Please note this is not your only public input opportunity; please refer to the review process flow chart in appendix 2. the Federal Register. The Delta Express Line I project is expected to commence operations in 2024 and will be owned by Venture Global Partners. Document Drafting Handbook With eFiling, you can provide comments in a variety of formats by attaching them as a file with your submission. Location: Belle Chasse High School 8346 Highway 23 Belle Chasse, LA 70037 After the comment period on the draft EIS, Commission staff will consider all timely comments and revise the document, as necessary, before issuing a final EIS. for better understanding how a document is structured but An intervenor formally participates in the proceeding by filing a request to intervene pursuant to Rule 214 of the Commission's Rules of Practice and Procedures (18 CFR 385.214). As validated by our marine simulations with local river pilot organizations, the Mississippi River is sufficiently wide at this location to allow LNG carriers to safely maneuver and turn as they call upon the Project. Fifteen years later, the Champlain Hudson Power Express (CHPE) is on the way to completion making it a rare success story in a country where major transmission lines have often stalled. Domestically sourced natural gas would be transported by the Delta Express Pipeline to the Delta LNG terminal, which would produce, store, and deliver up to 24 million tons per annum of LNG to LNG carriers for export overseas. Each of the 36 LNG trains at the facility will use a single mixed refrigerant (SMR) natural gas liquefaction process. Louisiana lawmaker paid to push proposed pipeline through Black, Indigenous communities,, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike. FERC staff will conduct a scoping meeting for the Delta LNG and Delta Express Pipeline Project, Docket Number PF19-4-000 in Winnsboro, LA. The 462km-long, upcoming Delta Express Line II project will be operated by Delta LNG. of the issuing agency. Information in this Notice was prepared to notify previously and newly affected landowners of the Project modifications, inform them about the Commission's environmental review process, and instruct them on how to submit comments. The company would seek to negotiate a mutually acceptable agreement. Developed in anticipation of New York state's transition from fossil fuel to clean energy, the fully buried Champlain Hudson Power Express transmission line is ready to power New Yorkers into the future with clean, renewable hydropower.And just in time, too, as the state's new Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (CLCPA) requires that New York be powered by 70 percent renewable . Delta Express would entail building two parallel 42-inch diameter pipelines spanning 287 miles from the liquefaction facility to interconnects with existing pipelines near the Perryville hub in. FERC staff will conduct a scoping meeting for the Delta LNG and Delta Express Pipeline Project in Belle Chasse, LA, Docket Number PF19-4-000. Not all companies mentioned in the article may be currently existing due to their merger or acquisition or business closure. If you need to make changes to your name/address, or if you would like to remove your name from the mailing list, please return the attached Mailing List Update Form (appendix 3). publication in the future. The FERC is the lead federal agency responsible for conducting the environmental review of the Project. Un partenaire logistique suffisamment important pour livrer des marchandises de tout type, par voie arienne, maritime, routire ou ferroviaire, mais capable de fournir ses clients l'attention personnelle dont ils ont besoin.Nous aidons nos clients amliorer constamment leurs rseaux de transport et . Information on the pipeline is sourced from GlobalDatas Oil & Gas Pipelines database that provides detailed information on all active and upcoming, crude oil, natural gas, petroleum products and Natural Gas Liquids (NGL) trunk pipelines globally. The 462km-long, upcoming Delta Express Line I project will be operated by Delta LNG. This page was last edited on 20 January 2022, at 20:38. documents in the last year, 36 Commission staff have already identified several issues that deserve attention based on a preliminary review of the planned facilities and the environmental information provided by Delta LNG. Federal Register. The facility is expected to process up to 2.8 billion cubic feet per day (bcfd) of gas when operating in full capacity. (1) You can file your comments electronically using the eComment feature, which is located on the Commission's website ( under the link to Documents and Filings. Only intervenors have the right to seek rehearing of the Commission's decision and be heard by the courts if they choose to appeal the Commission's final ruling. The Delta Express Pipeline will pass through 14 parishes in Louisiana to connect the proposed LNG export terminal. FERC staff will conduct a scoping meeting for the Delta LNG and Delta Express Pipeline Project in Belle Chasse, LA, Docket Number PF19-4-000. With this Notice we are specifically seeking comments on modifications to the Delta Express Pipeline proposed by Delta LNG on January 10, 2020. The Public Inspection page may also No modifications of the terminal are proposed. Delta LNG previously proposed to construct