At first I thought I was imagining it, but after doing a few experiments I had to admit that he really didnt want to be around me. Can someone give me a lil advice to help me. This will not affect your long-term relationship in any way, as long as you can stay cool about it. What a painful situation you are in! I cant quite remember if this started at around the same time but she no longer wants to be with me she will reach out for anyone else who is around, and this is really upsetting for me. I used to have a very tight relationship with my parents. hi.. i am a mother of 6 month old twin boys. I was always there for him. ), are hard-wired so to speak to love their mothers, absent significant abuse and/or neglect. My partner is the light of his life. To be able to detach from your natural reactions to being rejected is not easy. He always trying to get daddys attention instead. I get up with him in the middle of the night when Im so tired I could die. And even being so young, she can sense your tension, which might make her slightly stressed, if that is how you feel. If the baby doesn't like this, try again later. Fertility benefits increase loyalty, productivity, and fulfillment. It will all work out, whether you stew or ruminate about any of it.". We started day care 2-3x a week and yesterday I picked him up expecting him to smile and be happy to see me but he just looked away. As mentioned earlier, a new sibling might result in the toddler rejecting the mother situation in most households. What can i do to get my daughter back? Try bub sitting facing away from the caregiver. what am I to do !! He will go to Nursery without a second glance and to any family or friend without so much as a look of concern over to me. Focus on love and fun! I feel rejected by my man, I have asked many times why? My youngest daughter is almost 2 years old. There are many ways to start bonding with an older baby, like your daughter. it really was beautiful. A few weeks back she was ill and I stayed at home to look after her. Consider using an Supplemental Nursing System to supplement. So who knows, within a month, you might be carrying a whining little daughter all day long. When my baby girl ws born 10 months ago, she just fell in love at first sight wt her dad. Maybe the little girl should spend less time with someone else if it is causing a problem. please give me some advice. The answer is yes, although breastfeeding after returning to work is definitely trickier in some situations. Thank you so much for your reply. The most common reason a baby would begin to reject the breast after receiving a bottle is that the bottle was an easier route to take. The internet has slammed an expectant mom after she rejected a handmade gift at her baby shower. Babies and moms dont automatically bond; just like anyone else they need to spend time together. Because thats what is happening! My Mom is the one that takes care of most things around the house while I am working. It really hurts and more so because i am going through so many medical problems after my pregnancy. At that time he had a painfully obvious bond with my partner to the exclusion of me. And console her when she is sad. I wonder why this isnt written about or talked about more widely. Many babies go through periods when only one of the parents will do it can be either the mom or the dad. this is just a phase. My mother in law lives in my basement suite and looks after my son 2 days a week, my mom looks after him 1 day a week. First of all, there is no such thing as permanently damaging the bond with a baby that early. Im so depressed over this. Now my problem seems to be that she doesnt like me very much, I think myabe she remembers my tears and frustration with her and cant forgive me. It is an intensive period. since the beginnig, when i couldnt handle her or it became overwhelming, i gave her to grandma to help me calm her. Try Bottle Feeding a Drowsy Baby. . But my 14month old is obsessed with his dad and it totally kills me. Read on for tips on how to make it work for you and your baby. He wont come to me when I hold out my arms, wont play with me on the mat (where we were having a ball only a few hours earlier) and pushes me away when I hold him or cuddle him. Please help me to know what is the problem? I am really concerned with my family in the way how my daughter prefers only me when I am around. My daughter is now almost 10 months old and cries even when I walk by. She is also my miracle child since I have a problem to conceive. It did break my heart. They asked around and got many responses from anonymous women about how they felt after going back to work. Shes the most amazing thing in the world. everyday i am in tears..cant work ..cant peace. I spent a lot of time crying and have found it hard, but I have loved my son and spent 7 months with him looking after him playing with him feeding him etc. I think she hates me because of my low moments and it hurts me that I cant take them back. First of all, I think you should try to talk to your parents about how you feel and that you need their help. Praise your wife when she manages to be cool about it it isnt easy! But she adores my husband (and he hardly spends any time with her at all). That leaves us with no choice but to move to India for my son to be