offspring, and in turn, to leave the Maori to die out. As far as I know, its unusual for a settler population to denote itself with a term from the indigenous language (haole, Hawaiian for pakeha, would be another). Shipping & Payment Policy | It is often carved into a pendant or necklace which carries special meaning for its wearer. It makes for great marketing eh? Pakeha It should be a part of our history taught to "Tyson is someone with a large presence on the world stage probably more than Maori do themselves. ever own. But it is not, not yet for many. "In the late 1950s and early 1960s, it was Pakeha carvers who brought the carving of pounamu back to an art form. But Im also thinking about all the intangible benefits white New Zealanders get from living in a country with a vigorous, enthusiastic, staunch, distinctive and uncompromising culture flourishing alongside and inside our, lets face it, largely off-the-peg anglo society. And do Maori really insist a stone must be washed and blessed to remove the tapu of its maker? WHAT ABOUT TRADITION? So when is it play-acting and when is it genuine? Made by Cactuslab. When raiding parties came it would be hidden away so that it would not be stolen and significant efforts would be taken to recover any taonga that were stolen. GREENSTONE cutting by Maori workmen was probably the oldest established industry in Otago. 21 Are imported cars worth less? then look at me in the face, and then say or give me a meaningful look to tell mum has recalled before how upset I was without it, on the way to hospital, to where Allow me to set you free. Raureka didnt give the pounamu to Ngi Tahu as a magical, mystical gift. 0. A Pakeha reflects on 30 years work with Maori Communities. by Statistics NZ), self-identify as Pakeha on official forms. very early, to give it to me before he went to work. But she was blasted by native American academics for her disrespectful colonial attitudes and "commodification of spiritual practices". 23 Why does disparate mean? Why? When entered online this code identifies the origin and whakapapa of the stone. into the very core, of me and yet holds its own individual sense More significant says Williams is that Maori co-governance arrangements are being taken increasingly seriously. Te Kapunga Dewes | Ng Pou Tne, the National Mori forestry lobby group Chair - Advertisement - Search. I see your taonga. I think you can but guess which means more to me. Head office supported commercial development, but the West Coast runanga particularly Haast wanted the pounamu kept as traditional property. But once youre out in the big wide world, that very unremarkableness can be disorienting, can feel strangely disabling. " Pounamu is a vessel which can house the Something like: "Kia ora koutou katoa. I am Pakeha. But when Tim and I sat and thought about it, we began to wonder where this idea came from. "Usually there's a continuum from where something is of such cultural significance, that really Maori ought to have strong control over its use in any form. "They have a really good system. It also tells a story of who this person is, their tangata whenua, and We read a lot of books and websites, spoke to kaumatua and other experts in the field and just generally tackled every relevant person we met with these questions. Different shapes carry different specific meanings, which you can learn more about in our blog about carving shapes. means much more than just a gift from somebody now. But the rest of the rabble was simply going through the motions until they made it safely to the jumpy bit at the end. For one thing, theres nothing like being a world away from the landscape of childhood and dreaming of it every other night -- to reveal a deep and, yes, spiritual relationship to the land, even if you dont think of a given mountain as your actual ancestor. understanding of the true tangata whenua and whakapapa of this land we reside Why do Kiwis wear greenstone? Contact us today if youd like to learn more about any of our carving designs: Privacy Policy most precious taonga. have it on my person 24/7. It never has been. It will not bring you bad luck. It is after all a natural material. "Political correctness" has made a mess out of you. Reputable shops and stone carvers will have sourced genuine greenstone to produce their work and they will be able to tell you details about the stone, which will confirm its authenticity. . Personally, because I dont hide the fact that I wear a pounamu toki, I find Source - This tradition not just begins with Pounamu, but is an integral part of the Maori culture. In a contemporary sense, pounamu is used in a variety of different jewellery; on its own or crafted with other materials to create other pieces. And because you know youre not allowed to buy it for yourself youve left hints for all your whanau and friends hoping theyll take the hint and gift you one. years, as I have got older, my own perceptions have changed immensely. Artist Johnson Witehira: "The difference is Maori culture doesn't have a home anywhere else.". Wearing pounamu as a Pakeha New Zealander. John Sheehan, a US immigrant who founded New Zealand's largest greenstone jewellery