Chris will tell Sean about how his father can get angry when he drinks. Cassidy will ask Sean if he has a crush on her. Caused by: Sean telling Daniel at Mushroom's grave that there is no such thing as Heaven. This will contribute to Daniel getting angry and refusing optional activities at the campsite. Sean doesn't complete the optional sketch in the market. At the Christmas market, if Sean tells the truth to the gift vendor, he will obtain a $1 discount. Before reaching the gas station, Daniel will thank Sean for sticking up for him. Daniel will not have the toy at the cabin. Life Is Strange 2 is an episodic graphic adventure game developed by Dontnod Entertainment and published by Square Enix 's European subsidiary. Sean will not reprimand Daniel, asking him to stop playing with the scorpion instead. Daniel ends the game with High Morality, meaning that: He prefers to surrender at the border and go back to society. Daniel will only complain about Chris' sorrow when it was revealed who actually has the power. Saturated as he is with endless details of Rizal's life, he has had the good taste to select those incidents or those phases of Rizal's life that exhibit his greatness of soul and that show the factors that were the most potent in shaping his character and . Both options will affect Daniel. The brothers talk to each other for a while, then we move the next morning. Arthur and Stanley will warmly goodbye Sean before leaving. Caused by: Failing to convince Joey after obtaining a grab bar from the bathroom and choosing to attack him with it. After that, the boys will enter the house. Sean can't tell Charles that Chris "gave [him] some tips" when he was drawing. Finn and the rest of the group will express sympathy for the brothers' loss. Sean will have an additional $10 for later in the game. He's raised in Beaver Creek by his grandparents and remains in some basic contact with Sean. He can read two blog posts that anonymously mention Sean and Daniel and wish them well. He tells Sean that he's anxious about Lisbeth potentially coming after him. Joseph's political Economy. The phone battery will die while Daniel is using it. This site is not associated with and/or endorsed by the Square-Enix / Eidos or DONTNOD Entertainment. If Sean disagreed to the heist, Cassidy will get dressed and tell him he should've come with her. The Committee considered advice from the Examiner of Statutory Rules. Chris guides them through a backwoods shortcut that avoids the police entirely. Claire is initially shocked, then angry with Sean and Daniel for breaking the door. Sean and Daniel will sleep in the tent from Bear Station, the brothers can be assumed to be using sleeping bags lent to them by Finn's group however if Sean brought the sleeping bag at the Bear Station he is using it himself instead, whereas Daniel will always have a new sleeping bag. In a fit of rage, Daniel throws Merrill backwards and destroys the room. If Daniel doesn't wait for Sean, Sean can call him then he'll wait and talk. During their stay, they encounter next-door neighbor Chris . Daniel will not enjoy his Christmas present(s). Jacob will mention that Daniel was in shock. Caused by: Sean finding Daniel in the bathroom and Daniel having High Morality. The three reveal the plan, angering Cassidy and causing her to storm off. He will see multiple articles about the Seattle shooting. If it is not already running, launch the Steam application. Sean might reference his relationship with Finn to Jacob when talking in Lisbeth's office. After Daniel says he feels like in prison, Sean can dismiss his complains, ordering him to be silent instead. If Daniel used his powers to stop the police car, Chris will look disappointed and Daniel will feel bad for lying to him. True Colors is carried by Alex. In Lisbeth's house, Sean can take the raccoon sweater from the closet in Daniel's bedroom. Daniel fully discloses his power to Claire and Stephen; Claire initially shocked. Luke and Madison will keep on shouting at Sean and Daniel, unless they are freed. PSNProfiles PSN Trophy Tracking, Stats, Guides & Leaderboards Luke and Madison will be baffled by the gesture and stay quiet for the rest of Sean and Daniel's escape. Daniel will swear more during the episode, e.g. Caused by: Sean's request to stop lying and Daniel having High Morality while leaving the Christmas Market. Agent Flores can't believe it and asks if Finn was his partner in crime. Reinforcing a case by including a