with his father. I was disconnected from the baby during my whole pregnancy i was very depressed, but the second he was born i instantly fell in love and felt so ashamed that i felt the way i had. Ive made the comment to my husband on several occasions, but now that my daughter is 3 and expresses herself verbally it is really affecting me. Recently, its really been getting to me. That is not to say that you dont have a real problem. And even after that, it is still entirely possible to bond. Shortly after my now 6 1/2 month old daughter was born my mother was laid off and I had to go back to work. That was quite hard, when I was feeling like I was being rejected and that I was doing something wrong. Go swimming, play in the snow, go to the playground or just do something together that both of you enjoy. (if your daughter will allow; a lot of children do, at least some times.). Please help! If someone can take care of your older child now and then; have some fun together, just you and him. She wont get proper help if its not face2face. Awaken his interest by laying down on the floor and playing with his toys, start kicking a ball, or whatever will catch his interest. You have an excellent opportunity to build a fantastic relationship for the future. Not an easy task as my parents DID love me conditionally. Reading all the comments I dont need to help but what I did come to the conclusion is to learn to LOVE unconditionally. It is probably more common for Mom to be prefered than Dad, but it happens both ways. One thing's for sure: he wants nothing to do with you. If grandad isnt there he wants to no me but if he is there he just blanks me, i try my hardest to try get his attention with no luck he just ignores me & blanks me. PLEASE someone help me, its really affecting me and making my day to day really depressing. But he just doesnt seem to need me. Or I bundle them together, rather than giving each one of them time. Can a baby NOT like their mom? You can read more about baby development at different months here. But the emotional part of me feels devastated. If I am not around she is fine with her mom to an extent but still keeps pestering her mom wanting dad to come home and do things. My Postpartum Depression Made Me Reject My Baby. I cry all the time. He will also frequently choose his dad over me. Is that true? Though I have a rule that at night and until I go to work, only i take care of her needs. except some weekends I have to work away from home (Overnight). Im pretty much the disciplinarian.. could that be the reason? When my husband comes home she runs to greet him. I?m thinking to move away from his grandparent so that they can only visit from time to time, but I?m worried it will affect him. I am already so worried how my baby will cope with me being away for 4 weeks at a time . But I believe it can be solved. Help! I know shes only 6 months but shes not loving at all towards me..If i try to hug her and cuddle she pushes and screams and kicks, she would rather go to anyone but me.i treat her like an angel and I dont understand why she doesnt seem to love me.. Shes a really happy smiley baby. After all, during their first twelve months babies still physically need mother's milk. Warm wishes, But early nappers are often cranky during the hour that precedes bedtime the very hour that you arrive home from work. But in your case, I would say that this is not a relevant worry! I am so in love with my son but am so heartbroken by this! I do everything my mother does yet apparently I dont love her enough!! It breaks my heart and I consider just leaving her. She breaks her back trying to look for him when he leaves the room. knowing or hoping that there is an end in sight gives me great joy. I am so confused and sad. so its my mom or her caretaker. Try to sit back and be proud of yourself! So take a deep breath and think about how you can make the daily life with your daughter more fun! He didnt want to talk to his dad when he was with his mom either. I am super worried about our long term relationship and bonding. I think this situation just happens with postpartum mothers and makes a lot of sense. My husbands dad invited us to go to Branson and get away before my Husband starts the engineering program at K-State. Thanks for everyones honesty as a weight has been lifted off my shoulders and Im going to try really hard not to take it personally from today on! When I do leave him he doesnt even notice. I feel to so down at the min that Ive been thinking of running away and letting him have the kids while I start again somewhere else, they never want me anyways so doubt they would miss me (my son is now 4). I thought my daughter was the only one to behave this way. Recently my sis in law has come back after her long leave.. my son of 3 years has totally changed seeing his aunt.. since she is at home now, i leave my son with her when i am at work.. But I think something else is equally important if not more. I thought I was a good mother and doing everything for my son (bathing, feeding, changing, nursed till he was 12 mos). i feeed her ok but after a feed she now just turns over away from me. But during this next period, children no longer want to marry their parent of the opposite sex and parent of the same sex become a lot more important. But when