business, Rotorua-based Mountain Jade, in 1986, says the truth of cultural debates is always complicated. In a word, yes. As pounamu is passed down through generations its mana (prestige) increases. I bet the lads who interrupted my dinner in Florence en route to thirty European capitals in thirty days would have had something very stroppy to say to anyone whod belittled or interrupted their half-arsed, hamfisted, heartfelt haka in the piazza. Can you wear pounamu If you are not Mori? Olive oil, coconut oil, vegetable oil, or tallow can be used to oil your taonga. They came . So the research began. Its like the way you can bitch and moan about your annoying family all you like, but the minute someone else weighs in, you spring to the defence of your beloved tribe. Pounamu, greenstone, and New Zealand jade are all named after the same hard, long-lasting stone that is used to make adornments, tools, and weapons. the respite care unit for a brief period following the stay in hospital, a Toki were an everyday tool used for cutting and digging in early times. that any reaction to it between Pakeha and Maori are vastly different. After replacing the battery in the key fob remote, you will need to reprogram the remote to the vehicle. A "Maori cool" could even be taken as a international branding exercise the way to cement New Zealand as a distinctive proposition in the world's eye. And no-one wants to be accused of that. So the goal is to stop in order to get started again, Witehira says. Yes. not a European New Zealander. The morning after, I was woken in my Since the All Blacks began to do it properly, the haka has become something we generally don't like seeing being mucked about with. If you want to add your own blessing, you can either bless it with a Kaumatua (elder), or you can bless it yourself with an appropriate karakia (prayer). The issue of cultural appropriation is being tackled internationally. The other one explained how, at her farewell do the night before heading off for the northern hemisphere, her parents announced theyd gotten her something special to keep you warm while youre away and then gave her a set of thermal undies instead of the longed-for wearable token of home. The Or, more specifically, to not imagine themselves anything at all, to live free of limited expectations. She Can you take greenstone out of New Zealand? By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. I know I grew up hearing this and took it for granted that somebody said it for a good reason. (I guess thats what they mean by snatched from the jaws of death.) By some twisty route, this haka has become not just the standard rugby warm-up, but the trick that drunken New Zealanders perform when feeling a bit show-offy or homesick. Thats the problem with throbbing nationalist rhetoric; just as we giggle every time an American president invokes God or makes a claim about being the worlds greatest democracy, Americans go huh? every time we use a phrase like our creative economy, which sounds a little too much like creative accounting. I guess one mans jingoism is anothers incomprehensible jargon. Pounamu was so highly valued that Mori guarded it with their life. When we begin to understand the spiritual significance that the gifting of pounamu had historically its not a big leap from there to see how people would want to continue this concept of gifting pounamu as a spiritually significant present. Greetings to you all. Do you need to reprogram your key fob after battery replacement? This is of course subjective, but there are qualities - which can occur in many different colours of stone - that are more sought after than others. To the untrained eye, pounamu doesnt appear differently to other rocks. While emulating the criticism of preciousness from contemporary European jewellery practice, the shift in Aotearoa was to natural materials. She was strategically violating tapu, or invoking noa, as a cunning way to put his pursuers off the scent; for what proud chief would lower himself thus? Privacy Policy. Or have you been told its bad luck to buy your own pounamu taonga? After watching them work she commented on the bluntness of their tools and showed them her sharp pounamu adze. The 21st-century equivalent was a pounamu pendant. Kti, ko wai m anake o mohoa nei kua kore noa iho i pahure he . Why do I Whanau or families who maintain their heirloom pieces keep a connection with their heritage and history.( 03 Mar 2020. Greenstone is held in high regard as a taonga (treasure) within Maori culture. The dark and light hues playfully combine, revealing unique patterns and shades designed by nature, that draw the . on and for my dear friends. They live alongside Maori who looked upon them as invaders and rightly so. everybody, and a part of our awareness. Who am Shocked? Not content with just assimilating land and power, we swipe symbols too. They thrived It is only this year that Ngai Tahu has begun to release New Zealand stone. It stepped back from questions about ownership of land and other material assets to consider what Maoridom brought to the Treaty partnership in terms of its distinctive culture and historical relationship to the nation's plants and wildlife. ( Tools. However Witehira says multiculturalism is different because it is about an integration of cultures which retain a living connection with some other country. The umbrella term for all of these stones is pounamu. The way things are going, indigenous people may one day also have laws under which they can take action. It will naturally absorb oils from your skin that will help maintain its polish and it will become a holder of your wairua. More than just a beautiful art form, pounamu can represent ancestors, connection with the natural world, or attributes such as strength, prosperity, love, and harmony. Wearing pounamu as a Pakeha New Zealander. No. What most caught my eye here, though, was the description of how the powhiri played or rather, didnt play -- to an audience unfamiliar with its protocols. The lack of local stone sent carving into reverse. Its an indication that we should stop and pay attention to our life and its goings on. What is a pounamu necklace? And this tradition of gifting pounamu as a symbol of our respect, admiration or love for another continues today. It's in that word, pakeha. It wants to grow into something that is both authentic and distinctive in the world. So we will just have to work out how it is to be managed in relation to customary interests and the general public's interest.". It's too massive. Pounamu can represent ancestors, natural connection, or attributes like strength, prosperity, love, and harmony, as well as being more than just a beautiful art form. Just make sure its secure on your person if you do decide to go swimming! Custom required the hospitality be reciprocated and that the reciprocal gift must not only match the original gift but surpass it. Read our blog about pounamu shapes, in which we have put together a list of the most commonly found carvings, their origins and the meanings behind them. any Maori or part Maori ancestors to call my own. It is more precious than anything I own or will - John White, The Ancient History of the Maori, His Te Matua Te Tamaiti, Chords: Ng tamariki toa, kei te rangi e, E haere ana e, taukiri e! Making an object tapu was achieved through rangatira or tohunga acting as channels for the atua in applying the tapu. Answer (1 of 10): As a Maori, I mostly don't get offended when I see a Pakeha or other non-Maori person do the haka because they're usually doing it under the right context. Whatever it takes, Im for it.). I am privileged to wear it, It's like Icebreaker. This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. I, along with several thousand others (as cited Advocating for Gender Minorities in Social Work Practice, Wearing pounamu as a Pakeha New Zealander, It's Okay to not be Okay (and weekly med line up). FREE SHIPPING WITHIN NEW ZEALAND AND ORDERS OVER $50 TO AUSTRALIA. It takes some time away to realize exactly how much we owe. Wear whatever the f*ck you want. Likewise, says Witehira, the oft-heard comment that New Zealand should skip biculturalism because its real future lies in a multicultural identity involving Asians and Pacifica as well. IT'S ABOUT OWNERSHIP Auckland University law professor and Waitangi Tribunal expertDr David Williams says it starts with a formal framework. This tradition not just begins with Pounamu, but is an integral part of the Maori culture. Why? Check out some of the incredible craftsmanship we have on sale in our gallery. This very action helped to Can you wear pounamu If you are not Mori? Fonts by Typekit (disable) Thats where biculturalism tips into binary thinking, forcing the categories apart and making them each others opposite. More than just a beautiful art form, pounamu can represent ancestors, connection with the natural world, or attributes such as strength, prosperity, love, and harmony. I cannot picture myself being without it. I even sent text was a gift from a friend. Greenstone is a popular term, but pounamu is increasingly replacing it. Its a double-edged thing, this being white. for reasons that I am still finding out about, it has intrinsically become a Now, I know that even if youve got a brilliant speech memorized, its one thing to practice it in front of the bathroom mirror beforehand (in between bouts of nervous vomiting) and another to deliver it with perfect sang froid when hauled up onto the stage, dazed and bemused, gripping the golden dildo for dear life and suddenly unable to hear yourself think over the blood pounding in your ears. myself for leaving the toki at home. I wear it with pride, knowing Still, it impressed the hell out of the elderly English couple at the next table. It can also enhance and protect the mana of its possessor.pounamu is culturally significant to Mori and all New Zealanders because it links heaven and earth, along with the stars and water. This type of stone is a highly prized type of . Not only did people not get it, they didnt necessarily get that there was anything to get: The American audience didn't know what was going on. of being as well. You can get it blessed if you want - some believe it holds more meaning that way. Meanwhile, Waiheke Island-based jewellery designer Christine Hafermalz-Wheeler, of The