U.S. military size for 2016 was 1,348,400.00, a 0.08% increase from 2015. This is compared to a net gain of 3,110 in the 12 months ending 31 December 2020. Figure 14: Applications to the Army split by UK Regular Forces and Volunteer Reserves. NATO, UN); Changes in technology, the introduction of new equipment and restructuring that leads to equipment becoming obsolete or surplus to requirements; The need to deliver against the military tasks as efficiently as possible, maintaining a balanced, affordable defence budget. Applications to the British Army Regular Forces in the 12 months to 30 September 2021 were 85,491, a decrease of 17.7 per cent compared to the 12 months to 30 September 2020 (103,907). Telephone: 030 6793 4531, Email: Analysis-Navy@mod.gov.uk Telephone: 030 6793 4531, Email: Analysis-Navy@mod.gov.uk This affects some Tri-Service totals. These figures are not comparable with the figures up until 12 months ending 30 September 2017, which define an application as a candidate who has submitted an AF Career Officer Form 4 and sat the Recruit Test, whether this was passed or failed. The United Kingdom Statistics Authority has designated these statistics as National Statistics, in accordance with the Statistics and Registration Service Act 2007 and signifying compliance with the Code of Practice for Official Statistics. Job Title Male, 72.6% Female, 27.4% Militaries By Gender Gender Pay Gap For Military Women Earn 92 For Every $1 Earned By Men Male Income $50,405 Female Income $46,450 Military Gender Over Time The Full-time Trained Strength (FTTS) Royal Navy/Royal Marines and Royal Air Force (RN/RM & RAF) and Full-time Trade Trained Strength (FTTTS) (Army) (which comprises military personnel who have completed both Phase 1 and Phase 2 training) is counted against the Workforce Requirement. So if 100 people apply for a job and you hire 10, your selection ratio is 10:1. This population aligns with the old definition of trained personnel, therefore maintaining the continuity of the statistical time series, and will continue to be counted against the workforce requirement. This Perspective presents conceptual design considerations for implementing a feeder system as an enhanced marketing and outreach program to assist the U.S. Air Force with increasing racial and ethnic diversity in officer accessions. Email: defstrat-stat-health-pq-foi@mod.gov.uk Trained Outflow figures show Phase 2 Trained Outflow from UK Regular Forces, including personnel leaving the Services, deaths and recalled reservists on release. The reserve components essentially hold steady in FY 2020. The Integrated Review and Spending Review will determine if there will be any new targets for Full-time Armed Forces personnel. In the 12 months to 31 March 2021 there was a net intake of 3,960 personnel to the UK Regular Forces. For example; a value of 25 would be rounded down to 20 and a value of 15 would be rounded up to 20. It will take only 2 minutes to fill in. The trained and trade trained strength is higher than at 1 April 2020 by 4.0 per cent and 4.5 per cent respectively. The Service split for this figure can be found in Table 5 below. Full-Time Trained Strength (RN/RM & RAF) and Full-Time Trade Trained Strength (Army) includes all UK Regular personnel, Gurkhas and the relevant elements of the Full-Time Reserve Service (FTRS) (see glossary for more detail). Recruiting is not helped when 52 percent of parents do not recommend military service to their offspring. In the 12 months to 31 December 2021, the VO rate amongst Other Ranks and Officers was 4.4 per cent and 3.6 per cent respectively. Table 5: UK Regular Forces by Service and Training Status. From the 1 October 2016 edition onwards, Army personnel who have completed Phase 1 training (basic Service training) but not Phase 2 training (trade training), are considered trained personnel. Over the same period, applications to the Volunteer Reserves have increased by 13.2%, from 28,471 in the 12 months to 31 December 2019 to 32,232 in the 12 months to 31 December 2020. Several U.S. Army resources and policies work together to produce recruits. The MOD Disclosure Control and Rounding policy is published on GOV.UK and we have applied this policy to the statistics in the accompanying Excel tables. The MOD held a public consultation on SDSR Resilience: Trained strength definition for the Army and resultant changes to Ministry of Defence Armed Forces personnel statistics, between 11 July and 21 January 2017. It will take only 2 minutes to fill in. The strength of trained Other Ranks has increased by 1.0 per cent and the strength of trade trained Other Ranks has decreased by 0.5 per cent respectively, as can be inferred from Table 4 above. The VO Rate for the RN/RM was 4.3 per cent, for the Army it was 4.5 per cent and for the RAF it was 3.6 per cent. All corrected figures will be identified by the symbol r, and an explanation will be given of the reason for and size of the revision. The Army Trade Trained strength (FTTTS) increased between 1 October 2019 and 1 July 2021 but has seen a decrease between 1 July 2021 and 1 January 2022. In Table 1 and 2a there has been a revision to the number of Navy Serving Regular Reserve ADC personnel as at 1 October 2013 due to an inputting error. Three commonly used recruitment ratios include: Selection ratio. Not achieving the required recruiting test score for the desired branch/trade; Applicants withdraw for their own reasons (e.g. This publication provides information on the number of Military Personnel (defined as the strength), joining (intake) and leaving (outflow) the UK Armed Forces. This affects some Tri-Service totals. the applicant declines an offer to join): NOTE: Application numbers cannot be added together across the Services to show total Armed Forces applications due to differences in definitions. This publication contains information on the strength, intake, outflow and gains to trained strength for the UK Armed Forces overall and each of the Services; Royal Navy/Royal Marines (RN/RM), Army and Royal Air Force (RAF). Therefore, the intake figures for Dec 19 are not comparable with the number of applications received in Dec 19 as the numbers apply to different cohorts of people; This population aligns with the old definition of trained personnel, therefore maintaining the continuity of the statistical time series, and will continue to be counted against the historic workforce requirement. The recent trends in Reserve personnel numbers in this report relate to the targets outlined in the Future Reserves 2020 (FR20) programme. Email: Analysis-Tri-Service@mod.gov.uk Since 1 April 2018, the strength of the trained and trade trained Officers has increased by 2.9 per cent and 3.1 per cent respectively. For example; a value of 25 would be rounded down to 20 and a value of 15 would be rounded up to 20. The total Full-Time Trained Strength (RN/RM & RAF) and Full-Time Trade Trained Strength (Army) has increased between 1 January 2021 and 1 January 2022 by 1.2 per cent (1,620 personnel). A breach of individual harmony guidelines occurs when Service personnel experience separated service for longer than the period outlined in individual harmony guidelines, which are based on the structures and organisation of that Service. Telephone: 01494 496822, Email: Analysis-Tri-Service@mod.gov.uk To help us improve GOV.UK, wed like to know more about your visit today. Separated Service concerns personnel who are serving away from their usual place of duty or are unable to enjoy leisure at their place of duty or residence at place of duty. Table 2: FTTS (RN/RM & RAF) and FTTTS (Army) against Workforce Requirement. The guidelines are measured over a 36 month period and the limits are: Using 1 April 2020 as an example, the formula for the breach rate is as follows: There is a fall in the percentage breaching harmony this quarter for both Army and RAF. In Table 8c there has been a revision to the number of Army Regular Reserve Officers and Other Ranks of which Full Time Reserve Service from 1 April 2012 to 1 January 2013 due to an processing error. When making corrections, we will follow the Ministry of Defence Statistics Revisions and Corrections Policy. Other contact points within the Ministry of Defence for Statistics are listed below. These figures are not comparable with the figures up until 12 months ending 30 September 2017, as the data is drawn from different databases and have differing definitions of an application. RAND researchers examined the potential for recruiting individuals older than 21 and derived actionable recommendations. All UK Regular personnel and all Gurkha personnel (which combined at 1 January 2022 comprised 77.2 per cent of UK Service Personnel); Volunteer Reserve personnel (which at 1 January 2022 comprised 18.6 per cent of UK Service Personnel); Other Personnel including the Serving Regular Reserve, Sponsored Reserve, Military Provost Guard Service, Locally Engaged Personnel and elements of the Full-time Reserve Service (which at 1 January 2022 comprised 4.2 per cent of UK Service Personnel). Figure 5: GTS and Outflow from the UK Trained Regular Forces 12 month ending across the Armed Forces. In this report, the authors discuss the results of the first Total Force Recruiting Panel-Technology and Integration Survey, which was designed to provide baseline data about the state of Total Force Recruiting in the Department of the Air Force. no offer to join the Services given) include: The main causes of application failure (i.e. Outflow from the Trained and Untrained UK Regular Forces was 14,160 in the 12 months to 31 December 2021; up from 12,700 in the 12 months to 31 December 2020. Figures show that nearly 100 per cent of the target for new candidates to start basic training this year has been met, with seven weeks to go until the end of the recruiting period. The age ranges of the services vary most on the enlisted side:. All corrected figures will be identified by the symbol r, and an explanation will be given of the reason for and size of the revision. For example, diversity is important in developing effective, ethical, and trustworthy AI systems. The Trained Strength definition for the Royal Navy, RAF, Maritime Reserve and RAF Reserves has not changed, reflecting the requirement for their personnel to complete Phase 2 training to be able to fulfil the core function of their respective Services. KEY TAKEAWAYS The Army has had difficulty in growing the force even modestly because of recruiting challenges. Following consultation on changes to the Army Trained Strength definition and the removal of the FR20 intake targets, the MOD released Future Reserves 2020 Trained Strength growth profiles in a Written Ministerial Statement on 8 November 2016. Floor 3 Zone M This analysis found that the program's effects were small and not statistically meaningful. In addition, this will be reported in future publications. It excludes those returning to the Phase 2 trained strength from Long Term Absence (LTA). This is mainly driven by a gradual decline in outflow which has decreased by 20.4 per cent since 31 March 2020. The UK Armed Forces could take a more-strategic approach to leveraging diversity to elevate it as a strategic enabler of military fighting power in the contemporary threat environment. The military, which has strict age limits, is younger than the civilian population, but the numbers differ significantly by service. We await the outcome of the Integrated Review and Spending Review to determine if there will be any new targets for Full-time AF personnel which would be included in future publications. A consultation response was published on 7 November 2016. 