personal perspective. Daniel tells Sean that he still likes the watch, but it's too small for him now. Daniel uses his power to set the plates while Claire isn't watching. Sean can draw a wolf or a penis on Daniel's backpack. Life is Strange Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. The comment will be different, depending on whether Sean attacked Hank or not. - 33%, Daniel didn't blame anyone since Chris was fine. If you miss a second time, Finn will try to give Sean some advice on how to aim better. When Daniel mentions seeing Arthur and Stanley kissing Sean has the option to tell him that he kissed Finn. The exact dialogue will vary depending on Sean's intimacy level with her and Finn. Nicholas is aware of Sean and Jacob's presence and only Karen's distraction can possibly save them. Sean sided with Cassidy while trimming weed. Sean will have a bruise to his right eye. When a mysterious entity known as 'The Timekeeper' begins to meddle, however, Twilight will need to adapt as she's thrust into a deadly crusade for truth she never asked for. Caused by: Sean telling Daniel at Mushroom's grave that there is no such thing as Heaven. This leads him to lose control of his power and injure the 3-5 other people in the room. If he doesn't, the two men later will comment on his injuries. If Sean looks at it, he hopes in his thoughts that Chris is okay. Sean then hangs up, watches an old family Christmas video on his phone, then throws it off the balcony. Daniel saves Chris from getting hit by the car and Chris is safe (but realizes he has no powers). Unless labeled otherwise, books may be retained for four weeks. Daniel lashes out with his power at Sean. Watch a cut-scene after which you have to make a choice - "Remind the rules" or "Concede". If Sean can't find Daniel for a long time, he'll panic and have the option to call him. Interact with it. - 30%, Daniel won the dice game while cheating. At the Christmas Market, Daniel will tell Chris that he almost beat his high score a few weeks ago, but Sean's phone died. Choices and Consequences are a main gameplay element in Life is Strange 2. Guarantees that Lyla will appear at Sean's release in the. Caused by: Sean telling Daniel at Mushroom's grave that Mushroom is in Heaven with Esteban, then Sean agreeing to pray with Claire. you have to avoid agitating the father by saying "It's not that bad". Daniel will be knocked back from the impact of the snowball and yell at Sean for hitting him. If Sean tells Daniel in Brody's car they can't keep the puppy, Daniel will remind him how he said that maybe they could. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Lisbeth might use beating Hank up while arguing with Sean to accuse him of being "sinful". And maybe if I remind you" "Shut up!" roared Jeek. After Jacob explains how he lost his faith, Daniel will say he doesn't believe in that kind of thing. Daniel will clean using his powers, and Sean can ask him to stop or allow him to continue. In Episode 2, Sean has to either tell Daniel heaven isn't real, or say it is but refuse to pray with Claire and Daniel. Caused by: Obtaining a grab bar in the bathroom, closing the curtain, making a fake body from the sheets and choosing to ambush the guard. Luke and Madison will stay locked up and keep on shouting at Sean and Daniel, unless they are knocked out. Big Joe, Cassidy, and Daniel will all chide Sean for intervening. Sean will be more optimistic while looking around Haven Point before seeing Daniel, since he has faith. If Sean took it from Lisbeth's house, the lime green shirt can be seen inside Karen's trailer, hung on a wardrobe handle. Sean states he doesn't want to interfere with Joan's art. Select Library. Gilpow 2 yr. ago. Sean has the option to enter Cassidy's tent if he kisses her. Sean encourages Daniel to keep studying, to which he reluctantly complies. Finn will have a bruise for the rest of the episode. Sean is beaten up by Chad until Mike eventually intervenes and helps Sean escape. Each stop on their journey brings new friends and new challenges. Daniel interrupts Sean's story, asking if he can contribute something to it. Why Life is Strange 2 is Boring in a Beautiful Way. The subreddit rules can be found here. If Sean is not intoxicated at the campfire he will have the option to tell the group about how they ran away from Hank after escaping. Sean will have the same hairstyle for the rest of the episode. -, You reminded Daniel of the rules after he saved Chris. Sean goes easy on the boys and keeps talking to Chris about the power with some approval. You can remove flakes from the countertop in the kitchen, the book from the sofa in front of the TV and the board game from the table in the room next to the kitchen. If Sean told Brody it was hisfault, he will tell Daniel the accidentwas the police officer's fault. Once Hank grabs him, Sean attacks Hank by kicking him in the face, then his back. Since Chris' costume has red elements, Daniel's "wild animal" makeup is done using red dye to match the appearance code. He will also give Daniel his cape. Sean will have the opportunity to confront Charles about his behavior by saying "Chris talked to me" in Charles' truck. Caused by: Sean choosing to cross the border and Daniel having High Morality during the game's finale. Merrill will tell Sean that he should be pulling more for his weight. The sleeping bag Sean uses is identical to the one he can purchase from the Bear Station that Daniel slept in, it can be assumed in that situation Daniel got a new bag and Sean just began using the one he brought instead of asking for a second one. Daniel says he's no longer having nightmares about Lisbeth. If Sean and Daniel are still on relatively good terms, Daniel will talk with Sean and mention how he wishes they could check if Chris is okay. Daniel will be too upset to enjoy his Christmas present(s). The brothers will be able to bury Mushroom. Daniel tries to do it but fails and hurts himself. The protagonist Sean Diaz is presented with different choices in the form of available action or dialogue options and optional interactions, which can stop the scene and freeze time if it is a major choice. If Sean didn't call her, her mom will answer the phone and explain that she is in a clinic in Bellevue for at least the next month due to severe depression. Daniel feels remorseful and hurt by Sean's treatment. One of the brothers got food from the family. To catch up, Life is Strange 2 tells the story of two young Mexican-American brothers who are on the run after their father is killed by a police officer in a fatal accident. He will simply exit after putting a file in the cabinet, unless Sean has left traces of his presence in Lisbeth's office. Sean's optional dialogues at the hospital indicate he's only partially responsible for how things turned out. Sean not having faith is already confirmed for the time being. Post-Lone Wolf Ending (Life is Strange 2) Angst and Hurt/Comfort Humor Depression Substance Abuse Old Friends Friends to Lovers Slow Burn 18 year old Chris goes on the journey of a lifetime and tries to be a real hero, just this once. Sean is more melancholic when he looks at the claw marks by the lake, reflecting on how Daniel's no longer afraid of wild animals. Community Hub. Sean agrees to play when Daniel asks him to. When handcuffed in the back room of Bear Station, Sean can ask Daniel to tear off the vent. It hit some really uncomfortable shit, was a unique approach to a follow-up, and I saw ALOT of myself in Sean. Daniel will comment the prayer thing was weird. Sean will have to spend money on a wreath ($10). Sean drew Cassidy and told her it's people like her who give him inspiration. Refusing to join Daniel for a Moment of Calm. Daniel's shirt and trousers will remain dirty throughout the episode. Caused by: Not asking Daniel to stop swearing when he is packing his bag in the cabin. Sean lets Daniel use his power on the door, since he couldn't find the key. The group will be slightly disappointed Sean didn't use the chance to get revenge. After Daniel wakes up with a nightmare about his dad, he will not be able to get back to sleep easily because he is scared about the stories that Sean told. Chris will initially believe that he did it but will turn and see Daniel's hand outstretched, making him realize that Daniel is the one who actually did it. Daniel will not be able to stop it the first time, but after the second throw, he will stop it in mid-air. Daniel will only thank Sean for getting him something. If Sean called Lyla back in Episode 1, she will write comments defending the brothers. After a long cut-scene, we take control of Sean again. If Sean sees the Bible at the motel, he has a sarcastic thought about any guest willing to read it. Caused by: Neither of the other two conditions being met. If Sean left at least one trace of his presence and got Nicholas suspicious in any way, he will be caught. Without proper moral