God has presumably chosen certain spirits in advance and has nothing directly to do with love for them specifically but rather love for the human race that is answered by providing certain talents at certain places and times. I cant even wrap my head how he spun the unvaccinated into the covenant if death. by FreedomJess August 19th, 2021, 11:10 pm, Post We have information on 910-692-9945, including Michael B Rush's name, address, and background checks with criminal records. Visions of Glory: One Man's Astonishing Account of the Last Days [John Pontius] on Amazon.com. [A]t this point in time, in the day of the gathering of Israel, there has never been a more appropriate time for us to obtain the power and knowledge, wisdom and understanding from the Book of Mormon through revelation and angelic ministry than right now. [I have seen no evidence that Mike Stroud has done this he has bent over backwards to indicate his public support of church leaders, both general and local.] Without the illusion of separation, those whove had greater knowledge and gifts bestowed would not little need to hide them. Its only when a person overtly undermines the stewardship of The Church and the proper pattern of authority, that it seems people actually run into trouble. But we laugh at those ideas today. Never heard of him, I'm not really one to listen to LDS commentators. This principle is explained here: Alma 12:9 And now Alma began to expound these things unto him, saying: It is given unto many to know the mysteries of God; nevertheless they are laid under a strict command that they shall not impart only according to the portion of his word which he doth grant unto the children of men, according to the heed and diligence which they give unto him. Interestingly, I just found out that Julie Rowe, another podcaster and author, was excommunicated in April. And yet the excommunications continue. William Tompkins - Apollo Program - Interactions with Human ETs, Military Personel Address National Press Club Regarding UFO's Interacting With Our Nuclear Weapons, Robert O. .. Michael B. Jordan is coming for the Russians.The trailer for Amazon's "Without Remorse" has dropped and it features Jordan as a top-secret agent bent on revenge after a Russian assassination squad kills his family.The "Black Panther" star plays Sr. Chief John Kelly in the Amazon Prime film based on 00. The job of church leaders is to try to lead the Church by the Spirit. Bagley, Will. More to the point, though, its not at all clear to me that certain moderate/liberal/progressive changes should be made. But I agree with you general point that if we want to establish Zion we need to shrug off the standard mortal way of looking at things. Also I have pondered a lot on the fact that Lehi was not a prophet in his day but a regular man that spent some time pondering the teachings of prophets and had a vision and shared that vision. Yea, keep His law with all thy might Mike Stroud Brother Skys comments are not without a sound of legitimacy, however, perhaps a couple more points might add to the discussion. Guys if this religion can not connect us in this life with the divine. Strouds initial run of podcasts began in February 2016 and ended in November 2017. Caring implies action; love is just a feeling. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. And it the eyes of some, they may very well have pulled it off. Instead of counseling God as to why someone else is blessed, theyd only ask what the next step is on their own path to perfection and if the blessings that God has given others might be off assistance to them. I had many questions and nobody to ask. I've never seen or heard of any of the Revelation/interpretation as he has stated from the Church or our Prophets. Praying Mike and Margie make it through this struggle much stronger. Excommunication. I am thankful for these choice lessons from an excellent teacher, and I mourn with Bro. However, this is not the case at all. Yet I have to sit quiet. Nevertheless, by suggesting that these men have these experiences because they are prophets of God confirms an hierarchythese men are specialeven, by extension, I love them more. How can we discuss or share experiences if we are afraid that we will be labeled as extreme or potentially get excommunicated for seeking after what Joseph Smith taught we should all be seeking after and that is our second comforter experience. I dont know but apparently some confusion and many paths to many trees of life. Its cool, Scoot. Any dominion I personally might exercise is a dominion of service as illustrated by Christs ministry and so eloquently by the washing of the feet. Talk to his neighbors and ward members as I have and you will see how badly you misjudge somebody who is only crime is taking the scriptures seriously and encouraging others to do the same. I also have a husband that is very nervous that I listen to podcasts by people who are on the extreme edge. They will range over the earth, visit distant friends, and, for aught we know, the planets, and accomplish great feats; do that which will enhance our happiness, increase to us every enjoyment of life, and prepare us for celestial glory; but when we wake in the morning, it is all gone from us; we have forgotten it.. Fear is the opposite of faith. There it is dude, black and white, my permission to explore the mysteries of God. Even though many people have heard Gods voice, received instruction from God or various angels, they are usually instructed either by scripture or by inspiration to not publish such revelations. Both are tools to measure the truth of something. But this doesnt seem to matter to the author. Didnt Nephi say something about applying the scriptures? Michael B. Jordan stars in the movie based on Clancy's novel. Our experience and study in the gospel is always personal and you are viewed and deemed a heretic if you even mentioned in public a vision, revelation or something that we absolutely preach that is possible and all of our pioneer ancestors received experienced. If this lady really had a Second Comforter experience, why does she have to confirm it through Mike Stroud? I myself would never say someone did or did not have these experiences. Hierarchy is a perception of of the fallen state We perceive that it exists because of our natural eyes. Clay Critter Dc, Mike Stroud: | Jan 1, 2002. The more youre loved, the more youre hated. Many people seek dominion and amen to the priesthood of those men. This website is designed to be a secure portal for interested parties to learn more about Michael's research, as well as providing more advantageous purchasing options for his books and audio books. Many near death experiences when put into a book get embellished but I have no doubt he had some sort of experience to be able to express what he did. It seems if we are going to seek out heavenly mysteries and secrets of the universe, we may need to exercise more caution along the way. scootd28 asks If were not supposed to strive for these things, then what are the stories for?. So what did Brother Stroud teach? I think youre right that the contact is more common but we have to not be afraid of it. $875,000 7701 Atlantic Ave #1d, Riesenfeld Ernest Asen Dennis P; 12/24/20. This is a podcast for those that are wanting to understanding the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, and the restoration of the House of Israel. I do write down what Im told what I learn, often in a blog post of my own. Alfred Knopf, 1951. With the Come Follow Me program we are asked to have discussions instead of lessons. I have served on the HC in multiple stakes HC , Temple worker in multiple temples HP group leader and my real claim to fame SM twice totaling 6 years, released when I turn 70 and presently teach an Institute class. The government has made a pact with the devil to escape the pandemic because they have created their own vaccine and have lied to themselves and everyone else that it is safe and effective. 85, no.2 , The JV Club #29: nerdist.com/the-jv-club-29-cara-santa-maria/, Mahonri Young: His Life and Art; Thomas Toone, Signature Books, 1997, Learmouth, Michael (September 16, 1999). How are we doing? In June, she elaborated on the process of President Nelson writing impressions down on a yellow note pad and how she has been prompted at times to leave the room. Dont be afraid of being deceived. Michael and Amy began their career in the San Francisco Bay Area working for Ernst & Young, and started raising their family of six children. University of Utah Press, 2018. In his initial announcement, he stated that the Lord wanted the podcasts translated into Spanish. That is what made Mike Stroud one of the most dangerous False teachers in the church. And unrighteous dominion thrives. If people knew how to get their own Personal Revelation they wouldnt need a charismatic teacher like Stroud who claimed doctrinal superiority to tell them how to understand the Book of Mormon. It was an experience he had a seminary teacher. 64-73, National Audubon Society, as reproduced on the Morris K. Udall website section -- MS 325 -- of the University of Arizona Library Manuscript Collection, retrieved July 23, 2018. Here we know essentially nothing about whatever Google.docs article/letter you refer to. Brother Sky, I agree its a very fine line. For discussing the Church, Gospel of Jesus Christ, Mormonism, etc. MICHAEL B FITZGERALD. It was a well attended meeting and there was a good spirit there. False prophets, false Christs and false teachers would arise and deceive manyif it were possible, even the very elect. But Stroud uses the Book of mormon itself to promote his new meanings and speculative and new definitions of basic gospel teachings. How many times over the last 25 years did I cringe when someone would quote Mormon Doctrine as fact instead of opinion. But I knew the couples and knew there were strains and rifts and issues long before Pres. Many forums consider them to be problem members and some have removed them altogether. That by itself, of course, wouldnt make such an instruction appropriate, but it would authorize an excommunication for Mormon-speak apostacy. Conflicting values is nothing new. With Rodger Corser, Callan Mulvey, Nicole da Silva, Ashley Zukerman. Copyright LastDaysTimeline.comAll Rights Reserved. I have found much goodness and that which is lovely and of good report and praiseworthy in this mans podcasts. Some disliked her quite a bit. This journey led to a very odd place.the old apocrypha. As you kneel down in prayer before reading the book, ask the Lord to send these men and these women to you to teach, instruct, give greater understanding, and even visions and manifestations to you (Podcast 023: 1 Nephi 22, abt 4:14) Ive seen one critic use the word conjuring to describe what Brother Stroud recommended. (Discovery Channel) 25 Feb 2021. He mentioned a shift in tone and messaging from church leaders since Russell M. Nelson became president of the Church. He is the Author of The "Last Days" Timeline and website. View and manage who you follow on Amazon. A stay-at-home mom to three, she enjoys family history research and talking religion. This situation is not unique and at the end of the story, Bryson shared with us is a universal constant of the fallen world we live in. Again not my story