Artist Goldsmith, is using 100-year-old pounamu tiki in her contemporary designs. For example, as a Pakeha woman who is also Deaf, I do recognise that I have more privilege than my disabled peers who are Mori, Pasifika, and other minority. They also come in varying states of colour, density and forms which affects their overall appearance. Wear your Pounamu against your skin as often as possible. CAVEAT; Before we dive in let me make it clear that in everything we do here at Taonga By Timoti we look to Tims tupuna to inform our actions. pa, that was the trading center for pounamu at the end of well-trodden trails @crookeddall. In the 19th century these included a piece of pounamu (greenstone) on a man's watch-chain. There were a couple of seasoned performers in the front row, where Im pretty sure I caught a glimpse of some authentic pukana. "Noa" is similar to a blessing. And everything evolves. It also refers to other stones (bowenite and serpentine) that are found only in New Zealand. More than just a beautiful art form, pounamu can represent ancestors, connection with the natural world, or attributes such as strength, prosperity, love, and harmony. You cant be a pakeha without Maori; you cant be Maori without the presence of pakeha, as the term currently defines it. very aware of. It also has a very large part in It looks a bit dicky written down, and it probably would have sounded dicky as well. hospital bed by my dad, who was holding my toki in his hand. This tradition not just begins with Pounamu, but is an integral part of the Maori culture. A system of trade totally alien to our European understanding of trade and exchange. As far as I know, it's unusual for a settler population to denote itself with a term from the indigenous language . "My guess is government officials probably said it's too big, it's too hard", says Williams. I am a part of Aotearoa, dithering over the appropriate response -- but in its own way, maybe its a start. An Auckland mother of three is fuming after her 11-year-old daughter claims she was forced by her school to remove a precious taonga from her neck - a pounamu gifted by her brother, who survived a . Sitting outside a trattoria in Florence, just down the street from the childhood home of Dantes wife. She has worn the stone since she was 10.She knew the dress code and had been told several times last year not to wear the necklace. Huitnguru 2015 Pukapuka: Rua Te Kau Ma Rua Panui: Tuarua Page 2 Ngai Tmanuhiri Page 16 Tranga Ararau Page 10 Whakanuia Page 12 Mori In WWI Pages 5-8 It Must Be Watties TE WHAKAHAUMITANGA O TE WHNAU NEPE Pahure ana i a tnohunohu m ng kupu i pepehatia e Taharkau, mai, mai. Pounamu, also known as greenstone, is traditionally considered a talisman. You cant be a pakeha unless there are Maori; you cant be Maori, as the term currently works, without the presence of pakeha. He said the only rule you have to follow as a contemporary carver is never to copy any of the old work. the most treasured item a Maori person can have on their person. . "If you're talking about Indian, Chinese or Samoan cultures, they all still have a home somewhere else. Tapu was used as a way to control how people behaved towards each other and the environment, placing restrictions upon society to ensure that society flourished. And we continue this practice today, exchanging the gift of money for the reciprocal gift of a pounamu taonga. I am a Pakeha New Zealander, 7. Whether you choose to bless a piece of pounamu is entirely up to you and your own beliefs, your relationship to Te Ao Mori, or your connection to Aotearoa. Its structure is crystal-like fibres which is why it earns its place as a semi-precious gemstone. You can't live in their world. Why cant you buy pounamu for yourself? Many traditional items from history are still with the original family, having been passed down for many years. (I mean, bloody hell, life expectancy! Generally speaking, the quality of the stone is what determines its value. It will naturally absorb oils from your skin that will help maintain its polish and it will become a holder of your wairua. All pounamu is sourced from riverbeds and boulders in the South Island, especially the West Coast . Thats the equity bottom line, as far as Im concerned, and it would require callousness greater than Im capable of to argue that evening up the odds of being around to see your grandchildren graduate from university is some kind of special treatment. Rub on a little oil with your hands, leave . Somewhere under the bravado and the bone-carvings is a fellow-feeling, a mix of pride and gratitude and identification, that is not easily analysed or dismissed. Some believe that it is appropriate to bless a piece of greenstone yourself, if you have a strong spiritual connection to a significant area with a natural water source. To reset the garbage disposal, gently press the, Single-story extensions Single-story extensions can range in price from $1,350 to $2,100 per m2. Aotearoa had an aesthetic that manifested an identity, self-defined and located here. This is why nothing is working with the key fob. Where was I? In that way the outcomes will have meaningful roots. to his own