JERUSALEM TO CYRENE. New Update. The Garden Gate is supposed to have served as a gateway for Jesus to proceed on His journey beyond the city. As crucifixions took place beyond the citys walls, an upper and a lower chapel were built to commemorate this station and what was previously the western frontier of Jerusalem at that time. We summarize all relevant answers in section Q&A of website in category: Blog MMO. The crucifixion is a historical event that occurred in the Middle Ages.Jesus is accompanied by Simon of Cyrene as he takes his cross to the scene of crucifixion.The crucifixion takes place in a spot known as Calvary or Golgotha, depending on who you ask. 2011-2023 Open Google Maps on your PC and navigate about. to "Cyrene and the other cities of Libya" to . Here are the search results of the thread how far is cyrene from jerusalem from Bing. The following are the four objects listed below: 1 Problem With the Timing and Distance 2 There is a problem with time and distance.3 Distances and time constraints Distances between the Crucifixion and the Cross TROUBLE WITH TIME AND DISTANCE Dean Dowling is a professional basketball player (Investigator 117, 2007 November) Before Mel Gibsons The Passion of the Christ, a television commercial urged viewers to study the New Testament, and the bishops later stated that that is exactly what happened. Would the bishops agree that Jesus was arrested in the garden of Gethsemane at 3 a.m.(Mark 14:37, 14:41) and crucified at 9 a.m. (Mark 15:1)? Do clownfish have a skeleton or exoskeleton. What is the shortest road distance between Cyrene to Jerusalem? There are a few locations of tradition that dictate where the crucifixion took place. Mark 6:3 names James, Joses, Judas (conventionally known in English as Jude) and Simon as the brothers of Jesus, and Matthew 13:55, which probably used Mark as its source, gives the same names in different order, James, Joseph, Simon and Judas. Copyright 2011-2023 Got Questions Ministries - All Rights Reserved. Just the crossbeam could weight somewhere between 70-90 pounds (32-41 kilograms). Because the roadways linking the sites to which the guards marched Jesus would have involved some left and right bends, the lengths walked would have been more than the distance traveled as the crow flies between the destinations.In the case of the Temple, for example, it prohibited a direct straight path of 1.2 kilometers from Gethsemane to the home of Caiaphas.It was my suggestion (in118) that Pontius Pilates headquarters (John 18:28) may have been located in a part of Herod Antipas palace.Robinson, on the other hand, believes that the palace belonged to Pilate because Antipas was the governor of Galilee and a visitor to Jerusalem at the time.Herods palace is named after Herod the Great, who served as Herod Antipass father and commissioned the construction of the palace. Romans were brutally creative in the way crucifixions were performed. Thank you very much. When you visit the first Station of the Crucifixion, you are reminded of Jesus trial, during which Pontius Pilate convicts Him to death and Jesus takes up the cross for himself.It might be difficult for pilgrims travelling the Via Dolorosa to choose where they should begin their journey because the actual location of Jesus trial is still up in the air.Station I is a location near St. Stephens Gate that has been memorialized (where Stephen was stoned to death).The Church of the Flagellation is seen in this photograph. One was to ensure his mother was taken care of. Neither the technique nor the time of the crucifixion of Josephus three companions are described in detail before their reprieve is granted. Jesus is stripped naked and put on the cross.After a few hours, the soldiers stab Jesus in the side to ensure that he is no longer breathing.18th of September, 2009. More photographs of Jesus ministry in the Holy Land may be seen here. Station VI commemorates the location where, according to Christian legend, Veronica was inspired to offer Jesus her veil in order to clean His face. If you disable this cookie, we will not be able to save your preferences. Cyrene to Jerusalem are 1804 Km by road. There isnt much of a distance between us definitely not measured in miles. The method used would determine how much wood need to be carried. Identify yourself anonymously (Investigator 118, 2008 January) Dean Dowling (117), for example, asks if the events and distances involved in Jesus crucifixion could be covered in six hours: marched to the home of Annas, the previous High Priest, brought before High Priest Caiaphas and the Sanhedrin. Based on the assumption that Pilate and Antipas were staying in different wings of the same palace, the most significant distances were as follows: Gethsemane to the House of Caiaphas was 1.2km, the House of Caiaphas to the palace was 0.3km, and the palace to Golgotha (the site of the Crucifixion) was 1.0km.Allowing for 1.5km of left and right turns, the overall distance might be 4 kilometers.This might be accomplished in 40 minutes by taking a fast stroll.However, the last 1km was completed after Jesus was scourged and carried the cross, which would have caused the speed to be reduced otherwise.Nonetheless, according to the Gospels, all of the walking between Jesus arrest and his Crucifixion might have taken between one and one and a half and hour. Pilate, in his capacity as governor, would have remained either at Herods palace on the western side of the city or at the fortification of Antonia, which was located north of the Temple. A softUsvista Inc. venture! CYRENE, ancient capital of Cyrenaica, on the northern coast of Africa. To find the map from Cyrene to Jerusalem, start by entering start and end locations in calculator control and select the Show Map option. One was to the weeping women who followed his procession he arrived at Golgotha. Lukes wording tells us it was a physical encounter. 2011-2023 Golgotha (Aramaic for Skull), also known as Calvary (from the Latin calva, meaning bald head or skull), is a skull-shaped hill in ancient Jerusalem that served as the location of Jesus crucifixion and burial. (18:24).After all is said and done, the book of life will be opened and the lost will be judged by what was written in the books, according to what they had done (Rev 20:12), and if they believe they are a good person who has done a lot of good things, they will be judged each one of them, according to what they had done (Rev 20:13), and if their name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into (Rev 20:15).On the Day of Judgment, good deeds will be rendered ineffective (Eph 2:8-9).You may try telling a judge in a court of law that you have done a lot of nice things and see if it helps you get out of your criminal situation.The book of life will be opened at the end of the age, and if anyones name was not found recorded in the book of life, he was cast into the lake of fire (Rev 20:15). Given that we may infer Jesus was around 30 years old when he was baptized and began his ministry, we can safely presume he was well into his 30s when he was killed. Three of the Stations of the Cross, which are part of a Catholic devotion known as the Stations of the Cross, in which a prayer is made at the many locations where Jesus paused while carrying his cross to Cavalry, are devoted to Jesuss falls. Greatest north-south distance in the 48 contiguous states: 1,650 miles What is the distance in miles from Jerusalem to Cyrene? (See also John 18:28) Herod was the ruler of Galilee, and he also owned a palace in Jerusalem, and he happened to be in the city at the time.In the distance, Herods palace was around 400 metres or 4 minutes walk away from the Temple.The interrogation of Jesus by Pilate may be completed in half an hour, and by Herod in less time. While the association may stem from Cyrenes location in North Africa (modern-day Libya), its power lies in racial experience. References to the Bible Only the Gospel of John explicitly states that Jesus carried his crucifixion, and all accounts except John include Simon of Cyrene, who was recruited by the soldiers from the crowd to carry or assist in the carrying of the cross. (Matthew 16:25) So He was taken from this garden back to the other side of Jerusalem, where He was examined first by the ex-High priest Annas, then by the Sanhedrin presided over by Caiaphas (Matt.26:57, Mark 14:55) at night (when normally Sanhedrin trials were only permitted during the day and not on the Sabbath), then taken to Pilate (Luke 23:1), then to Herod Antipas (Luke 23:7), then back to Pilate Look at the map of Jerusalem in 30 the Revised Standard Version to see how far youd have to go in six hours to get there.What method did you use?Is it a miracle? Why should I believe in the resurrection of Jesus Christ. As the settlement grew eventually four other towns were established around Cyrene. If he traveled direct from Cyrene to Jerusalem he would have covered 850 miles. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Even in the midst of His own sorrow, He took the time to soothe them. Such a distance, in that day and age, was typically undertaken with a major purpose. About 300 miles (480 kilometers) directly north. The palace is referred to as the governors palace in the Gospels, and the governor was Pilate.However, this does not indicate that Pilate possessed it as his personal property because it could still be referred to be the governors palace even if Pilate did not reside there on a regular basis.However, the dispute was not about who possessed the palace, but rather about whether the Gospels provide enough time for Jesus to have walked the distances between Gethsemane and Golgotha, as claimed by the authors of the Gospels. However, the largest export was a plant called Silphium. The other is on the north end of the city of Jerusalem past the Fish Gate. What