to tell. The doc posted is not just showing why they think Mike is wrong but also trying showing the rest of us how the gospel is properly taught. . DEHLIN, JOHN. I agree that the grounds are at least sometimes inadequately communicated even to the person subject to church discipline.. Astral projection is basically when someones spirit consciously leaves their body and then returns. I have enjoyed Mike Strouds podcast immensely. Further, I have never heard him claim anything destructive to the soul, the church, or its leaders. The whole thing is very good, but if you're in a hurry scroll over to 22 minutes. The BYU honor code itself was the result of a conservative change, so changes to restore some of the status quo ante are hardly progressive. Heroically. I am a convert, as a teenager, and against the wishes of my father (an atheist). During 2018, Stroud experienced more intense spiritual experiences and was regularly visited by heavenly beings (Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother, Jesus Christ, and others). And trust and hope wanes., Indeed they do, it does. The Christian Century, Volume 119 Number 7, March 27-April 3, 2002. by Jeff Schogol, Robert B. Horine, et al. This weekend, after the death of Civil Rights icon John Lewis, Rubio tweeted out his condolences alongside a picture of himself with Maryland Rep. Elijah Cummings. Its what we all want. We are all equal. And now it has come to this. by Lemarque August 20th, 2021, 9:40 am, Post Other false teachers like Snuffer wrote their own material. I look forward to the day when were all living in peace and harmony, of one heart and one mind. But because of our fallen state, it can create the illusion that it does. I hope those in Mikes stake high council did not use any of the content in this doc as a basis for their ruling. David Whitmer believed Jesus Christ appeared to him in the form of a deer, for pitys sake! Now, the church excommunicates someone who teaches that these stories are to be applied to us, each of us, equals, loved equally? Thing is, hes right. Rush ultimately got his way. Brien is a super quick force as he lays very hard into Starling before he tags in Patrick who is all about force and power. Disclaimer: Nothing on this site gives specific professional advice. Since this council, Ive seen abundant evidence of the existence of this fallen law. Michael B. Towards the end of the Saviors earthly ministry, His disciples came to Him with several questions concerning the future: Tell us what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world? I find that I agree with him less and less as time goes on, although sifting through his commentary is a good exercise in defining my own better. If you've read any of Michael's books, you know you're in for a treat. Caring and love. This is a feeling of lightness and euphoria, begins in the chest hard area, and slowly expands outward, is subtle yet very noticeable, it almost feels as if youre being drawn upward and out of your body, it radiates outward in a swelling motion and is very desirable. Till thou shalt hear the holy voice Where are the stories of single mothers working desperately to provide food for their children, even to the point of offering their bodies to men of power who exercise unrighteous dominion? including by not limited to: legal, investing, financial, medical, accounting, or any other professional advice. But its clear that many recent changes have been made specifically to strengthen the rising generation, so losing the younger generation has been a big concern. Being able to discern good-weird from bad-weird isnt particularly easy or obvious. For this, I humbly apologize and ask for your forgiveness. Nature and the great outdoors remind us that difficult times pass. In other words, those portions of Gods words or intentions that are public are published in scripture about which new scripture comes into existence the moment a prophet creates it. Mike Stroud: [2:16] The doctrines of the Second Comforter, calling and election made sure, translation, and the calling of the 144,000 are among those specific sacred concepts that should have been spoken with more care and by constraint of the Spirit. There is no indication that translations into other languages will continue. I have not listened to all of his podcasts but I have to many and in my view his opinions are well within the scope of the gospel taught by Joseph and I am deeply troubled that someone could be expelled from the Church of Christ for teaching principals that bring us closer to him. This Podcast is based off the book - A Remnant Shall Return written by Michael Rush. He even said the church is basically responsible for distributing the Book of mormon while Mike and his podcasts were used by God to GATHER THE ELECT. I second the fact that Mike gives exact quotes, uses only scriptures and teachings of Latter-day prophets in his podcasts. A Facebook page was put up in December called Mike Stroud Podcast Exposed, modeled after another Exposed page. Let me explain what Mike Stroud is really teaching: He is teaching a practice called astral Projection though he never uses that word. I would not normally say this but least someone think of me as an apostate I have served as a member of multiple bishopricsfor 12 years ,8 as bishop. by ransomme August 20th, 2021, 11:58 am, Post The examples you cite are things that happened to prophets which in nearly all cases not only did they not strive for those experiences they would like to have avoided them. My first observation of their character is that despite their supposedly being such strong adherents to official church doctrine, they dont feel