two parallel 42-inch-diameter pipelines within a single right-of-way and four natural gas-fired compressor stations. The Delta Express Line I project is expected to commence operations in 2024 and will be owned by Venture Global Partners. (762-mm) natural gas pipeline lateral, two new mainline valves, a tie-in facility, launcher and receiver facilities, and other auxiliary appurtenant facilities all located in St. Mary, Lafourche, Jefferson, and And just in time, too, as the states new Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (CLCPA) requires that New York be powered by 70 percent renewable energy by 2030. The proposed Delta Express pipeline will provide feed-gas supply for the LNG facility. include documents scheduled for later issues, at the request This feature is not available for this document. The 462km-long, upcoming Delta Express Line I project will be operated by Delta LNG. [1][2], The pipeline would run from Alto, Louisiana, USA to terminals in Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana, USA. Methodology This site displays a prototype of a Web 2.0 version of the daily Rue St-Paul is 1 mile from the venue, while The Montreal Museum of Fine Arts is 1.2 miles away. All parties are invited to attend and present comments. Domestically sourced natural gas would be transported by the Delta Express Pipeline to the Delta LNG terminal, which would produce, store, and deliver up to 24 million tons per annum of LNG to LNG carriers for export overseas. Delta offers a platform for success. Washington, DC 20585 Delta Pipeline is a cultural revolution in the industry with over 30 years of making connections. Therefore, if the easement negotiations fail to produce an agreement, the company could initiate condemnation proceedings in accordance with applicable law. Please carefully follow these instructions so that your comments are properly recorded. In phase one, nine integrated refrigerant blocks with a total of 18 liquefaction trains and two LNG storage tanks will be developed, while phase two will involve the remaining nine blocks and two more LNG storage tanks. As mentioned above, the Commission's staff is preparing an EIS that discusses the environmental impacts of the Project. Delta Montreal is an attractive 4-star accommodation, set in proximity to Place des Arts. For tickets issued for travel originating in Europe, the cancellation charge is 200 for tickets issued on or after February 23, 2023 (150 for tickets issued prior to that date). Further, the substantial water depth at the terminal means that no dredging will be required. Bienvenue chez Delta Express Line . Due to this change if you are seeing this message for the first time please make sure you reset your password using the Forgot your password Link. These tools are designed to help you understand the official document Be sure to reference the Project docket number (PF19-4-000) with your submission: Kimberly D. Bose, Secretary, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 888 First Street NE, Room 1A, Washington, DC 20426. Global's Gator Express Pipeline for subsequent delivery to the Plaquemines LNG terminal. on Delta LNG incorporated the modifications based on comments from regulatory agencies and landowners, and detailed environmental and constructability considerations. The project includes the construction of two new compressor stations, a new meter station, approximately 8 miles (12.8 km) of new 30-in. All Rights Reserved. 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Investor contact: Leah Woodward D: +1 202 759-6746 Media contact: Jessica Wickett D: +1 202 759-6739 on GlobalDatas Oil & Gas Pipelines database. During the period 2021-2025, the Delta Express Line I project is expected to witness an estimated capex of $2,159.62m. The EIS will be used to inform the Commission as it determines whether to approve the Project. Delta LNG no longer proposes to construct the Monterey Compressor Station at milepost (MP) 70.3 in Concordia Parish; the Fordoche Compressor Station at MP 137.9 in Pointe Coupee Parish; or the Belle Rose Compressor Station at MP 200.8 in Assumption Parish. First proposed in April 2019, the 280-mile Delta Express pipeline would be built through 14 parishes, connecting an existing natural gas pipeline in northern Louisiana to a liquid natural gas facility in Plaquemines Parish Louisiana's southernmost parish, where coastal erosion and sea level rise are expected to swallow up 55% of land without Fully constructed, the Delta LNG liquefaction facility will include thirty-six 0.626 MTPA liquefaction trains, configured in eighteen blocks, four 200,000 cubic meter full containment LNG storage tanks, three marine loading berths for ocean-going vessels, and 1,240 megawatts of efficient, combined cycle, on-site power generation. on NARA's This preliminary list of issues may change based on your comments and our analysis: The environmental mailing list includes federal, state, and local government representatives and agencies; elected officials; environmental and public interest groups; Native American Tribes; other interested parties; and local libraries and newspapers. The Delta Express Gas Pipeline, also known as the Delta Express Pipeline is a proposed natural gas pipeline in Louisiana, USA. The eLibrary link also provides access to the texts of all formal documents issued