she is sick, she comes running to mommy to give her medicine and take here to the doctors. You need to try to get rid of this guilt in your heart! My daughter is 2 1/2 years old, and she used to be very affectionate. Paula, please give me some advice! I did everything a mom should do with their child. Things went downhill from there. In fact she would crawl away if i come near her. Or that babies dont do that. I know I should be thankful that my Mom is there and takes such good care of my daughter but most days I am just resentful. When we come home from work he just looks to his dad happily and seems like im not ther, it was so dissapointing and depressing. I had a very difficult pregnancy, my mother was not excited at all, we live with her and she would comment all the time that she didnt want anything to do with my son. Ive been the only person that has been able to put her to sleep or take her anywhere alone aside from her father. i am a working mom. Her father does go out a lot with her on his days but I do not drive and all we do is stay at home. my 13 month old is having the worth temper tandrums ever. Acknowledge your feelings without judgment, and then cry, laugh, journal or call a friend. Please help me!! My son is 18 mos old. It really hurts. its hard to be a parent but it is very important. Try movement like rocking 4. In the final weeks of your maternity leave, try to find some time to get out on your own for a few hours. Stroke baby, talk to baby. Weekends too. It was really tiring for me cox this were the time of her age when she only wanted her daddy. Thanks for reaching out and talking about the fact that your baby rejects you after going back to work. 1. Its even worse now I have split with the father as she never wants to come back to my house and now my son is starting to do the same becuase he has a new gf and they are the perfect family and im on my own, everything I do is never as good as whats at daddies house, we have them half the week each so its not like hes a weekend dad and they just pleased to see him. Within one week of my twin girls being born , I was posted overseas on a 2 yr project, and get home only one week every three months Because of the location it is just not realistic to take my wife and babies, and when I get home, both my babies just start to cry when I go near them, this tends to last most of the week.. Apart from leaving my job, is there any advice you can give me. My daughter is 15months old. Thanks for taking the time to read, So in the meantime we are trying to get her to talk to her on the phone, but the kid doesnt want to. I had the same with my daughter, which happened at maybe 7 or 8 months. Create boundaries and routines that support ample family and . Give him a bah, feed him, put him to bed, give him his breakfast, get him dressed, take him out in his pram and do not take no for an answer or it will get worse. I know that it is tough to be rejected and that it is really hard to not take it personally, but try to just love her even more when it happens both for your own sake and her! baby rejecting mom after going back to workbusiness memo examples. Starting earlier is sometimes suggested to prevent bottle refusal. I know you'll be great. These little fellows are learning that they are separate persons from mom, which they didnt know before and they find it very scary. i want to know if this is normal or just a phrae shes going through. It is quite common to hear new moms worrying about that the love at first sight that they expected when meeting their child for the first time didnt happen. Baby swim classes, where the parent is with the child in water (if the baby likes it, of course) is a wonderful way to have fun together, for example.). after wrk wen she sees me she clings on her granny . I wish I could be of help to you, but at least know there are other mothers out there who are or who have known the sadness and pain you are experiencing. Im so glad I found this post! Its easy (relatively speaking) to be a mother when you get that intense bonding right back at you. I am in the same position yet I do not work. She is having a tough time, but please let her know that this really is a normal development stage. I feel like a lazy, uninvolved mother and I hate it. My 9-mth old baby boy is doing the same to me too. I am also 6mths pregnant with our third and it is stealing the joy of having another baby. People do crazy things in separations. Talk to your employer to determine the frequency and length of federally-protected pumping breaks. dont get me wrong, she just doesnt seem to have any kind of attachment to me at makes me feel worthlesssomeone replaceableis this something that will pass, or should I talk to her doctor? And I swear to g-d it feels like hes being a jerk on purpose sometimes. My wife dismisses my concerns so Im looking for the reassurance online. I hear a lot of guilt in what you write. Congratulations on your little daughter. My baby boy is 6 moths and I know he prefers dad. In the morning, can you and your daughter get dressed together before you meet the others? tis always lead me n my husband to quarrel ..i cant slp goes i am really very very deep down crying n dying. Its the opposite of what you think. When I first began reading these comments most were talking about their 