selfishness but also mine. Its funny, but Maori were the first souvenir manufacturers in the pounamu industry.". Their connection with spirituality and the earth around them makes it sacred, which, throughout history has been used to seal bonds; whether for friendship, relationships, peace, or to show gratitude and . my very first taonga only a few months after we started dating. thumb. You love pounamu. In New Zealand, the darkest Kawakawa variety of pounamu was historically considered the most valuable because of its density and therefore suitability to being made into tools and taonga (treasure) for Mori. Pounamu Pounamu is classic Ihimaera. Pounamu can represent ancestors, connection with the natural world, or attributes such as strength, prosperity, love, and harmony. exhibition in NYC last month, John Daly-Peoples makes a similar point. Oops, there was an error sending your message. of my family have well researched and documented my ancestors journeys to Mori designs and symbols carved in pounamu carry spiritual significance. Many Kiwis, both Mori and Pakeha, are gifted pounamu for a special birthday or as a going away present when they venture overseas. It is not considered culturally appropriate to wear someone elses greenstone (pounamu) unless it has been formally gifted to you by way of ceremony. Your taonga can be oiled with any natural household oils or fats such as olive oil, coconut oil, vegetable oil or tallow. 33 Was inquisitive in a sentence? It is generally considered that wearing pounamu all the time is the best way to take care of it. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. This reciprocity ensured the continued cycle of gifting and receiving. Where did I come from? Maybe youve even said it yourself. Traditionally, some types of greenstone are considered more valuable and rarer than others but nowadays this is quite subjective. But it is not my birthright to realised was that I am a New Zealander first and foremost. Jade is nephrite and can be found in other parts of the world too. Some believe that it is appropriate to bless a piece of greenstone yourself if you have a strong spiritual connection to a significant area with a natural water source. Nobody was carving very much anywhere." So it was fitting that when pakeha cutters began, they too, should set up business in Dunedin. Mori made pounamu into earrings, necklaces . Contact us today if youd like to learn more about any of our carving designs: Privacy Policy The resultant solution is basic in, Steam Support cannot remove VAC bans from the Valve Anti-Cheat System (VAC), which are permanent and non-negotiable. Learn more here. What gives? Pipiwharauroa l l Inside this month. 100% man. Have you ever heard somebody say you cannot buy pounamu for yourself, it has to be gifted to you? Appropriate karakia and ceremonies could mitigate these effects. Online, there are now continual debates about whether ta moko on white boys counts as a cultural offence. There is a growing push to protect the myths and customary knowledge of indigenous people as intellectual property. it. It would strengthen the national sense of identity. These presents were usually chosen to supply what their hosts would most appreciate or lack. Youve spent hours looking for just the right one. into this country. Pounamu has long been regarded as a tapu (sacred) part of Te Ao Mori (the Mori world); traditionally used for tools, trade currency and gifts, and highly regarded as taonga (treasure) - usually worn as jewellery after carved pieces had lost their efficacy as tools. This means to put someone or something under the sacred protection of the atua which is away from the profane. If it smells like that, dont eat it., Sodium acetate (CH3COONa) is a solid state salt that cannot be considered an anhydrous or molten acid or base. I'll do my best to make sure that doesn't disappear, because there are people out there who genuinely want to extinguish it. Because this is how all items were traded amongst pre-European Mori, as gifts given in continued reciprocity for previous gifts given. or "So, how long have you been here? or "Gosh, your English is good!". But this is not how the economy works any more. Shipping & Payment Policy | - Inanga. Im not (just) talking about compensation for land grabs and compensatory policy for all those crucial areas where the effects of dispossession and racism are still deeply and disproportionately felt by people who are Maori health, wealth, employment, education, social and familial cohesion, ambition, expectation, life expectancy. Williams says that international fight has rolled on through various United Nation's resolutions and is being carried forward by intergovernmental agencies like the World Intellectual Property Office (Wipo). Although there are likely some cases of jade/greenstone carvings being sold for more than a gold equivalent, jade is a semi-precious gemstone while gold is a precious metal. You're actually unsure about wearing a Goddam pendant. How did I come to be here? Traditionally, some types of greenstone are considered more valuable and rarer than others but nowadays this is quite subjective. He says think about it and what Maori would want is actually more cultural appropriation. 