Cannot arrange 4 pictures in a logical sequence. He tends to interact with adults. Knows household items and their purpose. Owen is 3. Does not understand or follow simple verbal instructions related to activities of daily living. Anthony is self-care and the new of independence corresponds to the calendar age. Emotional development: The general background of the mood is leveled. (I). 2 year and 11 months; height: 87 cm; weight: 9 kg; head circumference: 46 cm; breast circumference: 47 cm. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. The dossier has to be dated within six months of the submission date, but preferably the documents will be much more current than 6 months. For this reason, she is insecure in her performance and does not take initiative in contact with others. There is a violation in the development of fine motor skills as a result of an illness. She has a rare disorder - Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva or FOP. The development of gross motor skills corresponds to age, fine motor skills are not well developed. At the moment, the child uses a complex of social services at the Rainbow DCSMU at KSUDV-Yambol, where a teacher, a speech therapist and a psychologist work with him. Narrates an event or text in a chronological and logical sequence. According to me this child has potential; he only needs some help to develop it. Our compassionate, friendly, and supportive staff will provide highly personalized services and information, and support you through the process. The child wants to be in the same family with his brother. Maria has difficulty remembering, storing and reproducing what she has learned, and her attention is sluggish without the presence of concentration. SHE continues to move independently, but with a more rapid gait there is a risk of falling due to the inability to regain her balance once she has lost it. During this time you can go home or you can stay in Ukraine. He is able to hold his head up when picked up. He can hold his head straight in a sitting position. The maturing processes are slow. Like any child, she likes to be the center of attention. Uses spoon and fork when eating, but clumsily. Somatic status: The child has a severe disability, established by TELC with a diagnosis of severe mental disability and an accompanying disease other than cerebral palsy. Easily distracted when completing a set task. The boy kept examining all the facilities and touching them with his hands at the playground while running at the same time but never made any attempts to use any of them, when the foster mother took him and placed him on a climbing frame, he stood their held by her. Please ask questions, understand the process, and what you can and cant do. All children are physically healthy and have adequate self-care skills. Updated June 5 Geri Available until July 18, 2022, Geri is 8. Adoption is a quite complex process, which consists of a number of actions. During the observations conducted in the office, impaired development of the limbs was observed. We hope this confirmation that the Ukrainian government is monitoring the childrens safety and care will bring some reliefto families seeking to adopt. Concrete-figurative thinking is leading. The kids stay in the U.S. for five weeks in the summer and three weeks in the winter. He is happy when he sees them and reacts with positive emotion. Does not read the clock. His motor skills have improved recently and he is able to do more complex activities without being told how. Vann has a keen interest in animals, cars and many different kinds of toys. Orientation in human relationships (with peers; with adults): The child likes contacts with people from the team. pronounces combinations of syllables, but does not make sense in them; Does he say words like mom, grandma, aunt, poop, etc., does it make sense in them? 1. A Ukrainian foster girl stands in the kitchen of a Polish foster home. Once USCIS has approved your petition, you will receive your I-600A approval notice, which will complete your dossier paperwork. He has some special needs and delays. Maya, the younger one, is smiling and curious, shows interest in contact with an adult. 704 527 7673 Call or Text for more. A Ukrainian girl is being fostered at a home in Poland. Teddy is 4. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. Attention: Significantly reduced concentration, switchability and distribution of attention. As a summary I will say: Regardless of their special needs and family burden/parents with mentalretardation/ I see in them wonderful possibilities for growing up in a normal family atmosphere, withgood care, attention and training. He moves independently from position to position, climbs, bends from a lifting device. The girl has formed concepts about parts of the body, foods, animals, vehicles, seasons, phenomena, weather, but he does not always answer questions related to them correctly. Imagination: Possesses a developed imagination a high level of ability to accurately reproduce an object, phenomenon, as well as the ability to independently create new images. Text 704 527 7673 for more. The child cannot squat without support and cannot stand in a squatting position. Ukraine does not have healthy children under 5 y.o. There are many children available, you are able to meet your child before making a decision to adopt. Poorly developed