[3], Grichka Bogdanov was given a PhD by the University of Burgundy (Dijon) in 1999,[7] though this doctorate is sometimes erroneously described as having been granted by the cole Polytechnique. D'origine russe, il tait n le 28 janvier 1928 Saint-Ptersbourg. Picture: Valery HACHE / AFP Igor (R) and Grichka Bogdanoff (L) were stars in their native France. "[12] Jacques Distler voiced a similar opinion, proclaiming "The [Bogdanovs'] papers consist of buzzwords from various fields of mathematical physics, string theory and quantum gravity, strung together into syntactically correct, but semantically meaningless prose. In one sentence, the English word "interesting" was translated as the French "important". The first was on December 29 and the second on January 3. . One of the scientists who approved Igor Bogdanoff's thesis, Roman Jackiw of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, spoke to The New York Times reporter Dennis Overbye. Guillaumin's interview with the Bogdanoff twins' godmother, Monique David, contradicted their romantic account, and established that the twins' mother, Maya, was pregnant with them at the time of her marriage to Yuri Bogdanoff, whom the countess considered an unworthy match for her daughter. Sometimes a referee makes a mistake. [34][35], On December 30, 2004, the Bogdanoffs sued Ciel et Espace for defamation over the publication of a critical article titled "The Mystification of the Bogdanoffs". [16], Grichka Bogdanoff received a Ph.D. degree in mathematics from the University of Burgundy (Dijon) in 1999. Both the book and the Bogdanovs' television shows have been criticized for elementary scientific and mathematical inaccuracies. Reddit. [36] In September 2006, the case was dismissed after the Bogdanoffs missed court deadlines; they were ordered to pay 2,500 to the magazine's publisher to cover its legal costs. Igor and Grichka Bogdanoff were previously the talks of the town due to their post-surgery facial appearance. ", "Physics hoaxers discover Quantum Bogosity", "La rputation scientifique conteste des frres Bogdanov", "If not a hoax, it's still an embarrassment", "Igor and Grichka Bogdanoff, eccentric French TV star twins at the centre of a notorious scientific controversy obituary", "Quand Charpak parlait de son Nobel (et faisait le mariole)", "Les frres Bogdanov, la science et les mdias", "Un document accablant pour les Bogdanov", "Rapport sur l'article "Topological field theory of the initial singularity of spacetime", "Les jumeaux Bogdanov trills par le CNRS", "Les Bogdanov rclamaient un million, ils sont condamns payer 2000 euros", "Un curieux jugement pour les frres Bogdanov", "Les chercheurs et la menace Bogdanov (Researchers and the Bogdanov threat)", "Frres Bogdanov: 170 scientifiques rclament le droit de les critiquer", "Les frres Bogdanov font condamner "Marianne", "Igor et Grichka Bogdanov, 40 ans d'affaires et de succs populaires", "Prof. Grichka Bogdanoff, PhD & Prof. Igor Bogdanoff, PhD", "The minister, his mentor and the fight against a suspect system in Serbia", "Bogus academic claims tarnish Serbia's ivory tower", "French TV star Igor Bogdanoff dies of Covid, days after twin brother", "Wall Street Bets mourns loss of crypto-meme-famous Bogdanoff twins, who died of COVID-19", "Grichka Bogdanoff, l'un des jumeaux stars des annes 1980, est mort du Covid-19", "Igor Bogdanoff est mort, six jours aprs son frre jumeau Grichka", "Mort d'Igor Bogdanoff, six jours aprs son frre Grichka", "Les obsques des frres Bogdanoff clbres dans l'intimit de l'glise de la Madeleine Paris", "Les frres Bogdanoff: mentalistes de la science (fiction)", List of topics characterized as pseudoscience, Fads and Fallacies in the Name of Science, The Skeptic Encyclopedia of Pseudoscience, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Igor_and_Grichka_Bogdanoff&oldid=1141307666, French people of African-American descent, Deaths from the COVID-19 pandemic in France, Articles with German-language sources (de), Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with unsourced statements from September 2022, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 24 February 2023, at 11:29. The Bogdanoffs quickly became a popular discussion topic, with most respondents agreeing that the papers were flawed. There is no logic or cohesion in what they write. "[23] The following year, the Chinese Journal of Physics published Igor Bogdanov's "The KMS state of spacetime at the Planck scale". [20] Moreover, Die Zeit quoted Nicolai as saying that had the paper reached his desk, he would have immediately rejected it. [11] In contrast, Ignatios Antoniadis (of the cole Polytechnique), who approved Grichka Bogdanoff's thesis, later reversed his judgment of it. [a] Moreover, Die Zeit quoted Nicolai as saying that had the paper reached his desk, he would have immediately rejected it. [44][46], At the beginning of 2004, Igor Bogdanov began to post on French Usenet physics groups and Internet forums, continuing the pattern of behavior seen on sci.physics.research. Adrian Chen. Bogdanoff Twins Before and After Surgery - Grichka Bogdanoff Plastic Surgery Update. [54], In 2014, the Bogdanovs sued the weekly magazine Marianne for defamation, on account of reporting the magazine had published in 2010[55] which had brought the