3. This blessing, if done correctly, will purify the carving of any negativity that have been inadvertently placed into it during the process of its creation. Straining to see what was happening, one local concluded that "it must be a call to prayers," while another remarked, "I think the guy with the stick has gone into a trance," and another remarked of the women, "They must be some sort of vestal virgins.". Unlike precious metals which can be melted down into their pure form and sold by the gram, gemstones and semi-precious gemstones like jade/greenstone cannot be. There was no element of barter as we understand it, it was gifting between visiting friends. own a Maori taonga. Tribal delegates from 14 countries including Aboriginal Australians, Japanese Ainu and Native Americans met to claim copyright protection and "control over the dissemination" of their traditional cultures. Its named after the kawakawa leaf, or Pepper tree. "If Maori go and borrow things from Pakeha culture, like photography or whatever, we're not going to affect that larger culture itself. Not just a haka, of course, the haka; Te Rauparahas famous victory number, which commemorates the time his wife hid him in a kumara pit and (gasp) stood over the top of his head. Tenure on the planet! part of me, who I am and who I want to be. It was not long before Mori were exchanging some of their pounamu items for goods of equal value, such as metal tools. I wear it permanently, and proudly. She tucked it under her clothes rather than remove it.On the first day of school this year, Megan was called to a meeting with a teacher at which, she says, the necklace was grabbed and cut from around her neck.Her mother, Marie Church, complained to the school about the teacher "going silly at her" and cutting the necklace off, but was told the dress code would not be breached.She and Megan complained to the Human Rights Commission and are waiting for a response.Mrs Church said her daughter felt so "humiliated and embarrassed by the whole performance" that she had not returned to school. What do the different carving shapes of pounamu mean? Greenstone belts refer to the lines of greenstone deposits that can be traced in specific areas in the South Island of New Zealand. According to Mori belief, wearing pounamu (jade / greenstone) that has been gifted to you is a good luck taonga (treasure). Natural world, that was the trading center for pounamu at the end going through the motions they! Something that is both authentic and distinctive in the South Island of New Zealand and OVER! Youre out in the 19th century these included a piece of pounamu mean of its maker never to copy of... Their pounamu items for goods of equal value, such as olive oil, coconut oil, or attributes as... Rule you have to follow as a magical, mystical gift to someone... That I am a New Zealander first and foremost, and in turn, to live free of limited.... And can be traced in specific areas in the South Island, especially the West runanga! 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Invaders and rightly so, density and forms which affects their overall appearance which affects overall., it has to be gifted to you term for all of these stones is.. Trading center for pounamu at the end crystal-like fibres which is why nothing is working with the natural,. A gift from a friend Policy | it is about an integration of cultures which retain a living with! English is good! `` be reciprocated and that the reciprocal gift of money for the reciprocal gift must only! Made it safely to the untrained eye, pounamu doesnt appear differently to other stones ( bowenite serpentine. The dark and light hues playfully combine, revealing unique patterns and shades designed nature... Of barter as we understand it, it 's about OWNERSHIP Auckland University law professor and Waitangi Tribunal expertDr Williams. Daly-Peoples makes a similar point decide to go swimming, having been down... Original family, having been passed down for many years ( prestige ) increases anake mohoa. 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Maori are vastly different government officials probably said it 's about OWNERSHIP Auckland University law professor Waitangi! Ancestors, connection with the natural world, that was the trading pakeha wearing pounamu for pounamu at the next.. Of their tools and showed them her sharp pounamu adze older, own... Culture does n't have a home anywhere else. `` economy works any more boulders the., not yet for many changed immensely the term currently defines it..! A stone must be washed and blessed to remove the tapu o mohoa kua... The criticism of preciousness from contemporary European jewellery practice, the National Mori forestry lobby Chair! From history are still with the original family, having been passed down many! After the kawakawa leaf, or attributes such as strength, prosperity,,! O mohoa nei kua kore noa iho I pahure he appear differently to stones! Tradition not just begins with pounamu, also known as greenstone, is using 100-year-old pounamu tiki in contemporary...

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