intellectual capabilities and abilities. He is interested in toys and other objects but he always puts them in his mouth. We are always glad to help and be a resource for you. There are currently He moves by pushing when placed in a walker. Sometimes he manages to pick up a toy placed in his immediate environment. Can identify herself by gender and age. To learn more, text us at 704 527 7673. The Ministry allows ten working days to communicate with the child by visiting the orphanage. The child has developed passive vocabulary. He identifies himself with his origin. It is difficult to cope with constructive tasks and it is difficult to navigate the placement of objects in space relative to each other. The adoptive parents can travel to Ukraine within a month from the approval letter. : The emotional tonus of the child is positive. If you feel you are not eligible to adopt from Ukraine, or you are unsure, please contact us for a free case-by-case consultation regarding your Ukraine adoption. The child pays attention to all toys and tools around him, does not bother to manipulate them. These reports include your childs developmental progress and pictures. It is oriented towards the use and actions of familiar objects. John is 5 years and 11 months old. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Updated Aug 26, 22 Sunny Available until Oct 15, 2022. Special Needs: Cerebral leukomalacia; N-tube; Neuro-mental developmental delay. You could pursue their adoption through what is called a pending application. He makes attempts to color in an outline, but he has difficulties. I tried to take a picture of it but he got frustrated and pulled back his arm when we tried to pull up his sleeve to take a picture. Does not imitate animals. Good general condition. He particularly likes to kick a ball around in the garden with his friend and play with balloons. He was abandoned (S). Its is harder for him to climb down than to climb up. Personal development Nick is defined by gender as a boy. She is physically active and loves movement games. Emotional development: The child is emotionally unstable anxious and acting impulsively. Quantitative representations are constructed. The child has been placed in a foster family. There are no physical disabilities, height and weight visibly below the age norm. He tries to help her with housework and daily activities according to her. To learn more, text us at 704 527 7673. Updated Feb 20 Michael Available until April 15, 2023. All Rights Reserved - Kidsave International is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. with transitional pureed food plus additional at 9 pm milk with biscuits with teat and bottle. bronchopulmonary dysplasia; pulmonary hypertonia; persistent foramen ovale ; peripheral pulmonary stenosis; persistent arterial canal (collateral); periventricular leukomalacia; retinopathy of a prematurely born child. He understands simple instructions requiring 2-3 steps given to him. We have huge lines in the drugstores, markets and roads are blocked and very dangerous for travel. We work with adoptions since 1999 and it is our goal to give you the best adoption experience you can find. The child is directed and uses complex services in the Center. Another agency that works with Bulgaria has a waiting child photolisting here. Please contact us for more information regarding adoption from Ukraine. Rules allow the adoption of children under age 5 if they have certain special needs which allow them to be considered for international adoption. Writes some letters and numbers. Shows a pre-requisite for microcephaly. The psychologist continues to work with him on learning to postpone desires. Attention is disturbed with concentration and resistance. He likes music and children's videos with music in them. We have contacts with a few partner US agencies that work with adoptions for many years, are Hague-accredited, reputable and honest. 5 Statistics on Adoption Photolistings. If the family is ready to proceed, they have a meeting with the notary who certifies their decision to adopt a certain child. When meeting with strangers a little shy, but soon he relaxes and enters into a dialogue. He quickly settled in with his Foster family and his joy at being looked after and given the attention of his foster family was clear for all to see. Click to learn more. Imagination: Adequate development of imagination for the age period is observed. Language and speech skills. All immunizations have been given to date, but the doctors recommendation is to stop intramuscular immunizations in the future due to the disease. When a remark is made to him, he corrects himself, knows how to apologize. He still uses a diaper, potty several times a day. He is 5. Lack of joint attention skills. Coordinates hand movements, leaves one object to pick up another. You could pursue their adoption through what is called a pending application. Fine motor skills: Demonstrates partially opposable thumb and tweezers grip when handling objects. Separates the important from the unimportant, can summarize what he remembers, look for connections and dependencies. Shows diligence in completing tasks. Many of these kinds of things are simply not available or the quantities are restricted. Intelligence: Poorly developed intellectual capabilities and abilities. But if you know the legal requirements, the adoption procedure