CNRS report to light. Igor died Monday and Grichka on December 28. Igor and Grichka, 71, look unrecognisable nowadays - compared to when they first found fame on French television back in the 1970s. The referee's report concluded: "In my opinion the results of the paper can be considered as original ones. They were both (could still be, I dunno) TV presenters and producers, and scientific essayists. Sokal's original aim had been to test the effects of the intellectual trend he called, "for want of a better term, postmodernism". Eli Hawkins, acting as a referee on behalf of the Journal of Physics A, suggested rejecting one of the Bogdanoffs' papers: "It would take up too much space to enumerate all the mistakes: indeed it is difficult to say where one error ends and the next begins. There's no denying that cosmetic procedures can completely transform someone's appearance, and that seems to be the case with the Bogdanoff twins. [2][3][4] The first of these, Temps X (Time X), ran from 1979 to 1989. "[44] Later, Majid claimed in a Usenet post that, in an addendum to Avant Le Big Bang, Grichka intentionally misquoted Majid's opinion on the way this interview had been transcribed. bogdanoff twins tv show crew dies. "[3] Before the controversy over their work arose, the scientific community had shown practically no interest in the Bogdanovs' papers; indeed, according to Stony Brook physics professor Jacobus Verbaarschot, who served on Igor Bogdanov's dissertation committee, without the hoax rumors "probably no one would have ever known about their articles. [35][43], In 2005, the Bogdanoffs became professors at Megatrend University in Belgrade, where they were appointed to Chairs of Cosmology and made directors of the 'Megatrend Laboratory of Cosmology'. French physicists, authors and TV presenters. The Bogdanov brothers were born in 1949 in the small village of Saint-Lary, in the Gascony region of southwest France. They are published authors who are able to communicate with . Igor and Grichka Bogdanoff are fraternal twin brothers who are famous French TV producers and scientific essayists. Damien Calaque of the Louis Pasteur University, Strasbourg, criticized Grichka Bogdanov's unpublished preprint "Construction of cocycle bicrossproducts by twisting". The Bogdanoffs' background in entertainment lent some plausibility to the idea that they were attempting a deliberate hoax, but Igor Bogdanoff quickly denied the accusation. While the Bogdanov brothers continued to defend the legitimacy of their work, the debate over whether it represented a contribution to physics spread from Usenet to many other internet forums, eventually receiving coverage in the mainstream media. French TV star, Igor Bogdanoff, has died aged 72 after catching COVID-19 - just six days after his twin brother Grichka passed away from the virus. On 4chan, the brothers are associated with a list of grandiose conspiracy theories, which are often listed whenever someone asks for a "quick rundown" on the twins. [24][25] These news stories included commentary by physicists. [52] But in passing judgement the court stated that the scientist had "lacked prudence", given "the fame of the plaintiff". They had no connection to, or . Igor and Grichka Bogdanoff are fraternal twin brothers born to Yuri Mikhalovitch Osten-Sacken-Bogdanoff (1928-2012), a Russian painter of Tatar origin and descent from a line of Prince Bogdanoff, and to Maria Maya Dolores Franzyska Kolowrat-Krakowsk (1926-1982). The Bogdanov affair was an academic dispute regarding the legitimacy of a series of theoretical physics papers written by French twins Igor and Grichka Bogdanov (alternatively spelled Bogdanoff). [14][26] However, Igor Bogdanov has maintained that Professor Yang is a real mathematical physicist with expertise in KMS theory, a friend of his, and that he was posting anonymously from Igor's apartment. Yet this rephrasing is itself equivalent to the statement, If this was the essence of the statement, Baez noted, it cannot be very useful in "explaining the origin of inertia".[27]. [3][8] Around the same time, Igor Bogdanov failed the defense of his thesis. Jackiw defended the thesis. Igor and Grichka Bogdanoff, French twin brothers and TV presenters, are the embodiment of plastic surgeries gone TVwrong. In Calaque's estimation, the results presented in the preprint did not have sufficient novelty and interest to merit an independent journal article, and moreover the principal theorem was, in its current formulation, false: Grichka Bogdanov's construction yields a bialgebra which is not necessarily a Hopf algebra,[31] the latter being a type of mathematical object which must satisfy additional conditions. [15], The twins became popular Internet memes, especially among enthusiasts of cryptocurrency, jokingly depicting the Bogdanoffs as "all-powerful market makers". The online discussion was quickly followed by media attention. The scientific language was just an appearance behind which hid incompetence and ignorance of even basic physics.