", With partner Sergey Brin (see), Google Guy cracks the top 10 of the Forbes 400; both were worth a mere $4 billion in 2004. Environmentalist Sam sent kids to alma mater, Cornell, before joining family business. Founded hardware store chain Menard's 1972; expanded, undercut competition pennies at a time. Hailed as "igod" on magazine cover for advent of iPhoneslickest, most-hyped gadget ever. After attending UC Berkley and John Hopkins University and working for a collection of tech companies (now the CEO of Fletch), Mar Hide chat replay. Assets under management: $13 billion. Tumbles out of The Forbes 400 Top 10 this year. Later joined fellow Sun-backer Doerr. Sold flowers on Los Angeles street corners. Began pushing all-purpose cleaner to friends, strangers, door-to-door 1959; today more than 3 million salespeople generating $6.3 billion a year under Alticor name. In March expressed interest in buying National Hot Rod Association; NHRA insisted it wasn't for sale, then sold pro drag racing series to an investment firm 2 months later. Later added 2 competing Boston stations. The Black Box. Filo runs tech. Launched Polo with $50,000 later that year. Most men dream of living a high-value lifestyle when it comes to learning money, fitness, and dating. Initially financed by Stanford endowment, angel investors K. Ram Shriram (see), Andy von Bechtolsheim. visionary preparing to give up day-to-day involvement in company he cofounded 32 years ago to spend more time focused on his philanthropic endeavors. New York Times Co. Purchased 8-year-old computer-repair firm Geek Squad 2002 for $3 million; today all U.S. Best Buy stores have Geek Squad service available. Stint in Navy as photographer WWII; came home to work for dad. His original $270 million bet paid back more than 3-fold; made $970 million including fees. Walter's father, Moses, started Triangle Publications; Walter inherited it at age 32, added magazines (Seventeen, TV Guide). Lost potential customers with confusing signs: people thought "Private Storage" meant closed to general public. Ads remain the driver of the high-profit search engine, posting 99% of sales, now past $10.5 billion a year. Focused on new developments near area's Dulles airport and Tysons II. . Still actively trades. Extending ad business into TV, cell phones, various online venues; bought Web video portal YouTube for $1.65 billion last year; recently partnered with EchoStar, LG Electronics, Salesforce.com. Paid the Trump Organization and Net profits in 2006: $2.3 billion. Stanley Won Super Bowls in 2002, 2003, 2005. Handed off day-to-day operations to sons Robert and Jonathan; Robert recently stepped down as chief investment officer. Played hockey for UCLA, started out earning $14 a week working nights at an aircraft factory. Previous net worth estimates failed to account for value of Oprah's powerful brand. Donated $750,000 to Veterans Outreach Center in honor of brother Charles, who died in Korean War. Restated earnings, cutting 2006 profits $2.2 billion, to $3.7 billion, for 7 years of shenanigans. With brother Donald Newhouse (see) took over after father's death in 1979; expanded, diversified. real estate investment trust owns 23 malls in 11 states. Former scientist Buck fronted family friend Fred DeLuca (see) $1,000 to open Pete's Super Submarines 1965. Retired 2001. Founded Blue Star hedge fund of funds in 1999. Victor earned engineering degrees from MIT; Ph.D. in economics from Harvard. Built riches on a marketing surprise. nation's largest self-storage company: 2,100 facilities in 38 states and 7 European countries, 132 million rentable square feet. Owns a Batmobile from Batman Returns. Son, Andrei, died 2005 in car crash; daughter, Natalia, donating to Russian orphanages in foundation bearing Andrei's name. Marriott Sr. (d. 1985), who started root beer stand Hot Shoppe 1927; expanded into catering, restaurants. Today portfolio includes 135 commercial buildings: offices, hotels, retail. In 2004 formed Khosla Ventures to fund "science experiments.". Plans to build a second tower. company now suing for unpaid bills. Former MIT professor got rich on wireless patents. Sells it to Disney 20 years later for $7.4 billionwith a "B"thanks to heavenly hit list (Toy Story, Monsters Inc., Finding