will move much faster. Rio likes to play with children. Primary Diagnosis: Severe mental disability; Absence epilepsy. Ethan (10 years old) and Noah (13 years old) lived with their parents. Attention span: all values below the norm. Matthew is 8. (S) To learn more, text us at 704 527 7673. He is benevolent in his relationships with others. He lives in a Foster family in Eastern Europe. The threshold of frustration at these moments is low-demonstrates dissatisfaction, wants the toys for himself, squeezes them tightly, cries when they are taken away. Recently, the team has observed that when she wants to pick up an object from the ground, she does not always squat, because may lose balance and kneel to achieve her goal. (M) Click below to read more. the main parameters of memory memorization, retention, reproduction correspond to the age of the child. Updated Nov 29 Andrew Available until Jan 15, 2022, Meet Andrew, born in 2015. Aware of imminent danger. They are completely independent in practical skills. He remembers his biological parents. Fine motor skills: His grasp is somewhat clumsy. The families need to consult with their placing agencies to make sure their documents are within the required time range if a second or third trip with the Ministry are scheduled. The child depends completely on the care provided by the staff; diapers are used. In any case, if you are interested in a particular child, you should contact us and well find out the status of the child before we talk any further. Boby is 4 years old boy, who was raised by the birth family only during the first few months. Fine: Takes a toy in his hands, moves it from hand to hand, puts it in his mouth, puts his foot in his mouth, takes off his socks the development of fine motor skills does not correspond to that typical for his age, for the past period he has not mastered significant new skills. Ethan is in second grade and loves going to school. These reports demonstrate to the Ukrainian government the benefits of international adoption for their children. Difference Between Home Study and Adoption Agency? He still cannot sit by himself. He is a well-proportioned and well-built child. Speech is poor and agrammatic. Claire Harbage/NPR She likes playing with balloons and balls. He holds a pencil in his hand, tries to draw. He needs a lvoing family to help him, Jared is 5. One of her children, 11-year-old Vanya, says the panic of war and escaping the war is all everyone talks about. Sunny is born in July 2021. He has a mild mental delay. He rolls over to his tummy and on his back. He quickly relaxes in a friendly environment and communicates, answers adequately to questions related to his lifestyle and interests. Adequately expresses her emotional state and recognizes that of others. The emotional tonus of the child is positive. Likes puzzles. Vann is a happy, contented, fun loving, inquisitive, intelligent little boy who would benefit living in a family with other children. He is in very good health, not sick. Paul is 7 who was raised by his family until 2016. Selective focus depending on interests and the nature of emotional attitudes, which is characteristic of age. For this reason, she is insecure in her performance and does not take initiative in contact with others. He was abandoned in 2018 (S). Made alot of progress last year. He is making improvements in his balance and is able to stand up on his own without support. Moves both arms. They have many friends in school and at the group home, where they live. During group play, is easily distracted, engages with nearby objects, and needs frequent behavior modeling. For more info: There are numerous accredited Bulgarian adoption agencies, or Foreign Supervised Providers, who advocate for children at the same time. She is in normal physical and neuro-psychological development for her age. (S) 704 527 7673 Call or Text for more. Strabismus. She also reacts positively to the meetings with the team she smiles, looks for an emotional close, initiates play, insists that the one playing with her fulfills her wishes. He runs, jumps; there is no indication for physical disorder. She has somewhat developed a sense of satiety. The Waiting Children you see listed above may no longer be available for adoption. If there is a suitable support near the object, she grasps it with one hand and manages to pick it up by leaning towards it by bending her legs. He likes to attend the kindergarten. The child is directed to use rehabilitation at the CSRI for children, with the aim of developing motor skills. Continue. It is this Service that oversees matters pertaining to intercountry adoption. His ideas about the world are built, but they are a little poorer than expected for the age. It does not use speech as a means of communication, nor does it use alternative forms of such. Orients well both in the family and school environment, as well as in the wider social environment. He is behind in some areas so he is working with a resource teacher and a speech therapist. The boy speaks single words; answers yes and no or gestures when is asked to answer some questions. He is delayed and avoids eye contact with strangers. Diagnosis: bronchopulmonary dysplasia; pulmonary hypertonia; persistent foramen ovale ; peripheral pulmonary stenosis; persistent arterial canal (collateral); periventricular leukomalacia; retinopathy of a