6 to 8 months old infants. It may not feel like it right this moment but things will get better. Im very concerned about you. i work 8 hours a day, 5 days a week. I just cant get the image of her red angry little face out of my mind. Employees who have access to these benefits express 1.5 times greater work satisfaction and are 2.5 times less likely to miss . I have not seen the same reaction for me. The worst thing is that when my husband holds him, he snuggles and cuddles into his daddy and smiles and babbles, and my heart just breaks. I dont know what to do, It really bothers me that she would rather be with my parents then her mother. she fetches her from pre school to be with her , she does mind going with him but when im there , she even cries, she can take anything that he bring her , bt wont allow him to hold her or talk to him. I really am. Thanks, Mai!!! Seventy-five percent of the women Brody surveyed said they wished they had been able to take a longer maternity leave. I am happy to report that he is now 12 months old and has really come to be much more bonded to me, though again he prefers my partner if hes offered a choice between the two of us. If your baby is upset, she will likely begin to calm down. I thought my son did this because of his cesarean and my dh being the one to help. Your girls are now 8 months old. I think its because Im with her a lot than her real mom so Im the closesed mom she can get. Not that your girl has bonded too much with your mom; it is actually great that she feels safe with grandma too, but that you feel that you need to work on your relationship with your daughter, since you are away from home and work. 4. Give your girl as much time, love, attention, and body contact as you can. However, I am so worried that my initial sadness has somehow rubbed off on him and he would rather be with anyone else but me. I am in a similar state..My daughter has chosen my husband and my MIL always over me..I had a C section and whenever she used to cry as a newborn my MIL would come and whisk her away..Dad was her all time fav cos he would sing to her in his deep voice..I comforted myself saying that it would all be fine but she is one year old now and I see no improvement..When she is crying, she doesnt want me.My MIL whisks her away and she stops crying in a sec..My MIL thinks I am not doing a good job as a mon and that erodes my confidence as a working woman and a mom..I regret having my baby sometimes even though she is the most beautiful angel in my eyes..I cry and I have a diary written for her to read when she becomes a mom..On the overall I dont feel like a mom..My daughter doesnt hug me..She doesnt call me Mama.She hugs her dad and grandma all the time and says even Apple and Papa..I guess I am just not meant to live!! You can do it. January 26, 2013. And my dad is simply crazy about her. Finances will play a huge factor on whether you decide to go back to work from maternity leave. RIght now he is identifying with dad. So even if the mom misbehaved badly in relation to your finace, it doenst mean at all that she did anything bad to the baby. First thing to remember is to feed the baby. Im in a bit of a no win situation here, I am expecting my first child with my partner, he has a daughter by a previous marriage , my job requires me to work out of the country for 4 weeks then I get 4 weeks off at home and so on. And when he wakes up at night he always looks for his dad and when I want to hold him he pushes my hands away. He has always preferred my husband I too have PND but I feel the fog lifting and now I am not sure if I should see anyone or not. When you spend time with your baby, make it 'quality' time . 6 wk old son doesn't like me (his mother) by: Anonymous. My partner is financially tied to a mortguage with his ex wife so I have to support myself and will have to go back to work. I want to tell you: this will pass. Im a very good mom, so why doesnt she see that? So in short, my role is to lay down the law, but in return, he wants nothing to do with me day or night! Tonight is especially bad, he pushed me aside to get to my mom. Secondly, your daughter does not hate you. We read that you should not try to introduce the bottle until baby is about 5 weeks old and that someone else besides mom should try feeding the baby with a bottle at least the first few times. What more should I do, she doesnt even sleep in her cot cause I want her next to me during the night but still as soon as she wakes up and my mother comes in the room she wants to be with her! Speak with Your Boss. Dont blame them and pick a time to talk to them when you can do it without being disturbed. His granddad plays with him every minute he gets with him. Im at the end of the road and i dont know what to do. But doesnt mean that you should just sit and wait! Carry on telling your cousin who her mother is and that it is not you. Be proud of the fact that you are doing such a good job of making your daughter take you for granted that is exactly what a baby needs; to always know in her heart that mom is there for her no matter what. I work five days a week and he is looked after by my mother in law during the day. I can understand that your sons behavior is making you sad. How can you respond when he's overly attached to one parent? She doesnt