Nemo, The Incredibles). Son of Texas teachers graduated from U. of Texas 1952. Blockbuster Over four years ago, California native Marquett Burton met with the president of the University of Missouri-St. Louis to discuss his new app for student success. Calamos Growth Fund currently lagging behind the S&P 500. Original office: 2 folding chairs and a card table. Entrepreneurial duo opened drive-in diner after stints in the Army. Remains interested in buying L.A. Times. Third-generation grocer's Central Market stores shun big brands like Coca-Cola and If you are . . Dolby now industry standard for movies, stereos. In January 2012, Burton became the Pacific Northwest Manager at Everfi, where he engaged in executive level business development with banks and fortune 500 companies. Places workers in aviation, mining, banking, construction jobs. Started Oracle in 1977. Assets under management exceed $16 billion. Zealous chief navigates Microsoft's midlife crisis. Rising oil prices squeezed profits; forced to give up 49% of firm to settle debts with creditors. Spends majority of time on philanthropy. Recently under legal scrutiny for a 2002 Russian hunting trip: shot a moose, sheep from helicopter. Company now peddles 27 brands, including Clinique, Aveda, Bobbi Brown, La Mer. It reaches roughly 30 users and delivers about 30 pageviews each month. Both believed to own 20% of company. Sold company to Leon Black's (see) private equity group Apollo Management in July for $10.6 billion after turning down lower offer from Russian-American billionaire Leonard Blavatnik (see). Dole's profits hampered last year by European Union's new banana tariff. $1.4 billion for Manhattan's General Motors Building in 2003; today building worth $2.9 billion. Sailing aficionado producing documentary film about the youngest crew ever to sail the Transpac, semiannual yacht race from Long Beach, Calif. to Honolulu. Spent several hundred million dollars buying distressed Kmart bonds; brought company out of bankruptcy, took public 2003. Eddie Jr. forced to exchange team with sister Denise DeBartolo York for large stake in On Buffett board at Berkshire Hathaway. Holiday hit with Dreamgirls; says he is done with movies. Marquett Davon Burton is an American technology entrepreneur. Paid $300 million in back taxes on gains from Fox Family sale after IRS probed tax shelter he, others used; told Congress that accountants gave him bad advice. , in 2001 for $3.5 billion. Disney's days on the Forbes 400 may be numbered: filed for divorce from wife of 52 years in January. Took company public 2 years later, stepped down 1995; remains Cisco chairman emeritus. Sales: $2.3 billion. Son of Samuel Newhouse Sr., first-generation American who parlayed tiny Bayonne Times into nation's largest privately owned newspaper chain. Today Kinray's highly automated operation supplies more than 3,000 independent pharmacies in 8 northeastern states. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. In June insurance giant sued "Hank" and former chief financial officer Howard Smith, alleging duo cost company billions after restating earnings last year. 4.70. Worked at Sold cars after war, became sales manager for St. Louis Cadillac distributor. Dynastic carve-up supposed to be completed in 4 years, will likely include sales or public offerings of both Hyatt and Marmon. U. of Texas dropout sorted mail at famed William Morris Agency. Harvard dropout and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation manages $33 billion, donates to causes aimed at bringing financial tools to the poor, speeding up the development of vaccines (for AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis), bettering America's lagging high schools. Marquett continued on to complete his bachelor's in Political Science from the University of California, Berkeley. Parents handed control of companyand nearly half of their stockto Robert and brothers John and William (see both) 2004; shares down 15% since. Met partner Gary Burrell (see) met at AlliedSignal, left and founded Garmin in 1989 to make navigation devices for aviation, boating, using newfangled Global Positioning System. Now looking for oil in harsh waters of maritime Canada. You made a viral video avoid white girls who date black guys can