Bones, carcasses or parts of a carcass must be kept or transported at time/temperature combinations that will ensure their hygienic acceptability when used for mechanical separation. Indicating and recording thermometers must be calibrated. Reducing fat and salt in. 1 Nicholson, R., et al, Dry fermented sausage and Escherichia coliO157:H7. To achieve this, the percentage of frozen meat used for the minced pork . They are produced from comminuted or finely homogenized meat, mechanically recovered meat, poultry or fish. Computer modeling may be used to evaluate the safety of the product. Unlike cooked ready-to-eat meat products, the operator is not required to verify at the time of manufacture that non ready-to-eat products have been subjected to a minimum amount of thermal lethality. Cutting, boning, slicing and dicing of fresh meat product are done, by present industry practices, either manually (hand saws, knives, wizards and electric saws) by designated employees or by automated equipment (such as may be used for poultry cutting and breast boning). Potential hazards associated with these automated processes include pathogen outgrowth from precursor materials and temperature abuse during production, metal particles from the equipment, excessive amounts of bone fragments and residual SRM. Until such confirmation is received, the operator must manufacture product in accordance to one of the other 4 options outlined in this section. The instructions for use, maintenance and calibration of measurement devices and instruments must be included in the operator's prerequisite programs and HACCP system. To reuse cardboard containers, the operator must have control programs in place that ensure that containers present no risk of contamination to the product, are in good condition with no physical damage, have not left federal inspectional control, new liners are used, and appropriately are labelled. Those records showing adherence to the schedule (product time/temperature) should be maintained on file for a period of at least 12 months beyond the shelf life (best before) of the product and made available to the inspector on request. comminuted meat products 2-spices and ingredients. 4 hours of production of boneless manufacturing meat derived from a single species from a single boning line. Depending on the composition of the final product, the resulting edible product is referred to as finely textured meat or mechanically separated meat (e.g. 2 Hinkens, J.C., et al, Validation of Pepperoni Processes for Control of Escherichia coliO157:H7, Journal of Food Protection, Volume 59, Number 12, 1996, pp. Refrigerated MSM (cured or non-cured) should be maintained at temperatures close to 0C and should be closely monitored from production to utilization. For information on the use of antimicrobial interventions in ready-to-eat meat products, see Chapter 4, Annex H, Section 3.1, Antimicrobial agents and post-lethality procedures. Records of test results must be kept for a minimum of 24 months beyond the release date of the product. The agent must be an agent approved by Health Canada. Every operator that prepares meat products must prepare them in accordance with the process control requirements specified in the Manual of Procedures, 30.1 (1) The operator of an establishment shall develop, implement and maintain, 57.2 Every operator shall carry out control programs in accordance with the FSEP Manual and the Manual of Procedures to ensure that, 4. If wood chips or sawdust are used for smoke generation, their storage and use must not pose a sanitary hazard. Recording thermometers must be present and properly functioning. Facilities for the removal of bones and trimmings must be provided. For more information see Chapter 7. Historically, a room temperature of 10C has been considered sufficient by the CFIA for the preservation of meat products for most processing activities and steps. In determining whether a requirement is necessary, appropriate, adequate, or sufficient to achieve the objectives of the Regulations, account should be taken of the nature of the operation/activity and of its intended use. For each lot, the operator must take 15 samples of raw batter and submit them for analysis. Every effort must be made to prevent the meat products from coming into contact with the exposed surfaces of any shipping containers during filling. The operator is responsible to implement proper controls over the conditions under which the product is handled to ensure its wholesomeness. What are comminuted products? 36. The operator must make a request for the evaluation of the alternative manufacturing process to the Meat Programs Division and the Food Safety Division. The operator must keep records of all products pasteurized. Mechanically Separated Pork or Poultry Meat will be deemed to contain skin unless the manufacturer indicates otherwise on the product's label. . Trimmings from Non-Intact : Raw ground, comminuted, or ; Chicken Ground Product : otherwise non-intact chicken . no more than 0.027% of calcium for every 1% of protein; it has a minimum protein content of 14%; and, bones emerging from separation equipment must be essentially intact and recognizable to assure that the bones are not being crushed, ground or pulverized; and, it complies with the standards set out within Schedule. Some examples include pizza (bread-type crust, vegetables, meat and cheese), lasagna (pasta, vegetables and cheese). endstream endobj 6290 0 obj <>stream Reducing fat and salt in comminuted meat products may therefore have a significant positive effect on public health in countries with a high consumption of these meats. %%EOF fewer than 665 degree-hours when the highest fermentation temperature is less than 33, fewer than 555 degree-hours when the highest fermentation temperature is between 33 and 37, fewer than 500 degree-hours when the highest fermentation temperature is greater than 37, If the bacteriological evaluation proves that there are fewer than 10. establishments which use beef as an ingredient in a dry or semi-dry fermented meat sausage; establishments which store or handle uncooked beef on site; establishments which obtain raw meat from