prematurely born child. Demonstrates consistency and adequacy while performing a task. hide caption. Gabe is a physically active 8 years old boy, who likes to play outside. Then his curiosity got the better of him and he relaxed to look at the objects in the room and the little treats and gifts. She rarely gets irritated, usually when prohibited to do or have a desired object; however, her mood quickly changes as soon as another object attracts her attention. He is trying to do puzzles from 16 parts. To satisfy these hours, we have developed an online parent training program that we are proud to include in CANs service plan. Intellect: The childs mental and calendar age do not match because of his premature birth and his diagnoses. Updated Jan 20 Matthew Available until February 15, 2023. Looking for closeness and support in difficult times. The kids were humiliated at their home and they signed declarations that they dont want to go back but prefer to be adopted. He takes off shoes, can put on slippers and shoes with patches. He catches, touches and sometimes smells the objects that he sees around him. The speech is not clear when he says certain words. He stretches out, grabs toys and plays with them for a while. Imagination: Weakly developed imagination a low level of ability to accurately reproduce an object, phenomenon, as well as the ability to independently create new images. Updated Jan 20 Sia Available until March 15, 2023. The child grasps and holds objects. The child recognizes his own image when placed in front of the mirror. The boy can run, jump and stand on one leg. To learn more about adopting from Ukraine, you may contact us, call our office at (502) 423-5780, or email Savana Rowe, at If she is given a task, she will try to do it. Jared pronounces different sounds and wheezes some time. A female child born with a low birth weight. His physical development corresponds to his age. Luis is 10. (I) For more, text us at 704 527 7673. He colors trying not to go outside the contour. Two Ukrainian girls in foster care look out the window of a home they are now sharing with a Polish foster family in Bilgoraj, Poland. Gross motor development: Significantly limited the child changes direction /turns in bed/, turns from back to stomach and sideways, turns his head in the direction of sound. Selective focus depending on interests and the nature of emotional attitudes, which is characteristic of age. If the family chooses to adopt, they are expected to use Avilla's adoption services and pay AFOI's adoption fees, which are about $2,000 to $2,500 per child. Need for planned surgical correction. Rarely take part in the playing activities of her friends and classmates. The child shows interest in childrens music videos, films and commercials by clapping, jumping, stepping from one foot to another and doing all this with great enthusiasm, making cheerful sounds and with a big smile on his face. Since her placement in the foster family, she has seizures almost every month, once or twice. Inceptions and imaginations: The child registers sensory stimuli. They know how to follow the rules of the game. Able to independently allocate and switch attention from one activity to another. Ukraine is a non-Hague country (not a party to Hague Adoption Convention) and adoption process is cheaper and faster. Writes some letters and numbers. Kinesitherapy sessions with Michael are aimed at improving balance and coordination through active exercises with football and play therapy. Children like when they are outside, in the air and sun. KidsFirst Adoption Services, LLC is a licensed child placing agency in Indiana. Updated October 27 Kayla Oksana and Isaac Available until Dec 15, 2022, Meet Kayla, born in 2015. In consultation with a psychiatrist, a diagnosis was made moderate mental delay significant behavioural disorder which requires care or treatment. The childs mental and calendar age do not match because of his premature birth and his diagnoses. She has good memory abilities. Uses spoon and fork when eating, but clumsily. Participates in general plot role-playing games. The child is a student in the 2nd grade at the school in the village of S**. Playing (skills for playing; preferences (individually or with peers), participation in role plays and symbolic games): The child shows interest in musical toys, and during group music therapy, reading of stories and teasing from an adult. January 23, 2029, 10:00 9651 Clarification about orphanages (internat's) system and number of orphans in Ukraine Explanation to foreigner visitors from the admin of January 16, 2029, 0:05 21191 Children need a family: Danil (born in 2005), Denis (born in 2009) and Nikita (born in 2012) Updated Dec 23 Vonn Available until Feb 15, 2022. Read More . He understands instructions and has good active concentration for about 20 minutes. To date, but he always puts them in his immediate environment few months understands simple requiring! Days to communicate with the notary who certifies their decision to adopt LLC is a quite complex process which! Manipulate them a diaper, potty several times a day ( I ) for more in your.. Is easily distracted, engages with nearby objects, and needs frequent behavior modeling no longer be for. With biscuits with teat and bottle home or you can go home or you can go home you! 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