIA agents themselves. Friday evening he came home and spent the weekend in this house with my mother, my brother and sister and me and during much of the weekend they sat on the sofa which was just over here. I spent most of the80s in prison for smuggling marijuana. At the time of his death, in fact, Olson had been a full-fledged CIA employee, and a CIA officer.. Rather, like so many nervous liberals of his generation, Murray was both hawk and dove. The receipt indicated Advance for Travel to Chicago.[50]. A habitual stutterer, Gottlieb exhibited the same zeal for self-improvement and personal reinvention in every other aspect of his life. Allen Dulles, the man who approved MKULTRA, died three decades earlier. It downplayed the connection between TSS and Olsons death and minimized any link to LSD. A request for a re-review of these files is still pending. Whos there? came a gruff and uninviting male voice. Five of the attendees were SOD men from Camp Detrick, including Olson and his boss Ruwet. Nicky leave a suicide note? Since 1943, he had been part of a team of scientists who were immersed in a top-secret program aimed toward developing lethal biological and chemical weapons for Americas defense during the Cold War, a subject considered to be a matter of utmost secrecy for the protection of national security. One section would give modified, or different, tricks and techniques of performance so that the tricks could be performed by women. (distorted voice, like a radio newscast). There are certain things that I dont want to talk about.. In the Agencys terminology, the ideal tactic is to intercept a question before it has a chance to be stated, thereby shutting off curiosity before a direction of thought can be formulated, articulated, and acquire momentum. Without justice, there is no accountability, and without accountability there is no healing, no resolution. In addition, he had an address for a house on Bedford Street that was used for Operation Midnight Climax. I stopped at a restaurant a half mile or so from the bridge, and asked where I would find the Bailey Cabin. Nobody knew. They spoke for several minutes, and Olson told his wife that he was looking forward to seeing her and the kids the next day. After studying your remarkable book more carefully it occurs to me to ask you about one of the most mysterious details in the documents I received from William Colby in 1975. Officially, the MK-ULTRA program ran from 1953 to 1964, at which time it was renamed MK-SEARCH and continued until 1973. All hands agreed that () among the returning POWs It cites independent writer and investigator Hank Albarelli: I think there was an experiment of some sort at Deep Creek Lodge. There was a local journalist asking Eric, as the coffin was hauled noisily into the back of a truck, Are you having second thoughts about this, Eric?. THE NUCLEAR stand-off of the Cold War had sent both sides back to their drawing boards. At Camp King, they were notorious, the rough boys anything somebody didnt want to reveal, they would try to get it out of them.. [4]The ULTRA hearkened back to the most closely guarded American-British secret of the Second World War: the breaking of Germanys military codes. 00.50 Voice of Eric Olson It must have been decided that the story would be that Lashbrook saw nothing, that he was awakened by the sound of crashing glass, and that by the time he opened his eyes Olson was gone. Dr. Jack (James) Frost, a West Virginia Medical Examiner, agreed to perform the autopsy at the Hagerstown (Md) Community College, arranged through the contacts made by Jeff Kercheval, a criminalist with the Hagerstown police lab, who served on the team. Thomas says that Olson confessed to Sargant that he had witnessed something terrible, possibly ''a terminal experiment'' on one or more of the expendables. At the funeral in 1953, the coffin was shut because the family had been told that the body was broken up and that there were extensive cuts and lacerations to the face caused by the fall through the glass. In all safe cases where the assassin may be subject to search, either before or after the act, specialized weapons should not be used. Just hours after the arrangement was made to take Frank to Chestnut Lodge the following day he had a phone call with my mother in which he said he would be home that same following day. A medical examiner will try to determine the direction of impact, the type of object that caused it, and how often contact was made. In comparison with the other guys from the CIA, he has an open face. The CIA allergist talked to Olson for about an hour, then gave him permission to spend Thanksgiving with his family. in 1975 and had brought Frank Olsons LSD dosing to public attention. This impression is strengthened by information we now have that proves that the purpose of Presidential apology our family received in 1975 was to deflect our intention to sue, which might have led to our discovering the true nature of my fathers job. The Olsons were invited to the White House so President Ford could personally apologise to them He was very, very sorry, said Eric and the photographs from that day show the family beaming and entranced inside the Oval Office. Gaps in information and possible indicate a need for special equipment which must be or. Can be very effective information and possible indicate a need for special equipment which must be procured constructed... About that noble phrase `` the truth shall make you free. co-opted nearly an generation. How many army scientists were jumping out of sight but at the Statler Hotel ( by that,! Part of this experiment, Olson unwittingly received some 70 micrograms of the CIAs own story could! 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