by the Commission, such as orders, notices, and rulemakings. DELTA LNG Venture Global Delta LNG, LLC, a subsidiary of Venture Global LNG, is proposing to build, own and operate a LNG export facility, Delta LNG, on a 524-acre site in Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana on the Mississippi River. Only official editions of the This table of contents is a navigational tool, processed from the If you sent comments on this Project prior to the opening of this additional comment period, you do not need to refile your comments. Delta LNG has reduced the facilities associated with the Delta Express Pipeline and now proposes to construct: A single 48-inch-diameter pipeline along the previously proposed route; and two natural gas-fired compressor stations. Project Timeline Q2 2019 FERC pre-filing Letter submitted and FERC issued notice of pre-Filing Q4 2019 Project files application with FERC PROVEN LOW COST APPROACH 2. Each document posted on the site includes a link to the Be sure you have selected an appropriate date range. It is located in Downtown Montreal district, just a few minutes' walk from the Canadian McCord History Museum. are not part of the published document itself. Until the ACFR grants it official status, the XML The pre-filing request for the Delta LNG facility and the associated pipeline was accepted by the US Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) in April 2019. To help potentially affected landowners better understand the Commission and its environmental review process, the For Citizens section of the FERC website ( provides information about getting involved in FERC jurisdictional projects. You must wait until the Commission receives a formal application for the Project, after which the Commission will issue a public notice that establishes an intervention deadline. Rue Hambourg Zone portuaire de Rades Rades 2040. Register, and does not replace the official print version or the official These instant email notifications are the fastest way to receive notification and provide a link to the document files, which can reduce the amount of time you spend researching proceedings. documents in the last year, by the Rural Utilities Service [3], First proposed in April 2019, the 280-mile Delta Express pipeline would be built through 14 parishes, connecting an existing natural gas pipeline in northern Louisiana to a liquid natural gas facility in Plaquemines Parish Louisianas southernmost parish. If eSubscribed, you will receive instant email notification when the draft EIS is issued. Pipeline Community Regulatory The Delta LNG terminal site and Delta Express natural gas pipeline route were chosen after careful evaluation of safety, environmental, land-use compatibility, constructability and cultural resource considerations. We have the blueprint you need to become a superstar. documents in the last year. The Advisory Council on Historic Preservation regulations are at Title 36, Code of Federal Regulations, part 800. documents in the last year, 1479 The EIS for this Project will document our findings on the impacts on historic properties and summarize the status of consultations under section 106. [1] It was reportedly mapped through, In September 2020, emails obtained through a public records request by the Energy and Policy Institute revealed that Venture Global had tried to influence Louisiana state and federal permitting agencies by employing a Louisiana lawmaker, Rep. Ryan Bourriaque (R-Abbeville). 03/01/2023, 239 We have recently upgraded our technology platform. Please note that the scoping period is now extended, and comments on this Notice should be filed with the Commission by March 9, 2020. documents in the last year, 121 These can be useful The Delta Express Pipeline will connect the terminal with natural gas pipeline interconnections near Alto, Louisiana. Impacts on wetlands including coastal marsh and forested wetlands; cumulative impacts on air quality, noise, wetlands, socioeconomics, and other resources associated with construction and operation of the planned Delta LNG export terminal and the nearby Plaquemines LNG export terminal and other large projects at various stages of planning and construction in the region; Delta Express Pipeline route alternatives; alternative construction methods and workspace configurations that would avoid or reduce impacts. The company plans to. Location: Jack Hammons Community Cemter 810 Adams Street Winnsboro, LA 71295 H2 2018 Global Capacity and Capital Expenditure Outlook for Oil and gas contracts awarded globally down 5% in November 2022, Offshore oil and gas contracts up 14% in November 2022, Contract activities in downstream segment in Asia-Pacific down 69% in November 2022, Contract activities in downstream segment in Europe up 40% in November 2022. 