1 Understanding military personnel statistics 5 2 UK Armed Forces 8 3 UK Regular Forces: inflow and outflow 12 4 UK Regular Forces diversity 14 5 Reservists 18 6 Location of personnel 21 . Designation can be broadly interpreted to mean that the statistics: Once statistics have been designated as National Statistics it is a statutory requirement that the Code of Practice shall continue to be observed. The redundancy programme is now complete. Where we have identified any third party copyright information you will need to obtain permission from the copyright holders concerned. This has decreased compared to the net intake of 3,190 in the 12 months to 31 December 2020. This is an increase of 33.8 per cent from the 12 months to 31 March 2020. They can be utilised on a part-time or full-time basis to provide support to the Regular Forces at home and overseas. Greater attention to these risks may become increasingly important as refugee flows from Afghanistan continue. This weekly recap focuses on U.S.-Russia diplomacy in the context of the Ukraine crisis, the value of citizen science, strengthening the America's blood supply, and more. Workforce Requirement is the number of Service personnel needed, based on the Defence Planning Round, set for each of the three Services. The increase in RAF applications since the introduction of DRS is due to the previous recruitment system having a separate frontend, this was used to assist the initial application processing team in filtering out RAF ineligible applications and non-productive enquiries prior to an official application being recorded. A consultation response was published on 7 November 2016. Attracting qualified recruits and the costs associated with essential skills training make military recruitment an ongoing challenge; low recruitment affects, among other things, enlistee counts, unit readiness, and morale. Telephone: 01264 886021, Email: Analysis-Air@mod.uk Therefore, the Intake figures for Dec 19 are not comparable with the number of applications received in Dec 19 as the numbers apply to different cohorts of people; Applications will not result in Intake if, for example, they are withdrawn by the applicant during the recruitment process, rejected by the Services, or if an offer to join the Services is declined by the applicant. The Untrained Strength reflects the number of personnel who can potentially join the Trained Strength. Military recruiting and retention activities are typically conducted in person, but with COVID-19-related stay-at-home orders and social distancing requirements, the armed services had to quickly adapt their policies and procedures or risk missing their end strength objectives. Telephone: 030 6798 4423, Health Information: Figure 6 shows that the Maritime Reserve Trained Strength was 2,870 as at 1 April 2021. The Commonwealth entry numbers are closely controlled. Military recruiting and retention activities are typically conducted in person, but with COVID-19related stay-at-home orders and social distancing requirements, the armed services had to quickly adapt their policies and procedures or risk missing their end strength objectives. Published by Statista Research Department , Jan 31, 2023 There were 482,416 active duty U.S. Army members in 2021. These applicants will then be withdrawn from the pipeline but the application number will still be counted in the overall volume of applications received. Therefore the figures presented here are not comparable with the figures up until 12 months ending 30 September 2017 presented in previous SPS publications. Her areas of study include labor economics and defense manpower. The figures in this publication include applications to the UK Regular and Volunteer Reserve Forces. Intake into the Trained and Untrained UK Regular Forces was 15,140 in the 12 months to 31 December 2021, compared to 15,890 in the 12 months to 31 December 2020. The changes outlined in the consultation and response have been incorporated into this publication from the 1 October 2016 edition onwards. The Army Reserve total Outflow rate was 15.3 per cent; an increase of 3.3 percentage points since the 12 months to 1 January 2021. This does not affect the Naval Service or the RAF in any way. Table 5: UK Regular Forces by Service and Training Status. Provides military recruitment planners a more comprehensive understanding of how youth build and access their career and educational information networks in high school, as part of their decision-making process. Consultation response was published on 7 November 2016 the Future Reserves 2020 FR20! Rand researchers examined the potential for recruiting individuals older than 21 and derived actionable recommendations these will... 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