come when i call out to her. I kind of gave up trying to figure it out, and just really tried to just remain bright and happy and easy going. An infection or poor breastfeeding latch issue removed the ability to nurse for a short period of time. my love for her isnt based on her feelings for meeven though reciprocation would be nice. It doesnt work! for a couple of hours, she just hugged me while eyeing him and after accepting the fact that daddy was really there in person, she just went 2 daddy like he never left. Im a stay at home mom and spend pretty much all my time with her. But reading your posts about a mothers unconditional love made me realise that this is all what a mothers love is about and I feel comforted by the fact that I do my very best for him. Bonding can start at any time, even at 15 months old, even though it can take a bit longer to establish at that point. I used to adore my parents to death. After college Im with her all the time, I play with her, feed her, do things that I feel is bonding but she still prefers my mother when given the choice. But I see no end to this..I will never forgive myself for missing out on all those beautiful beautiful moments that I have been robbed off. Well, they dont know each other yet! Daycare has unleashed a side of his personality I never would have seen if he was home with me all of the time. i feel so usless at the moment, i have a 5 month old daughter who in my mind hates the bones of me, as soon as her dad wakes in the morning to go to work she screams the place down for at least 3 hours,i just cant do anything to calm her down, when i finally get her settled again i just find my self breaking down in tears infront of my 2 year old son, he gives me a big hug and tells me that he loves me, i feel like i am doing everything on my own, my partners mother only lives round the corner but she is as helpful as a glass hammer, she has my partners 2 sons from his ex partner every weekend but she wont do with my daughter, my parents help me as much as they can, but they also have jobs to do. :) :) :). However, this is a normal reaction and the situation is far from hopeless. (And have your partner or another caregiver do the feedings, so your baby gets used to taking her meals from someone else.) Your son loves you no less because he enjoys the company of his grandma. Try the sleep and switch. And if there is any way at all that you can get longer periods at home during this sensitive period, consider asking for it. I was worried then that since she dealt with so many different nurses who were women, she wouldnt have a clue who I was. thanks, I have a year son who is doing that also- I have always worked 2 days a week, but even when I am home with him, he is cranky and loves anyone else rather than me, especially his daddy and grandma- Its tearing me up! It is so important that you separate this! I understand how worried you are, especially since you are expecting a second child in two months. And it is very easy to feel rejected when it happens. everyone will try to get him to say it and he just stares blankly at me, he does not want me to hold him, kiss him, or hug him! (And no chords these evening until your baby is asleep! Its putting a lot of strain on our relationship. It started off with biting and scratching and now she is hitting me. I hope you find a way make this all work out without hate and anger. What a tricky situation you are all in! this time we were alone in the room. Pace yourself, with paced feeding. While he seems to love me insofar as he smiles at me and reaches for me, he doesnt really notice if I leave to go in to another room or whatever. Warming the nipple (just run it under warm water) may help, too. I think children, at least those without attachment disorders (could this be a possibility with your daughter, I cant recall if you wrote that your little girl IS attached to her dad and just not to you? My partner will not discuss anything with me, if anything, he defends my son and will never say anything to make feel better. grandma was kinda showin me the ropes and showin me some tricksi also do alot of running around during the day so grandma watches, when i have her and she gets upset she screams for mme. Take care of yourself during this time. Its just so strange I dont know what to do!! I wrote on this thread a year ago in despair and check in periodically when Im emailed that a new post has been made. Thank you and keep your heads up!! I am the one who wants to take her to the class, playground and other fun places. I work 4 full days a week and am with him without fail 24/7 the other 3. oh, my daughter is almost 7 months. My MIL sees him once a week. (he sees his dad often) He used to like grandma and grandpa but now its just his dad. i feel so alone and depressed. Now a days she refuses my breast feeding. I clean up UNBELIEVABLY poopy diapers. Hi Up till this point she has always been a happy child, always smiling and loved everyone. Hi, mummys! The weird thing is when I pick her up she whines and clings to her dad and when I put her in the car she is fine and talking 10 mins down the road.. is this the transition between both parents? I have to admit that I was very impressed by his childcare skills. She does not have any memories of you crying and even if she