prompted Judas to betray Jesus? si-re'-ne (Kurene "wall"):1. si-re'-ne (Kurene "wall"): 1. Your email address will not be published. This seems to indicate that Christ did carry his cross and expects us to spiritually do the same. Greater fame, however, came to it through its distinguished citizens. If no cross could be made, a vertical wooden beam, or even a tree would do just fine. The present route has been in use since the 18th century, when it was built to replace a number of prior variations. ARAMATHE'A, supposed to be 10 ms. e. of Joppa at a little village called Rantieh, but this supposition is not probable. Father, pardon them, for they are completely unaware of what they are doing. Then Jesus says to one of the two thieves crucified next to him, Truly, I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise. Father, into your hands I submit my spirit, he says to the other of the two thieves. Written by Laura S. Harris It seems likely that Jesus was crucified outside the city walls, most likely outside the northern wall several hundred metres from the Temple and approximately 600 metres away from Herods palace on March 8, 2021. It is only at 22:59 that Luke refers to one hour spent in the Annas/Caiaphas area as being a portion of the total time spent there.According to Mark 14:53, the Sanhedrin assembled informally to trial Jesus when day came (Luke 22:66), which means early in the morning (Luke 22:67). Their leader, Battus, became the first king, founding the dynasty of the Battiads, whose members, named alternately Battus and Arcesilaus, ruled Cyrene for eight generations (until c. 440 bc). The precise location of the ancient city was thirteen kilometres from the coast. In Christian imagery, on the other hand, Jesus and Simon are depicted as carrying the entire cross, including the patibulum and stipes. With these things in mind, DePue thinks that Mary and Joseph averaged two mph and 12 miles (six hours of travel) per day. I believe the experience Simon of Cyrene went through would have been dramatic, I think he could have been shunned for having carried the cross, especially by people who wanted the destruction of Jesus. Because of a wind storm, the ship was forced to anchor and the waters rose up with it. Positioning was a horrific work of art. Depending on the dimensions of a cross (height, width, length) it is estimated, on the extreme end, that a full cross could weighed upwards of 300 pounds (136 kilograms). 32 degrees 40' North, long. It is said in this account that Jesus sent his followers back to the other side (the western side) of the Sea of Galilee after performing the miracle of the feeding of the five thousand, but he himself remained behind to pray. Cyrene, ancient Greek colony in Libya, founded c. 631 bc by a group of emigrants from the island of Thera in the Aegean. (Luke 24:42-43; Mark 10:42-43). Even before the actual crucifixion, whips with lead balls weaved into them would cut deeply into the victims flesh, causing him or her to bleed profusely and go into severe shock. Dale Robinson discusses distances and timing (Investigator 165, 2015 November) In response to the story concerning the miles travelled on the morning of Christs crucifixion, I would like to say the following: After walking all of the historical sites, from Gethsemane to Herods palace, I was exhausted. We are using cookies to give you the best experience on our website. Having been flogged, beaten with a reed, mocked, spit upon, and a crown of thorns added to his head, Jesus along with two other malefactors were lead from the courts of Pilate to the place of crucifixion. (Finally, some words). There is no record of Jesus speaking to Simon. On the eighth station, Jesus offers consolation to the women and children of Jerusalem. Helped may be a loose term, as the next question will answer in more detail. Present. Many in the audience were supposed to have been upset by the sight of Jesus in such agony on that particular day. Depending on the vehicle you choose to travel, you can calculate the amount of CO2 emissions from your vehicle and assess the environment impact. The shortest road distance between Cyrene to Jerusalem is 1804 Km. . Cyrene was founded by the Greeks in 631 BC. And one is probably out of relief that his bitter cup was done and a report to His Father that this painful part of his mission was fulfilled. Jack Wellman is the pastor of the Mulvane Brethren Church in Mulvane, Kansas.He has been in the ministry for over 30 years.What Christians Want To Know is a Christian website whose aim is to equip, encourage, and excite Christians while also answering questions regarding the believers daily walk with God and the Bible. Try going to Cyrene, the ancient Greek and later Roman city near present-day Shahhat, Libya, was the oldest and most important of all five Greek cities in the region. It was Romanized and remained a great capital until the earthquake of 365. Assuming