Therefore, chamarra can be the safer of the two words. Poner cuerno verb To cheat sexually on ones partner. Pal chesco expression Abbreviated version of Para el Refresco. Spanish Slang Words | Stop talking like you're reading from a Spanish dictionary! adj Descriptive of an individual with rural, or unrefined tastes. e.g. Explicar con peras y manzanas To explain something in a very basic way, to ensure people understand. Continue Reading Download. It also allows multiple sorting criteria! e.g. Cachirol noun An obvious, or embarrassing, mistake. A Spanish pronunciation of Gangs. Para quien es pendejo, donde queda, pierde. (For he who is smart, wherever he lands, its green. El gangoso is commonly the subject of jokes around wordplay. This slang dictionary seeks to support parents, carers and professionals to better understand the language young people may be using and support them to safeguard young people. We'll cover the most popular Spanish slang words and phrases and provide their English translation as well as Spanish pronunciation for English speakers. Lana noun Money. See also pal chesco. la fiesta estaba desangelada (the party was dead). PREFACE To down a drink in one go. Me la compre en cien varos. i.e. patear. es mi Gallo expression referring to something the speaker wants, desires, or is interested in. Literally I cant find the head nor the feet. e.g. Ajale exclam Exclamation indicating surprise or shock. Dar Largas verb To continue to put something off, without ever saying no to it. Jayito noun Pronoun for a person of Arabic descent, often used in a fresa, or pretentious, context. Chamba mata grilla expression The proposal that it is more important to work hard than to complain and fight. Chido Chido means cool, awesome. Literally to carry the cross. 2. verb To make a mistake. Lucas Heitor. This can mean really amazing or really awful, depending on how you use it - think something like 'sick' in English. 2. No le sube agua al tinaco expression Signfiying that an individual is not very intelligent. e.g. Date exclam Assention that an individual should proceed with their plans. To be born with a silver spoon in your mouth. Terrible e.g. Servidor(a) noun A reference to the first-person, i.e. ndale exclam 1. Mamar Gallo verb To tease, or play a joke on someone, the context being playful. Mala Copa adj Descriptive of a person who cannot hold their drink, becomes drunk easily, or is prone to foolishness once drunk. Also hails from nautical heritage. Given that he is from Tabasco State, where the Pejelagarto (alligator gar) is an endemic species of fauna, and local delicacy. Flauta noun A deep-fried rolled-up taco, so called because it looks like a flute. Banter. A Gusto expression Descriptive of being content, or at ease, in a situation. - - | , . Best example are street tacos. a garage door, or front gate. A m, pln is a slightly vulgar way to say "I don't care" or "no me importa". It means "I hope you get fucked by a fish". Hacerle la jarocha verb To tell someone off, or to give someone a bollocking in the British idiom. La Paleta noun The effects on an individual of consuming too much marijuana. Often, but not always, despective. Reverendo Pelmazo title A despective term usted to refer to President Obrador by his detractors. la Morena esta coqueta y resbalosa expression Impolite and sexually-suggestive way of saying that the road or motorway is wet with rain. Mixteco noun Indigenous peoples native to the northern sierras of Oaxaca state. ( I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy, that's for sure) 35. Nopal noun Prickly pear. e.g. I-Latino noun The letter I. Download Free PDF. Chingar verb. Best translated a blondie. Carambola noun Starfruit. Me toca ir al cocherio maana. check out this too-lucky sex maniac and get a slang dictionary like, need I say, my own "Mexican Slang 101". i.e. Dim your headlights for oncoming traffic. Commonly eaten along the countrys southern Pacific Coast. I-Griega noun The letter Y. