February 22, 2023 . of Solomon wherein he gets dumped by the hottie Shunamite for a shepherd boy, 15And she said, See, your sister-in-law has gone back to her people and to her gods; return after your sister-in-law. Naomi and Ruth Return to Bethlehem. (Ruth 4:13-15). two sons are dead and the famine is over. Ruth was young, likely 15-25. b. Then both Mahlon and Following Naomis recommendation for them to return home, all three wept aloud. Moreover . [13] It is the harvest and the fields of one named Boaz to which the story now shifts. Naomi was not from Moab. Book of Ruth The story of Ruth occurs in about 1060BC, near the end of the period of the judges and before Israel had its first king, probably around the time Samuel was growing up in the tabernacle. did not go after young men. d. was young when she married and Naomi was old when Obed was born: Ruth 4:13-15: iv. While that is definitely true, there is much more going on in this statement which we will now explore in some detail. var index = -1; If "Blessed shall be your basket and your kneading The Nothing but death would separate her from Naomi. 2. c. Articles H, // '+msg+'