a supplying establishment which stores or handles uncooked beef on site. %PDF-1.6 % endstream endobj 6291 0 obj <>stream Any deviation in cooking processes must be brought to the attention of the Inspector in Charge. the surface crusting must disappear within 2.5 hours (150 minutes) of completing the crust freezing process; the process must be monitored, by a designated plant employee, a minimum of every two (2) hours for crust disappearance and internal product temperature; the product must be labelled as either "previously frozen" or "frozen" whenever crust disappearance takes more than 150 minutes; and. (1) No person shall sell an article of food that. Concentration and rinse/drip times are key steps that must be included in the operator's control program, to avoid build-up of chemical residues on the end-product. This station must be equipped with a directly drained and remote controlled or timed hand wash facility, an 82C water sanitizer and adequate lighting. The operator must ensure, through the establishment's mandatory Prerequisite Programs and HACCP Plan (Control Programs) that these regulatory requirements are met. The formation of ice concentrates the dissolved solutes and reduces the water activity of the meat product. These meat products have been heated to improve their appearance or flavor but the process does not result in a ready-to-eat product. Cooling must be continuous and begins immediately after the heating cycle is completed. Degrees above 15.6C: 35C - 15.6C = 19.4C Hours to reach pH of 5.3: 40 Degree-hours calculation: (19.4C) x (40) = 776 degree-hours. Pe`~$/0X.H`87w Pc`T The operator must ensure, through the establishment's mandatory Prerequisite Programs and HACCP Plan (Control Programs) that these regulatory requirements are met. The rejected product must be reworked and resubmitted for sampling, returned to the originator, or treated as inedible product. The ground or emulsified trimmings originate from like cuts of meat. The operator is required to implement a microbiological testing program for E.coli0157 and Salmonella as a verification procedure for their process. It should be noted that the presence of some curing aids may be found in significant amounts in the final product if their presence in the rework was not taken into consideration. The present disclosure generally relates to high protein puffed snack products including vegetable protein materials and a non-vegetable protein materials and processes for making high protein puffed snack products. ", ensuring that they will yield the appropriate, ensuring that the instructions are representative of the cooking devices available to the consumer; and. Annex I: This Annex has been incorporated into Annex H. (c) the meat product conforms to the applicable standards prescribed by these Regulations and the Food and Drug Regulations. Work should be conducted in a Biosafety level, Methods of production, enumeration and standardization of inoculum: Individual cultures of each strain should be prepared by inoculating an appropriate growth media, such as Tryptic Soy or Trypticase Soy broth, supplemented with 1% glucose and incubating for 18 to 24 hours at 37, Size of inoculum to be used: the final concentration of. Stuffing product into casings: Inoculated product should be stuffed into casing as usual to approximate normal production procedures. hx\9t&cMS[Jr!w)pw)@HOlw).Er) hNAv#iNptt6&\>pxlqDGe(\lPC9Wq(Dyjh:WK 0-zz POQ4i,NH040Lp6c l&$u(2 @bSD3S1A_$cM`&a3p,cM)sn fq2`2 Qm@C-;0#x{k1>rp]c. to substantially change the appearance or nature of a meat product. relative humidity (where specified) 5%. Examination results must be retained for a minimum of one year. The samples may be placed in the same container (e.g. A unit is an intact piece, If no skin is found, the mechanically separated meat may be identified as "Skinless -, If the total skin on the first 10 units exceeds 25, Any skin found in the first 10 sample units not exceeding the tolerance, requires random selection of a second 10 unit sample from the same lot. Submissions will be sent to the Area Program Specialist for review with a Food Safety Microbiology Specialist and Health Canada. must be equipped to accommodate the particular process or processes conducted therein. The operator must implement a program for the control of aging and tenderizing processes. Refer to the CFIA website for additional information on allergens. Refer to the FSEP Manual and Chapter 3, Prerequisite Programs for more details. 6288 0 obj <>stream Use a manufacturing process (combination of fermentation, heating, holding and/or drying) which has already been scientifically validated to achieve a 5D reduction of E.coliO157:H7. The operator must have a control program in place to ensure proper removal of kidneys (when appropriate), and lungs in poultry carcasses and parts of carcasses used as raw material in the preparation of MSM or FTM. The approvals for use of preservatives in meat products are contained in Standard 1.3.1 - Food Additives of the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code. This plan is used after having successfully completed the start-up plan. Where this chapter of the Meat Hygiene Manual of Procedures uses the terminology "where necessary", "where appropriate", "adequate", or "sufficient", it is up to the operator of a registered establishment in first instance to decide whether a requirement is necessary, appropriate, adequate, or sufficient to achieve the objectives of the Meat Inspection Regulations, 1990. The frequency of sampling is to be adjusted according to compliance to specifications. This protocol is based on ISO Table #2859-1 at an inspection level of S-4, for a lot or batch size ranging from 1,201 to 10,000 units. The drying chamber/room must be equipped with a shatter resistant indicating thermometer (or equivalent), with graduations of 1. As the MSM is labelled as "skinless", the amount of skin that may be added is calculated for both the pork trim and the MSM which gives us an "x" value of 6.4kg: 4.4kg for the pork trim and 2kg for the MSM (8% of 80kg). The corresponding degree-hours limit (less than 33C) is 665 degree-hours. It is the operator's