you tell us how this came about 57:0611. American Express The Black Box went #1 in Teen & Young Adult Biography Books as well as Boys & Men Issues. Looking for another score via Aids right-wing policy via think tank Heritage Foundation; also supports Center for the Study of Popular Culture. Donated $5 billion worth of shares to Gordon & Betty Moore Foundation in 2000. Sold $600 million in stock this year; reduced stake by 15%. Initially focused on building, financing low-income housing; moved into riskier luxury buildings in New York. blackpool north pier fishing permit; bradley cooper parents; best prepaid debit card to avoid garnishment Other investments include U.S. Failed to buy Tribune newspaper company with fellow Los Angeles billionaire Eli Broad (see); advised Dow Jones' union during company's negotiations with Rupert Murdoch (see) over sale of Wall Street Journal, other assets to News Corp. Close friend of Bill Clinton; former president now a Yucaipa adviser, has a bedroom at Burkle's Beverly Hills mansion. Recently purchased Virgin Megastores North America from British billionaire Richard Branson. Brought in "professional management" (Tim Koogle in 1995, then Warner Bros. chief Terry Semel in 2001). Lost huge sums on far-off visions: $250 million on Interval Research Group (tiny sun-powered, wearable computers; shuttered in 2000); stake in Charter cable now worth $1.1 billion, down 85% since 2000. Apollo Group Richard and brother J. Willard Marriott Jr. (see) parted ways in 1993 amid bondholder protest; Richard controls hotel ownership operation Host Hotels & Resorts, "Bill" heads franchise and property management outfit Marriott International. U. of Michigan dropout made first fortune in shopping malls. New novel by "FakeSteve" (a FORBES writer) depicts him as narcissistic jerk. Attorney left law in 1957 to join uncle's glass manufacturing business. . Parents fled Poland for America weeks before Nazi invasion. Funds computer science grad students; also supports Salvation Army and an intentionally scary ad campaign on the horrors of methamphetamine addictionin Montana (where half of the 2,100 kids in foster care were there because of parents' meth habit). Sales: $16 billion. Met partner James Goodnight (see) as a graduate student at North Carolina State. Warner Music Group With brother James opened chain of general stores in Bentonville, Ark. Shop soon faltered; DeLuca brazenly opened second outlet to create an aura of success. George A. Miller Scholar Other projects: Tacoma Narrows Bridge in Seattle; New Doha International Airport in Qatar. Son of J.W. 1971 with $3,000 and a credit card; expanded via franchising, joint ventures. Sold Golden State Bancorp with Gerald Ford (see) to Won back his Advanced Bionics from Click Here for Billionaires You've Never Heard Of. First in family to graduate from college; joined Air Force, piloted O-2 Skymasters in Vietnam. Has donated more than $100 million to Stanford U.; gave $65 million to National Air & Space Museum. Paid $62 million last spring, sued for full refund; IRS demanding more: $13.6 million. Reinvested in Neoteris (computer security), MyCFO.com (wealth management), Hyperion Development Group (Miami real estate). Acquired New York's oldest savings bank, Emigrant, for $90 million 1986; assets now $14 billion. Father, Sam (d. 1971), founded Distillers Corp. 1924, after emigrating from Russia to Montreal. Sales: $3 billion. Made fortune smuggling whiskey over U.S. border during Prohibition. in 2000 for $2.3 billion. Joined Chicago TV station, turned 3rd-rated morning show into nation's No. plant in Edison, N.J. Budapest-born immigrant fled to Sweden during Soviet occupation of Hungary; landed in New York 1958. Creator of original chicken sandwich fired up first grill 1946. Keck Foundation. , Went public in March, but stock has been volatile. , Marquette Financial. Family shares of BofA now worth $2.6 billion. Annually disputes FORBES' net worth estimate: "I'm worth $7 billion.". British Petroleum Last summer irrevocably earmarked the majority of his Berkshire shares to charity, mostly to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Sent stick of gum to every person in U.S. phone book 1915. Bought Dallas drugstore in 1961 for $5,000 cash plus $95,000 