02/11/2020 at 8:45 am. Location: Pointe Coupee Historical Society Poydras Center 500 West Main Street New Roads, LA 70760 FERC staff will conduct a scoping meeting for the Delta LNG and Delta Express Pipeline Projectin New Roads, LA - Docket Number PF19-4-000. Date and time: Monday, August 12, 2019 - 4:30-7:30 p.m. Delta Pipeline is a cultural revolution in the industry with over 30 years of making connections. The phase one construction works are expected to be started in the second half of 2021 with the start operations expected in 2024. Click here to assign a widget to this area. First proposed in April 2019, the 280-mile Delta Express pipeline would be built through 14 parishes, connecting an existing natural gas pipeline in northern Louisiana to a liquid natural gas facility in Plaquemines Parish Louisiana's southernmost parish. The draft EIS will be issued for an allotted public comment period. and the Commission's website ( ARCHITECTURE MASTER PLANNING INTERIOR DESIGN. Although no formal application has been filed, Commission staff have initiated a NEPA review under the Commission's pre-filing process. documents in the last year, 20 Additional information: For FERC records, use the eLibrary link at to perform a General Search for docket number PF19-4. "The Delta terminal will be located on land owned by the Port of Plaquemines and the Delta Express Pipeline would extend northwesterly for 281 miles, crossing private land in 14 parishes," explained Venture Global. Information about this document as published in the Federal Register. This onshore, gas pipeline, with a maximum diameter of 42 inches, will start in Louisiana (the US) and ends in Louisiana (the US). All interested parties are invited to attend and present comments. Connecting people. Rue Hambourg Zone portuaire de Rades Rades 2040 Delta LNG will utilize the same modular, mid-scale configuration being successfully implemented by Venture Globals Calcasieu Pass project in Cameron, Louisiana. (Reuters) - The following is a list of major pipelines recently completed, under construction and those in development. daily Federal Register on will remain an unofficial 03/01/2023, 205 This Notice announces the opening of an additional scoping period the Commission will use to gather input from landowners potentially affected by the Project. 285-mile-long Delta Express Pipeline located within 14 parishes in Louisiana. Delta LNG and Delta Express Pipeline Project; Louisiana. The draft EIS will be available in electronic format in the public record through eLibrary[3] documents in the last year, by the Environmental Protection Agency Carbon reduction of 3.9M metric tons in its first full year of operation. and services, go to Venture Global last week filed a request to start permitting the LNG project along with an associated 287-mile pipeline called Delta Express Pipeline. It is not an official legal edition of the Federal attention that the environmental mailing list was not provided copies of the Notice; therefore we are reissuing this Notice to extend the scoping period and provide additional time for interested parties to file comments on environmental issues. Pipeline start-up is scheduled for 2023, according to the DEIS. This prototype edition of the documents in the last year, 983 The Commission is issuing this Notice to provide previously and newly identified landowners and other stakeholders an opportunity to comment on the Project modifications. Use the PDF linked in the document sidebar for the official electronic format. Motions to intervene are more fully described at Delta LNG previously proposed to The 462km-long, upcoming Delta Express Line II pipeline will be operated by Delta LNG. The project scope includes: Two new compressor stations, with one (Centerville) in St. Mary's Parish, La., and the other (Golden Meadow) in Lafourche Parish, La. Located also in Louisiana, both the LNG projects received the FERC approval in 2019. It all needs to add up: what makes a credible corporate climate pledge? Those regulations define historic properties as any prehistoric or historic district, site, building, structure, or object included in or eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places. Delta is proud to partner in projects that have a positive impact on the communities in which we live and work. No public comment opportunities at this time. OD, 283-mile Delta Express pipeline from interconnections near Alto, La. establishing the XML-based Federal Register as an ACFR-sanctioned documents in the last year, by the Food Safety and Inspection Service and the Food and Drug Administration Information on the pipeline is sourced from GlobalDatas Oil & Gas Pipelines database that provides detailed information on all active and upcoming, crude oil, natural gas, petroleum products and Natural Gas Liquids (NGL) trunk pipelines globally. For instructions on connecting to eLibrary, refer to the last page of this Notice. The Planned capacity of the Delta LNG export facility is 20Mtpa. This Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) EIS evaluates the potential environmental impacts of constructing and operating the Delta LNG and Delta Express Pipeline Project, a liquefied natural gas (LNG) export terminal in Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana, and two parallel pipelines in a single 283-mile-long right-of-way in 14 parishes in Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) announced its intent to prepare an EIS that evaluates the potential environmental impacts of constructing and operating the Delta LNG and Delta Express Pipeline Project, a liquefied natural gas (LNG) export terminal in Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana, and two parallel pipelines in a single 283 . This Notice is being sent to the Commission's current environmental mailing list for this Project, including newly affected landowners. Un partenaire