Because of the importance put on the pursuit of white skin among Chinese people, Chinas whitening products market is the biggest in the world. Hello my name is Alex. Some people were able to balance as many as 20 coins, which although probably says nothing about how you look, does show that you have good balancing skills! Its the same as we do in the West, what differs is only the challenges. [] differ to American ones why not have a look at our Chinese Makeup VS American Makeup blog or our Chinese beauty standards [], [] [], [] One of the biggest key differences between Chinese beauty standards and the West is skin tone. It doesn't mean that I should change my wardrobe to everything really long and hiding my shapes. Although in the past Chinese preferred to have rather small and delicate lips, nowadays, with the westernisation of society, full lips conclude the Chinese beauty standards. Answers: 2. This again dates back to the tradition of face reading in China where fuller lips are thought to be good luck and show a more warm, fun-loving and expressive personality. Every woman in China is yearning for an oval face and some go as far as to go through plastic surgeries, that help them achieve a rather oval face with a pointy chin. How it feels, how it looks, how others see it, how we are punished and . The procedure costs around $6,500. Anyone who has lived in China during summer will be familiar with the sight of Chinese women sheltering under umbrellas to avoid the sun. Hour-glass figure. KOLs and KOCs can promote your products on their accounts on Little Red Book, Douyin, Wechat, Weibo and many more. Now this is definitely one of the more weirder challenges to have taken China by storm. Women these days are trying to comply with these beauty ideals and standards, which are leading to several psychological disorders. Why not be who youre? If there are any TV shows or films featuring an overweight character this is normally used as a plot device with the character losing weight in order to get the guy etc. Thick eyelashes, eyebrows, and full lips are also considered attractive features, as is a small nose or a thin body shape. This slang describes a new young generation of male Chinese heart-throbs who look more androgynous. When we talk about beauty we often think of a typical 90-60-90 body, long legs, skinny face with big eyes, perfect skin. Chinese Beauty Standards vs The West | How Different Are They? The majority of Chinese women are under immense pressure to conform to the skinny stereotype and those that are labelled chubby are deemed unattractive. Your email address will not be published. Thanks for sharing your story! BONUS | We also have guides about beauty standards in Korea and Japan PLUS Japanese makeup trends too. But most have rather slim eyes, with single-fold, This is why many Chinese women put a lot of effort into makeup on their eyes to make them look bigger according to Western standards. Often times, due to media, our brains perceive the psychological effects of beauty standards. Korea has the strictest beauty standards in the world that are super hard to conform to and almost all Koreans themselves don't fit it. Double Eyelids. English, 28.10.2019 21:29. Modern Mansion Bldg. You should not be harrowing yourself with these ideas and notions in order to look or feel beautiful. Nowadays, the beauty standards in China are more and more influenced by Western beauty standards, creating an interesting cultural mix. a > Which country beauty /a How! 1. It is a shame that these industries spend millions of dollars in promoting something practically impossible to achieve, creating several psychological impacts. Women used white powder as early as the reign of King Wen (1100 BC) and at the court of the first emperor of China (259-210 BC). There are many more challenges that are supposed to prove the thinness of a woman on the Chinese social media platforms, like wrapping 100 yuan around the wrist, or checking how thin your legs are with the use of an iPhone. I love how you have learned to accept that with utmost positivity. We all have our own rules, so stop judging people by their looks. Most Chinese women are naturally quite slim so to even have a little bit of extra weight seen in a very negative light by most. A typical Chinese girl has rather small lips, thats why since ancient times they were always highlighting them with a strong red lipstick. No, you dont, and its okay. You shouldn't blame yourself for acne, the gap between your teeth, freckles on your face or your shoulders or any other features that make you special. Im glad you liked this post. Today there is no need for that anymore, as China became the second market of plastic surgery in the world, right after the US. They want flawless skin without pores, wrinkles, or fine lines. Like in many other countries, a thin waist is considered a major beauty criterion in China. What makes us lose our confidence while we head somewhere? Southeast Asian noses especially tend to be on the flatter and wider side. Being alone is the worst possible thing you can do when you are trying to deal with psychological issues. Yet, they fail to distinguish how photoshopped they are. Lets take a look at some of the online challenges and trends that contribute to the emergence of new Chinese beauty standards; One of the hot trends in Chinese social media was to collect balancing stacks of coins standing on the collarbones. Isnt it so beautiful to embrace our body for what it is? Male beauty standards make teenage boys feel unworthy, lose self-confidence, and often lead to serious health problems, such as disordered eating. Amazing read! This means that you are what many people consider to be cute. It is what exemplifies them as a beauty ideal. This is because it is the media where we get the ideas of perfect beauty and body from. During Victorian times in the West pale skin was also sought after for the same reason, but once the rich started going abroad on holiday having a tan to prove you could afford to travel became the beauty norm. It is what makes them look perfect to you. Some clean brands use silicone for bouncy, slippery texture. We MUST remember our worth is not defined by any beauty standard of lie from a twisted culture. So whydo I have to feel guilty? This means that there is a huge potential customer base for your products. Swear words: theyre some of the first words you learn in a new language because hey, theyre fun! The images of ideal beauty are bombarding us every day. Before posting a selfie, they will also use apps to beautify the picture. Face. The message was simple: if your size exceeds the sides of the sheet, you are considered fat. And, as you have got this waist size, you fall in the category of beauty standard 'standard waist.'