like any other rules apply to them. He thought his own wisdom was worth more than his membership in the Lords true church. And then its an ability theyd likely be keeping to themselves. Actor Michael B. Jordan takes over as Alexa by Amazon in this Super Bowl LV commercial. While the church doesn't regularly provide information about excommunication or resignation, those listed here have made such information public. This of course presumes one can discern good fruit from bad. by ransomme August 20th, 2021, 3:57 am, Post Since then there have been tens of thousands of articles, blogs, posts, and books that have been written based upon Michaels original work.In addition to A Remnant Shall Return, Michael has written two other ground breaking books Daniel 11 and Revelation The Vision of John the Divine. Sample Page; ; A Remnant Shall Return - 2020 Edition: A Study of the Restoration of the House of Israel (Understanding the Last Days Series Book 1), 1996-2023, Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. John 4:18 teaches that perfect love casteth out fear. That suggested the possibility that he knew what the grounds were and might have told you. Symphony Health Acquisition, i am pretty sure 3 is not likely. While joy and cheer attend thy choice, A member in Cardston observed, She testified of how real and true the concept of modern revelation from the Lord to His prophet really is.. Michael also answers to Michael B Rush, Michael Brando Rush and Michael Brandon Rush, and perhaps a couple of other names. After bearing a heartfelt testimony of the Book of Mormon, Joseph Smith, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, President Russell M. Nelson, and deity, Brother Stroud announced hed been excommunicated for apostasy. Im not sure how anything King Follett fits in one way or the other. (I wasnt aware hed started podcasting again until after his excommunication, so there was a lot to catch up on.) I quite like Michael Rush. 2 Ne 9:28 God gave unto Zion (his church) a weapon against this, personal revelation through the Gift of the Holy Ghost. Oh that plan of the evil one, Oh the vainness and the frailties and foolishness of men! And I honestly believe anything any of us say can and will be heard 1) in a way(s) we never meant at all, and 2) heard by people who have personal issues that could make use of our words in negative and/or destructive ways. This does not increase the price you'll pay for that item nor does it decrease the awesomeness of the item. Nor is it any different from what i have heard lots of G As teach over the last 60 years. Why is she not seeking the confirmation of the Holy Ghost? And because Mikes accusers used it so much, it puts into question where the source of their inspiration comes from. Repeatedly act in clear, open, and deliberate public opposition to the Church or its leaders. Pretty soon after that he taught his wife how to have visitations. I think his cognitive dissonance is almost to a breaking point. According to the Church, When someone obtains the Second Comforter, Jesus Christ will appear to him from time to time, will reveal the Father, and will teach him face to face (D&C 130:3). For Stroud, the Book of Mormon brings people closer to Christ and the heavenly hosts, literally. His original analysis has been studied by students of the scriptures in over 130 countries worldwide, and is included in his first book - A Remnant Shall Return first published in 2015. They frequently inject their personal causes into any discussion whether it applies to the topic or not. by h_p August 19th, 2021, 8:43 pm, Post Stroud most definitely does not set himself up as a leader or prophet of any kind. I have no idea how the author come to this conclusion. I have read through most of it and it wasnt easy. In the process he talked about how the secret combinations had stolen the election from Trump (clearly not something anyone in LDS leadership would say). We cannot develop faith if we have fear. Generally speaking people who advance in true knowledge and understanding, and lets presume Brother Stroud is one such, grow in learning to recognize what I call the fingerprints of God that identify a particular spiritual experience as originating from God. Bless their hearts, they grab onto something they crave or feel drawn to or whatever, and an obsessiveness follows that strains coping skills for the individuals involved, as well as family and friends who try to help them regain balance and moderation. Michael Rush in Michigan 59 people named Michael Rush found in Detroit-Ann Arbor-Flint, Grand Rapids-Muskegon-Holland and 5 other cities. It takes the seeker after a sign to the next level. . If it isnt we might as well stay home on the Sabbath ,and watch the telly and drink beer. Unfortunately, some Church members have viewed groups they considered to be Lamanites with condescension or contempt, (Lamanite Identity, Church History Topic), Mary Ann has blogged at Wheat and Tares since 2015. Of course, I get all those things. Merlin Olsen, NFL star turned TV star [58] Mark Schultz (wrestler), Gold medal winning wrestler. I hoped for the best but unfortunately it was shortly after that meeting when his accusers began to open fire. Mike and Bryce explain why understanding the truth is so vitally important. My own job of church leaders is to try to lead the church, or its leaders based... Stroud uses the Book of Mormon brings people closer to Christ and the heavenly hosts, literally had knowledge. Excommunication or resignation, those listed here have made such information public in his initial announcement, he stated the... 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