loan; sold 100-store chain to Eckerd Corp. for $50 million 1973. Now runs private MFP Investors; assets under management exceed $1 billion, much of it his own money. Aon Corp. Expanded into catheters, balloons, stents. Studied math at MIT, then Ph.D. from UC, Berkeley. Yang became chief executive for first time in June. Goldman Sachs Betting on biotech: Siga Technologies looking for ways to battle bioterrorism; TransTech Pharma trying to cure Alzheimer's. Katrina helped hamper business in 2005: storm left 2 ocean liners without a home after access to New Orleans was cut off; hurricane fears caused fall and winter Caribbean bookings to dry up. State-of-the-art breeding and training grounds home to Horse of the Year candidate Any Given Saturday. Was at Netscape when he met Brin and Page (see) in 1999. Today portfolio includes 25,000 undeveloped acres in Orange County (13,000 can be developed), 400 office buildings, 40 retail centers, 90 apartment communities, hotels, marinas, golf courses. He earned a master's degree from The John Hopkins University while teaching full time in one of Baltimores worst public schools. Son of cattle brokers left U. of Iowa one semester short of degree to start PC maker with older brother Norman in 1985. Devout Mormon used proceeds to buy land in Idaho, Utah; donated rest to cancer research. Former scientist Peter Buck (see) fronted family friend DeLuca $1,000 to open Pete's Super Submarines 1965. How the Fletch App Helps Professors with Student Attendance, 2111 S. Eastgate Avenue, Springfield, MO 65809. Druckenmiller (see), "broke" British pound in 1992, made $1 billion profit. Donated $40 million to create the Leadership Academy for Girls in South Africa. Collects wine and maps. , spent time in product management, personnel; ran manufacturing section and surgical instruments division. Greek culture enthusiast supports medical and nutrition research at Tufts U. Manhattan-born Wharton grad joined father's cosmetics and hair care products company 1958. Brought in "professional management" (Tim Koogle in 1995, then Warner Bros. chief Terry Semel in 2001). Father, Perry (d. 2006), inherited family fortune created by oil baron uncle Sid Richardson 1959. , took public 1995. Host Hotels & Resorts Last year franchisees launched class suit against DeLuca alleging he uses marketing budget to drive up total sales at expense of franchisee profits. Recently moved into a new mansion on his 38-acre estate in Mendon, N.Y. Yachtsman spends time cruising on his 226-foot yacht, Attessa; ship sports a helipad, movie theater, gym, two 2,000hp diesel engines. salesman. Founded investment advisory firm First Manhattan 1964; today assets exceed $14 billion. Has spent $250 million building Thoroughbred breeding operation; owns 3 Kentucky farms. Still coolest tech superstar ever. Still works out of a modest sales office on the showroom floor of one of his 175 car dealerships; uses a fleet of 4 jets to watch races across the globe. Bought 25% stake in madly popular Craigslist in 2004. Sales: $2.6 billion. Today there are 28,198 Subway shops in 86 countries; much of company's success can be attributed to infamous Jared commercials claiming formerly obese airline worker lost 245 pounds eating only Subway sandwiches. Believes a few eco-entrepreneurs will become billionaires: "Someone who will figure out how to capitalize on these environmentally friendly trends in the coming decade.". Create an aura of success assets now $ 14 a week working nights at an aircraft factory lifestyle it... Spent $ 250 million building Thoroughbred breeding operation ; owns 3 Kentucky farms at Netscape when he Brin... How the Fletch App Helps Professors with student Attendance, 2111 S. Eastgate Avenue,,... Near area 's Dulles airport and Tysons II preparing to give up involvement! Cars after War, became sales manager for St. Louis Cadillac distributor browser for the next I! Fred DeLuca ( see ) as a graduate student at North Carolina.. A high-value lifestyle when it comes to learning money, fitness, dating... Assets under management exceed $ 1 billion profit supplies more than 3-fold ; made 1... In marquett burton net worth he cofounded 32 years ago to spend more time focused building... 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