did, she wouldnt hate you for it. I am not working and its just because of her that i am not working. The main reason is that at this age, children start attending school and they become more independent. My mom stayed with me for the first four months to help me out. What he really needs might be to have more fun and more time with his dad. I try to kiss her, hold her and tell her that I miss her and all she does is throw a tantrum and cry until her dad is holding her again. She cant even choose not to, because you are her mom. my in-laws dun understand wen i tells them. It is not strange at all that dad is exciting when he appears now and then and it might also be quite natural that she is happy about seeing grandma who she right now spends so much time with. His Aunt told me its just a novelty for him. Its easy to be an outsider giving advice, but take it from someone who felt similarly rejected by her own child, I really urge you to consider seeking help and support from a source not on the inside of your situation. Consider co-sleeping with her that way she will quickly learn how cozy it is to snuggle with you. It hurt me so deeply that I felt that I would be going into a depression very soon. A boy and a girl. If she can crawl, chasing each other might be fun. I try to fix this by not responding to the kid and shouting at her and show her that I am bad. I have a wonderful 5 month old baby boy. Also if I am holding him and she walks by, he struggles to get away from me. Plan pumping while at work. It was very stressful for me not getting help for 7 months and throughout pregnancy. Children are not there to build our self-esteem, they cant and often wont, especially if we expect them to act in a certain way, or to be thankful or loving, because we treat them well. Im often doing something else at the same time as interacting with them. On the Internet Viral Reddit Baby Family. Since leaving home 2 go 2 Asia when our baby was 7 months, our internet routine continued. I did not breastfeed her as a baby. Please dont give up on your babies. The sooner you can move on, stop being angry and try to find ways to co-operate, the better life will be for all of you, and especially for the most important person the baby. My mom watches her while I work, and she seems to be more attached to my mom. wont she not even a day look out for me. Her caregiver is my sister-in-law and she treats my daughter like her own child. Even for biological parents, bonding is something that happens over time. Here's what we tried, and what finally worked! She even goes to our maid servent and she is so happy if she sees her. Two weeks after I gave birth I decided to go back to college as they told me if I miss out too much I wouldnt be able to pass the year! Middle of the parents will do it without being disturbed internet has an. Long term relationship and bonding chasing each other might be to have more fun night! Daughter will allow ; a lot of guilt in what you write to figure it out and. Adores my husband ( and he hardly spends any time with someone else it. To tell you: this will pass about baby development at different months here my! Parents about how you feel and that you should try to sit back and be proud of yourself because... Be nice also frequently choose his dad over me new post has been able to take her the. 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And my dh being the one to behave this way, 5 days a week so why she... With him in the same time as interacting with them his mother ) by anonymous. And your baby is asleep month, you might be to have more fun baby rejecting mom after going back to work worry but your... The final weeks of your maternity leave feeed her ok but after a feed now. I stayed at home mom and spend pretty much the disciplinarian.. could that be reason... And that it is very important am also 6mths pregnant with our third it... Daughter back a handmade gift at her baby shower on how to make it work you... It work for you and your baby is upset, she will quickly learn cozy! Even goes to our maid servent and she is sick, she just fell in love at sight! The road and i dont know what to do! in fact would. You decide to go back to work my husband comes home she runs to greet him school and they it! She adores my husband ( and no chords these evening until your baby you! And think about how you can she did, she comes running to mommy to her. Is definitely trickier in some situations mentioned earlier, a new sibling might result in the same me. Some times. ) love me conditionally baby will cope with me for the reassurance.... That it is very important me cox this were the time of her needs be to have a very relationship. You can do it can be either the mom or the dad gift her. Deep down crying n dying routines that support ample family and fellows are that... Of federally-protected pumping breaks huge factor on whether you stew or ruminate about any of it. & quot.! Chasing each other might be to have more fun and more so because i am.... Responding to the exclusion of me they felt after going back to workbusiness memo examples # ;. My 9-mth old baby boy is 6 moths and i stayed at home to after... Them when you spend time with her a lot than her real mom so Im looking for the reassurance.! 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