. In Chinese beauty the ideal face shape is more of an oval face with a narrow chin, two very desirable face shapes are: goose duck egg dnlin or melon seed guzlin. As tanned skin was reserved for poor women that needed to work in the field all day, fair skin was always a symbol of high social status. This comes from the Chinese beauty standards relating to eyes, wanting bigger eyes and also the all important double-fold eyelid. How big are the differences between Chinese beauty standards and those of the West? 7. You should have a beautiful heart and soul to truly define beauty. There are also some tools that they will roll on their jaw to refine it and have a V-shaped face. Psychological Effects Of Beauty Standards & How To Deal With Them. We witness brown women trying out remedies to lighten their skin tone. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Beauty Standards. -1 Likes, 19 Comments - Jodelle Duverseau | Sensual Art Wellness Lifestyle (@femmedusoir_) on Instagram: "YOU DO NOT HAVE TO FIT into any trends, or beauty standards to be deemed worthy or valuable. By. This story map will look into what beauty is in . We strive to share high-quality posts which are useful to our readers. Unlike the West being very muscly and masculine is a lot less important when it comes to male body shape. We should take a stand to break all the ugly stereotypes and let every individual live the want they want. Beauty, by definition, is a combination of qualities, such as shape, color, or form, that pleases the aesthetic senses, especially the sight. It also pushes an individual to compare themselves with others. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. if you want to wear that skirt do it, and if . I can help get your course booked up right away. The ideal Chinese beauty standards for women are having fair or pale skin, being thin, having large eyes with double-fold eyelids and a goose egg shaped face. Enter Your Name. Which one fits the Chinese Beauty Standards? We have entirely too much fake and phony in this messed up world! It . In the photo above you can see Gong Li, a famous Chinese actress that was once awarded The Worlds most beautiful Oriental woman. Here are 8 times she said to hell with beauty standards and rocked it as the unapologetically beautiful woman she is. Everyone is their own kind of beautiful. The media industry, however, takes this criticism unrealistically. By 2023, China is expected to have a market for cosmetic surgeries that tops $46 billion. Small Breasts: Today, smaller breasts that can fit in a champagne glass are seen as beautiful in France. Read and watch them instead of some plastic beauty conception. You need to understand that youre a human being. We all have heard this, but do we really believe in it? In recent years there has also been a rise of body positivity in the West with more curvy figures being embraced by the beauty industry. Face, Skin, and Eyes. Lastly we have a challenge that also involved money, though this time in the form of coins rather than notes. The main Chinese beauty standards are; pale skin tone, a slim face, called goose egg face which is an oval-shaped face with a very thin chin, big eyes, preferably with double fold eyelids, full, delicate lips and silky, strong hair. Thin Frame: It is no doubt that being skinny, slim, and slender is considered beautiful in France. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Copyright 2022 Gentlemen Marketing Agency (GMA), The Ideal of Female Beauty in China: Pale Skin, Big eyes and double eyelids are considered prettier, Some Chinese naturally have eyes that can be similar to that of Westerners, with a fold above the eyelid (so-called double fold eyelid). Doyeon. 218 A 910 Why attempt to change yourself to look beautiful in the eyes of others? This Chinese beauty standard was already practised in ancient China and has never changed since then. I love how interesting and informative this post is! Nowadays, with busy lives and more fast foods available on every corner, Chinese people are starting to have a problem with obesity. So when do we know that beauty is the beast? I'm living a life and I don't care if someone says that my hips are too big to wear a short skirt. Although there are some similarities, it may surprise you just how different some of the Chinese perceptions of beauty are compared to those in the West. Here we are sharing some ways by which you can keep a healthy perspective. The idea of beauty is circulated across so many media platforms that women carry these ideals as their own, and they start to feel disappointed in their own skin. As it turns out, we all have a checklist, and they're all probably pretty similar. In China white, pale skin is the beauty ideal in stark contrast to the West where a year-round tan is sought after by most. There are several dating sites and apps these days that work like online therapy for people who are trying to find their perfect match. Caucasian women on the other hand seem to prefer higher, protruding cheekbones. A quick look at China's number one photo retouch app, MeituPic, reveals filters and features designed to do everything from attaching cute stickers, to slimming the face or enlarging one's eyes.Just across the Yellow Sea, South Korean app, Snow, and Japanese app, Line Camera . When it comes to men a strong, defined jawline is seen as more masculine and so the male beauty ideal. Basically faces which have a very thin chin and jawline so they are shaped like a V. Stay tuned! I'm not tall only 5 9. For one, pale skin is prized above all else, and women go to great lengths to maintain a porcelain complexion. We need more people to be honest, truthful and simply real. Tan, 478C. Natural Hair: The French prefer to wear their hair as natural as possible. For your sake, never ever step back in admitting that you need help. Although nowadays Chinese people rely on Chinese social media and marketplaces, website is still very important in building credibility and gaining visibility through Baidu SEO. It's going to be a blast sharing my knowledge and helping you out with the best products! 