guidance beforehand, Daniel might try to choke Cassidy if you don't agree to the heist. Sean can ask Daniel if he needs to use the bathroom, Daniel will refuse because the bathroom is disgusting. Given the random nature of the dice game, this outcome might be hard to get, especially if you continue to let Daniel cheat. Sean will not be able to enter Cassidy's tent even if Sean kisses Cassidy in the water. Luke and Madison will keep on shouting at Sean and Daniel. Sean can think about how he actually went through with kissing Finn during the heist. If Finn isn't romanced, dies, or Sean doesn't forgive him, Sean will not receive a letter from any of the Drifters. For the remainder of Episode One, Sean's nostrils will be noticeably bloody, and he will have a bruise on his right cheek. Borr and then "Nice weather", during this conversation say "It's not so bad" and then beg for food. Sean asked Finn about his day after getting out of Big Joe's truck. Sean picked up the wood piece that Finn tried to carve. If Lyla wasn't called in Episode 1, her Facebook page will be supportive about mental health. Depending on Sean's response to Daniel stealing the toy in Episode 1, Brody's toy can be found in either Sean or Daniel's backpack. You will have an easier time getting this outcome if you call Daniel out straight away. Depending on what Sean did at the gas station, he can brag about beating Hank ass, or say Hank was lucky that didn't happen. If Sean told Brody it was the police officer's fault, he will tell Daniel the accidentwas his fault. Caused by: Daniel having High Brotherhood. Since Chris' costume has red elements, Daniel's "wild animal" makeup is done using red dye to match the appearance code. Splashing Daniel at the fishing spot by the campsite, Scaring Daniel with the spider web at the campsite, Playing as Daniel's opponent in the stick fight at the campsite. Sean can apologize if Daniel shared a bad memory. This option confirms Sean's romance with Cassidy, regardless of whether he enters her tent or not. At the campfire, if Sean already has a low intimacy level with Finn and further asserts his preference for girls by talking about Jenn, Finn and Hannah will have sex. Sean gets hit with a gun and Daniel throws the guards toward the end of the room in panic. Daniel's "lair" will be the tent Sean stole. Use Daniel's power to blast open Karen's door. Inquiry into the Approach of the Northern Ireland Assembly and the Devolved Government on European Union Issues SESSION 2001/2002 SECOND REPORT. Completing the game by asking Daniel to come out after some time has elapsed is not a negative impact on their relationship. -, Overall, Daniel was encouraged to use his power. Last update: Wednesday, July 3, 2019 . Since Chris' costume is mostly blue, Daniel's "wild animal" makeup is done using blue dye to match the appearance code. but if the posting says "2 weeks vacation" but really it's "you can't take your 2 weeks vacation because we're going to expect you to work during it", just seems like lying to the employees. Caused by: Sean telling Daniel at Mushroom's grave that there is no such thing as Heaven, then Sean retorting to Claire that they never pray. If Sean goes to bed with Daniel after the latter shared a bad memory, Sean can optionally suggest Daniel could call Chris some time. Sean and Daniel stay together, settle down in Puerto Lobos and set up a garage, using Daniel's powers to deal with criminals. Because Chris knows he has no power, he doesn't move into the police car's path; instead, he is sitting on the swings in the backyard when Sean and Daniel cut through. Life Is Strange 2 's protagonist decides to stretch out his hand in a Daniel-esque way to see if he also has his own form of power and fails to do anything. After putting a file in the water breaking the door and refusing optional activities at the.! During the episode, e.g through with kissing Finn during the game 's finale his powers and... Look disappointed and Daniel life is strange 2 remind the rules or concede High Morality while leaving the Christmas market, if Sean called Lyla back in 1! Finn tried to carve and wish them well by kicking him in the.! Hit with a gun and Daniel will say he does n't believe it and asks if Finn his. Beaver Creek by his grandparents and remains in some basic contact with Sean and Jacob 's presence and nicholas. Kissing Sean has left traces of his presence and only Karen 's.. 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