[24]. [25], The Chinese Journal of Physics published Igor Bogdanoff's "The KMS state of spacetime at the Planck scale", while Nuovo Cimento published "KMS space-time at the Planck scale". Igor Yourievitch Bogdanoff and Grichka Yourievitch Bogdanoff who since the 1970s, the twin brothers have presented numerous issues in science . A controversy began on the French Wikipedia when Igor Bogdanov and his supporters began to edit that encyclopedia's article on the brothers, prompting the creation of a new article dedicated to the debate (Polmique autour des travaux des frres Bogdanov"Debate surrounding the work of the Bogdanov brothers"). [9][10] The controversy over the Bogdanovs' work began on October 22, 2002, with an email sent by University of Tours physicist Max Niedermaier to University of Pittsburgh physicist Ezra T. [71], Igor and Grichka Bogdanov have and had vigorously insisted upon the validity of their work, while in contrast, Sokal was an outsider to the field in which he was publishinga physicist, publishing in a humanities journaland promptly issued a statement himself that his paper was a deliberate hoax. One of the scientists who approved Igor Bogdanov's thesis, Roman Jackiw of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, spoke to The New York Times reporter Dennis Overbye. [1][2] The brothers each studied applied mathematics in Paris, but then began careers in television, hosting several popular programs on science and science fiction. As per the French newspaper Le Monde, Grichka died in Paris from COVID . [53], The verdict outraged many scientists, who felt that the police and courts should have no say in a discussion of the scientific merits of a piece of work. FRENCH star Grichka Bogdanoff, 72, sadly passed away on Tuesday after a battle with Covid-19.But before his tragic death, he and his brother Igor were . Controversial French twins and TV stars, Igor and Grichka Bogdanoff, have passed away days apart from each other at the age of 72 from complications from COVID-19. This has been the basis of concerns raised about the efficacy of the peer-review system that the scientific community and academia use to determine the merit of submitted manuscripts for publication; one concern is that over-worked and unpaid referees may not be able to thoroughly judge the value of a paper in the little time they can afford to spend on it. [12] Soon after, Freidel denied writing any such remarks, telling the press that he had forwarded a message containing that text to a friend.[12]. Alas, I was completely mistaken. "The Bogdanoffs' work is significantly more incoherent than just about anything else being published", wrote Peter Woit. [58][59] Mia Jovanovi, the rector and owner of Megatrend University, wrote a preface for the Serbian edition of Avant le Big Bang. Written by on 22 febrero, 2023. 12729. "[4] String theorist Aaron Bergman riposted in a review of Not Even Wrong that Woit's conclusion, is undermined by a number of important elisions in the telling of the story, the most important of which is that the writings of the Bogdanovs, to the extent that one can make sense of them, have almost nothing to do with string theory. (The Bogdanov Equation: The Secret of the Origin of the Universe? The two brothers were also sent to court for "swindling vulnerable people", and the trial was due . According to physicist Arun Bala, all of these papers "involved purported applications of quantum theory to understand processes at the dawn of the universe", but ultimately turned out to be a "hoax perpetrated on the physics community. [28][50][51] The twins "went along with their meme fame", according to Business Insider, and said they predicted cryptocurrency in the 1980s on Temps X. Knowledge pertaining the Bogdanoffs is known as the Bogpill, a term that is a nod to the Matrix's red/blue pill scene. The Bogdanovs then attributed the quoted passages to Freidel, who said, "I'm very upset about that because I have received e-mail from people in the community asking me why I've defended the Bogdanov brothers. referees give opinions; the real peer review begins after a paper is published.[67]. "What's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander", he said. The siblings - who were raised by their maternal grandmother in her castle in southern France - reportedly underwent their first round of plastic surgery in the 1990s. The Bogdanoff Twins commonly appeared as part of crypto memes dating back several years, making them familiar faces with the community. I couldn't believe it. There is, after all, a long-standing meme that the twins are able to control the market. [11] Nobel laureate Georges Charpak later stated on a French talk show that the Bogdanoffs' presence in the scientific community was "nonexistent". [2] He originally applied for a degree in physics, but was instead given one in mathematics, and was first required to significantly rewrite his thesis, de-emphasizing the physics content. They explain that they have found proof that their father was the descendant of a prince, the right arm of Tsar Peter the Great", that "according to them, Youra was a young artist [] he would have followed 'a solid training as a painter as a free auditor at the Beaux-Arts'", and that "it was there, according to the twins, who love romance, that a "famous writer" met in Paris would have introduced Youra to their grandmother". [51], Igor Bogdanoff had six children, four from his first marriage and two from his second. THE BOGDANOFF TWINS (DUMP IT) Igor and Grichka Bogdanoff's personalities and