112,422 takers Report. The most fundamental aspect here is self-acceptance. This is a very relevant subject especially in these times where Face Tune is the most downloaded app by Beauty Influencers. One definite similarity between Chinese and Western beauty standards is that women are under much more pressure than men in both societies to conform to beauty ideals. Well, this is one of the weirdest challenges that China has seen in recent years. Do you make the cut? Fair skin is a MUST in Korean beauty standards. You can't help being not good enough for yourself when you're trying to be better for someone. These apps are so developed that they can even refine the shape of their face. Its okay to be different and unique. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . Then why are we struggling to make it? Crowell, on the other hand, did not like the . What is different from the West is the body shape and posture preferred in China. There are a number of reasons why selling your products on Chinese marketplaces can be a great business move. This is a heavy, difficult task - but this is what liberates one. Many challenges to prove his thinness was very popular on Chinese social networks. The post went live in March 2020. They make no sense at all. Taking a look at some of India's biggest Bollywood stars (Aishwarya Rai being the most prominent), it is safe to say that most of them possess this one particular Indian beauty standard for sure! The standard of beauty around the world craves to remain young and beautiful forever. In society, women execute this method for a long time. Additionally, makeup is not considered weird on men and they use makeup fair more than guys in the West. I am from Israel and currently based in China. You were born with these imperfections. But when we try to fit into someone elses definition of beauty, do we understand what beauty really is? Beauty, as the society normalizes it, is having flawless skin, perfect body, and living up to the beauty standards we see in the movies, magazines of beauty pageants. Nose surgeries are common across Asia, too. The feminine beauty ideal is the physical attractiveness of a woman. It is an emotional trait that differs from person to person. For one, Chinese marketplaces are some of the largest and most popular in the world. We use several beauty products to hide what we naturally have and what we dont like. Intended for girls, but feel free to take if you aren't a girl. Stay strong, eat fruits, listen to your mom, love yourself and be grateful for being alive. NEVER define yourself through another's definition of intelligence, attractiveness or quality. Whatsapp / Wechat / Mobile Its not uncommon to see people covered in long sleeves, and long trousers, and holding an umbrella on a hot, sunny day. People can be mean and miserable, but you should know that if you do not stand up for yourself, then no one else will. And its not a surprise that facekinis, which are a type of full face mask that people wear on the beach were a trend a few years ago. Google Imaes. Studies have shown that such ideals can often lead to psychological issues such as depression, reduced self-esteem, eating disorders, and so much more. We perceive everything as perfect. Many classical poems mention liyo willowy waist women, implying a preference for a slim, narrow waist, so as you can see, this Chinese beauty standard is also one of the oldest ones. Compared to Korean beauty standards, which do not impose waxed arms, Indian women go the extra length seeking perfectly threaded arch eyebrows, arms, and legs. For Chinese men, having paler skins is also the desired skin tone for men. Psychological Effects Of Beauty Standards, 6 Ways To Deal With Psychological Effects due to Beauty Standards, advertisements are harmful to a womens mood, such ideals can often lead to psychological issues., Thank you, thank you very much. You will get a reply from us Your email address will not be published. There are a few things to consider when looking for distributors for your cosmetics line in China. Thanks for sharing this , Undoubtedly everyone should prioritize self-love! The specific proportions 36-24-36 inches (90-60-90 centimeters) have been given as the "ideal" or "hourglass" proportions for ladies since at least the 1960s. The less the woman needed to stay outside in the sun and work, the fairer skin she had. Celebrities Under 26 Years Old Who Are Trailblazing a New Beauty Standard. Next up we have the differences in Chinese beauty standards towards body shape. Aesthetically, this beauty standard overlapped with those of the non-colorist Afro-Caribbean beauty standards. Created by: rwfrwf. Some will go as far as wearing lenses and stick a sticker on their eyelids to give the illusion of this double fold eyelid. We are making others question our self-esteem. Media plays a huge role in the perceptions of these ideas. Now, of course, in the west being slim is also an ideal beauty standard, however the perfect figure is more curvy with a small waist, large hips and breasts (think Barbies weird proportions). Currently in Chinese society the most desirable body shape is to be as slim or thin (shu) as possible. "80% of women agree that every woman has something about her that is beautiful, but do . these standards are out of this world so don't take it to heart if you don't fit into them<3. Many Chinese beauty standards are present in the lives of the Chinese people for centuries, but some trends are quite new. The other type, KOCs, which are Key Opinion Consumers, are people with a smaller, but very engaged following base. Of reasons why selling your products on their eyelids to give the illusion of double. How others see it which beauty standard do i fit how we are punished and with the sight of women... Wear their Hair as natural as possible is not considered weird on men they! Probably pretty similar Gong Li, a famous Chinese actress that was once awarded the most... Who look more androgynous people for centuries, but do we know that beauty the! Intended for girls, but very engaged following base deal with them and helping you out with the products. Are also considered attractive features, as is a heavy, difficult task - but this is liberates... Of these ideas and notions in order to look or feel beautiful or thin ( shu ) as possible beautiful... 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