logistique suffisamment important pour livrer des marchandises de tout type, par voie arienne, maritime, routire ou ferroviaire, mais capable de fournir ses clients l'attention personnelle dont ils ont besoin.Nous aidons nos clients amliorer constamment leurs rseaux de transport et acqurir un avantage concurrentiel en leur donnant les moyens de commercialiser leurs produits plus rapidement et plus efficacement. the official SGML-based PDF version on, those relying on it for Copies of the appendices were sent to all those receiving this Notice in the mail and are available at using the link called eLibrary or from the Commission's Public Reference Room, 888 First Street NE, Washington, DC 20426, or call (202) 502-8371. The Calcasieu Pass facility is expected to be commissioned in 2022 while the Plaquemines LNG terminal is scheduled for commissioning in 2023. Suite 1500 documents in the last year, 940 Venture Global has raised $855 million of capital to-date to support the development of its projects. Venture Global LNG submitted a pre-filing request to the FERC on April 17, 2019. the current document as it appeared on Public Inspection on The project is currently under the environmental review process. 1001 19th Street North Open for Comment, Economic Sanctions & Foreign Assets Control, Electric Program Coverage Ratios Clarification and Modifications, Determination of Regulatory Review Period for Purposes of Patent Extension; VYZULTA, General Principles and Food Standards Modernization, Further Advancing Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities Through the Federal Government, Consultation Under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act, Currently Identified Environmental Issues,, MODS: Government Publishing Office metadata,,,, informational resource until the Administrative Committee of the Federal We are dedicated individuals who care about our relationship with our company, our team members and our purpose of making a difference. headings within the legal text of Federal Register documents. The President of the United States issues other types of documents, including but not limited to; memoranda, notices, determinations, letters, messages, and orders. regulatory information on with the objective of A citizens' guide entitled An Interstate Natural Gas Facility On My Land? While every effort has been made to ensure that More can be found at by the Housing and Urban Development Department "The pipeline would also cross levees under United States Army Corps of Engineers jurisdiction," added the company. We, us, and our refer to the environmental staff of the FERC's Office of Energy Projects. When you join Delta, youre joining a family of dedicated employee owners committed to opportunity, success and stewardship. [1], According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, as of April 2021 the project had still not applied for FERC approval. Counts are subject to sampling, reprocessing and revision (up or down) throughout the day. Q4 2019 Global FPSO Industry Outlook South America Spear H2 2018 Global Capacity and Capital Expenditure Outlook for Oil and gas contracts awarded globally down 5% in November 2022, Offshore oil and gas contracts up 14% in November 2022, Contract activities in downstream segment in Asia-Pacific down 69% in November 2022, Contract activities in downstream segment in Europe up 40% in November 2022. Including newly affected landowners to intervene are more fully described at http: // parties are to... Near delta express pipeline, LA that your comments are properly recorded the modifications based on comments regulatory... Started in the Federal Register be issued for an allotted Public comment period 03/01/2023, 239 we have the you... Upgraded our technology platform known as the Delta Express Pipeline will provide feed-gas supply for the Delta Express Pipeline by. Made to ensure that more can be found at with this Notice are. 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It is located in Downtown Montreal district delta express pipeline just a few minutes & # x27 s! Request this feature is not available for this project, Docket Number in! Proposed Delta Express Pipeline project, Docket Number PF19-4-000 in Winnsboro, LA have the blueprint you need to a! Trains at the terminal are proposed which we live and work Handbook eFiling. Pipeline located within 14 parishes in Louisiana to connect the proposed Delta Line... Near Alto, LA fail to produce an agreement, the Commission 's pre-filing process you the experience!: // title=Delta_Express_Gas_Pipeline & oldid=282122, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike documents better and aid in comparing the edition... Half of 2021 with the start operations expected in 2024 and will be operated Delta! Are proposed for later issues, at the request this feature is not available for this project, newly. January 10, 2020 over 30 years of making connections the DEIS Gator Express Pipeline is a revolution! Specifically seeking comments on modifications to the Delta Express Pipeline is a cultural revolution in the document for! The document sidebar for the Delta Express Line II project will be operated by Delta LNG, according the... Operating in full capacity and revision ( up or down ) throughout the day as the Express!

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