Simon set out for Jerusalem from his home in Cyrene, he probably traveled ten miles to the coastal port of Apollonia. Many Jews from Cyrene had returned to their native Israel and were part of a community in Jerusalem called the Synagogue of the Freedmen comprising Jews from many other provinces including Alexandria (Egypt), Cilicia and Asia (Acts 6:9). According to the Bible, I have told you this so that you may have peace in me. You will face many difficulties and sufferings throughout your time on Earth, but have faith in me because I have overcome the world. (John 16:33) Keep marching in faith, Sarah. At this time, he was dizzy and in agony from the scourging, which had caused him to lose blood. How to find the map for driving distance from Cyrene to Jerusalem? You can also find the Distance from Cyrene to Jerusalem using other travel options like bus, subway, tram, train and rail What is the shortest road distance between Cyrene to Jerusalem? 32 degrees 40' North, long. (See also John 17:20-26.) X. Depending on his stamina, he could walk around 10 kilometers each day, excluding time spent sitting for food and water. However, because we know that Simon the Cyrene carried it and the references of him come directly after the descriptions of Pilates court, it is probable that Jesus carried his cross for a short distance. Whipping and taunting Jesus would take only a few minutes, probably even less than that. You can find out more about which cookies we are using or switch them off in settings. All together these five towns became one of Greeces most important centers for intellectual, artistic, medicinal, and architectural studies. Luca Giordano, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons. If for economical reasons, there was no better time to be in Jerusalem due to the amount of money that could be made with the influx of visitors. A Greek city in the province of Cyrenaica, it had a Jewish community where 100,000 Judean Jews had been forced to settle during the reign of Ptolemy Soter (323-285 BC) and was an early . Isaiah wrote extensively about Jesus Christ, who he described as the suffering servant and Messiah. As a result, he claimed, Jesus had been battered beyond recognition to the point that Isaiah writes, many were startled at you his appearance had been so disfigured, beyond human resemblance, and his shape had been transformed beyond that of the children of men (Isaiah 52:14).But because of His spilt blood, many will live eternally!Isaiah 53:3 says that Jesus was despised and rejected by everyone; a man of sorrows and acquainted with pain, and like one from whom folks hide their faces he was despised and we did not regard him as regarded.. Regarding the materials used to secure a victim to their cross single nails, multiple nails, rope lashings, combinations of those materials, etc. Do you want a map that gives you the probable stopping points and halfway point of your journey? This was standard procedure in Roman law, and anybody who has seen the film The Passion of Christ would understand how brutal this practice was. Knowing that Jesus took every opportunity to teach, help, and instruct others, it would be surprising if no form of communication transpired between Him and Simon. Since Cyrene was located in modern day Libya, many have suggested that Simon was a dark-skinned African man who had come to Jerusalem to worship during the Passover. That sea faring journey, if direct, would cover a distance of 760 miles (1,223 kilometers). The majority of experts believe Jesus was crucified between 30 and 33 AD, which corresponds to 1985 to 1988. If Jesus traveled an average of 20 miles (32 km) every day on all of his journeys, he would have spent at least 1,076 days and nights on the road during his lifetime! If the victims arms were to be stretched out a cross-beam would also be needed. Some have asked, when did Jesus carry the cross? (See, for example, John 18:12-27, Mark 14:53-72, and Luke 22:54-71) If this occurred in the vicinity of the Temple, it was around 500 metres or five minutes walk from Gethsemene. How interesting it is that Jesus, unable to bear the weight of his cross, received relief from someone who had the strength and capacity to carry the cross. To be stretched out a cross-beam would also be needed have faith me! Faring journey, if direct, would cover a distance, in that day and age was... Sea faring journey, if direct, would cover a distance, in that day and age, typically!, long much wood need to be carried the earthquake of 365 greatest north-south distance in the 48 contiguous:. Seems to indicate that Christ did carry his cross and expects us to spiritually do the.! Out for Jerusalem from his home in Cyrene, he says how far is cyrene from jerusalem the coastal port of Apollonia from to. Of his own sorrow, he was dizzy and in agony from the coast isaiah wrote extensively Jesus. 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