responsibility to develop and implement Control Programs that meet the mandatory process control requirements and performance requirements outlined in this chapter. It the operator's responsibility to ensure that the control program for environmental risk factors for contamination of product are effective and verifiable. These generic requirements for slow cooling are applicable for a meat product that is formulated: Brine concentration in the finished product = [% salt / (% salt + % moisture in end product)] x 100. * PSI: Pounds per square inch ** MPa: Megapascal. Textbook solutions. For details on mandatory prerequisite programs and HACCP plans to meet regulatory requirements, please refer to the Meat Hygiene Manual of Procedures (MOP) Chapter 3, Pre-requisite Programs and the Food Safety Enhancement Program (FSEP) Manual. Fermentation room temperature is a constant 35C. Uncooked Comminuted Fermented Meat (UCFM) is a meat product manufactured by a series of processes including fermentation and maturation (with smoking/heat treatment as an optional step). Environmental and product samples in ready-to-eat products are required. The operator is required to maintain a listing of all of the packaging material used in the establishment. The tested lots are to be held until receipt of an acceptable laboratory report. Sausage can be manufactured on a small scale by homogenizing meat with ice (for temperature control) using a bowl-chopper. If the number of defects found is equal to or less than 1, the lot is acceptable for mechanical separation. If the smoking process results in the production of ready-to-eat meat products, all additional requirements applicable to cooked products are to be met. This table is identical to the roast beef cooking table with one exception: the minimum processing time for a minimum internal product temperature of 145F/62.8C is 4 minutes instead of "instantaneous". Degrees above 15.6C: 24C - 15.6C = 8.4C Hours to reach pH of 5.3: 10 Degree-hours calculation: (8.4C) x (10) = 84 degree-hours, Degrees above 15.6C: 30C - 15.6C = 14.4C Hours to reach pH of 5.3: 10 Degree-hours calculation: (14.4C) x (10) = 144 degree-hours, Degrees above 15.6C: 35C - 15.6C = 19.4C Hours to reach pH of 5.3: 15 Degree-hours calculation: (19.4C) x (15) = 291 degree-hours, Degree-hours calculation for the entire fermentation process = 84 + 144 + 291 = 519, The corresponding degree-hour limit = 555 (between 33C and 37C). includes milk, egg, yeast or any vegetable material or any derivative or combination thereof that is edible, and that is not visibly distinguishable after addition to the meat product, but does not include beetroot, tomato or a food additive with the exception of modified starches, as per the Meat Inspection Regulations, 1990. means an edible meat product that does not contain more than 0.15 per cent of calcium in the product and any bone particles larger than 1.5mm in size and a maximum of 20% of the bone particles larger than 1mm in size, that was obtained by removing most of the bone and cartilage from a comminuted meat product from which the bone and cartilage had not been previously removed. cooking the product so it reaches an internal temperature of 71, an alternative challenge study of a design acceptable to the, storage of bulk restricted curing agents must be in a locked area; and. The Food and Drug Regulations (Divisions 14 and 22) and the Meat Inspection Regulations, 1990 (Schedule I) prescribe the standards for meat products manufactured in Canada. The lid must be adequately designed to prevent contamination of the product. Condition 1 and one of the two options in condition 2 must be met: The internal temperature does not remain between 49C and 4C for more than 20 hours; During cooling, the product's maximum internal temperature must not remain between 54C and 27C for more than two (2) hours nor from 54C to 4C for more than 7 hours. In order to suitably control these hazards and prevent incidents of food borne disease, registered establishments who manufacture fermented sausages are required to use one of the five following options for the control of verotoxinogenic E.coli including E.coliO157:H7 and Salmonella when they make this type of product. Refer to Annex P of this chapter for the CFIA procedures to evaluate bulk container freezing processes for meat products. The combination used must provide enough heat energy to achieve at least a: A validation referencing a combination of internal product temperatures and minimum holding time (Annex D), or submission of a scientifically validated alternative from a Process Authority that suitably demonstrates that the manufacturing process is designed to deliver the necessary amount of thermal lethality. It is the operator's responsibility to determine compatible areas and non-compatible areas for different processing steps, as part of the prerequisite program and HACCP system. This documentation package should include, but not be limited to, a recommendation from a process authority demonstrating that the alternate cooling process is as effective as the current performance standards. Refer to the FSEP Manual and Chapter 3, Prerequisite Programs for more details. However, they must validate through a microbiological testing program that their process will not result in the presence of E.coliO157:H7 or Salmonella in the finished product. The limitation of the number of degree-hours depends upon the highest temperature in the fermentation process prior to the time that a pH of 5.3 or less is attained. Is the product a comminuted product other than sausage/sausage link (e.g., patty or meatball) or a breaded or unbreaded molded product (e.g., nugget)? Smokehouses must be adequately vented. To improve the appearance of the finished product some tumbler mixers have been modified by adding paddles, blades or spikes in the tumblers so that during the tumbling action, the ground meat and cure is pushed into the solid meat cuts. lungs must be removed from all poultry carcasses and portions prior to their use as material for mechanical separation; poultry carcasses dressed with kidneys may be used for. 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