appearance have served as source material for all kinds of memes long before they were adopted by the crypto community. While the papers were full of rather abstruse prose about a wide variety of technical areas, it was easy to identify outright nonsense in the areas about which I had some expertise. . [11][19], In October 2002, the Bogdanoffs released an email containing apparently supportive statements by Laurent Freidel, then a visiting professor at the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics. [40], In 2014, the Bogdanoffs sued the weekly magazine Marianne for defamation, on account of reporting the magazine had published in 2010[41] which had brought the CNRS report to light. Eli Hawkins, acting as a referee on behalf of the Journal of Physics A, suggested rejecting one of the Bogdanovs' papers: "It is difficult to describe what is wrong in Section 4, since almost nothing is right. According to Sternheimer, the twins viewed themselves as "the Einstein brothers" and had a propensity to voice vague, "impressionistic" statements; he considered guiding their efforts "like teaching My Fair Lady to speak with an Oxford accent. I am writing this just to point out what I think are the central 'ideas' the authors had when writing their articles and how this led them to their conclusions.[30]. During the twins' early days, their mother allegedly translates for German forces occupying the region. Twins meet after a 39-year separation. Both brothers were admitted to the hospital on the same day last month after having previously refused to get the COVID-19 vaccine, claiming that their exceptionally . Antoniadis told Le Monde: I had given a favorable opinion for Grichka's defense, based on a rapid and indulgent reading of the thesis text. Bogdanov subsequently described this version as "dating from 1991 and too unfinished to be made public". [39], The verdict outraged many scientists, who felt that the police and courts should have no say in a discussion of the scientific merits of a piece of work. Now they look like crazy . Igor and Grichka Bogdanoff were identical twin brothers born to Maria "Maya" Dolores Franzyska Kolowrat-Krakowsk (19261982), of Bohemian and Polish descent, and Yuri Mikhalovitch Bogdanoff (19282012),[2] an itinerant Russian farm worker, later a painter. Posted in . The Bogdanoff twins, however, always denied having any plastic surgery. [21] Later, the editor-in-chief of the journal issued a slightly different statement on behalf of the Institute of Physics, which owns the journal, in which he insisted on the fact that their usual peer-review procedures had been followed, but no longer commented on the value of the paper. Filed to: Scary. [15], In October 2002, the Bogdanovs released an email containing apparently supportive statements by Laurent Freidel, then a visiting professor at the Perimeter Institute. Alas, it suffers from the usual journalistic conceit that a proper newspaper article must cover a "controversy". The Bogdanoff family decided against disclosing the cause of Grichka's death, too. A pair of non-string theorists were able to get nonsensical papers generally not about string theory published in journals not generally used by string theorists. Igor and Grichka Bogdanoff became famous in the 1980s after hosting sci-fi shows on French TV, and became well known for their dramatic plastic surgery in recent years, despite denying they had . The University of Burgundy awarded Igor Bogdanoff a Ph.D. in theoretical physics in 2002. The Register reported on the dispute on 1 November 2002,[23] and stories in The Chronicle of Higher Education,[12] Nature,[20] The New York Times,[11] and other publications appeared soon after. [3], Although the Bogdanoff twins claimed to be descended paternally from a noble Muslim Tatar family traceable to the beginning of the 17th century (originally from Penza, one of whose mirzas converted to Orthodox Christianity, and was rewarded with the title of prince by a decree from Tsar Feodor III; the mirza did not exercise this right, and the title of "Prince Bogdanoff" was lost by the end of the 19th century),[5][6][citation needed] there is scant evidence for that. [50][51] There was never a substantive ruling on whether the Bogdanovs had been defamed. "Colloredo-Mannsfeld". "[20][21], Copies of the email reached American mathematical physicist John C. Baez, and on 23 October he created a discussion thread about the Bogdanoffs' work on the Usenet newsgroup sci.physics.research, titled "Physics bitten by reverse Alan Sokal hoax? German forces occupying the region t believe it of his thesis Dijon ) in 1999 them faces! Interesting '' was translated as the French `` important '' couldn & # ;... French TV producers and scientific essayists 16 ], Grichka died in Paris from COVID, Strasbourg, criticized Bogdanov! In 1999 mathematical inaccuracies several years, making them familiar faces with the.! Family decided against disclosing the cause of Grichka & # x27 ; t believe it ``. Elementary scientific and mathematical inaccuracies which hid incompetence and ignorance of even basic physics. [ 24 ] [ ]! Famous French TV producers and scientific essayists cohesion in what they write just an appearance behind which hid and. 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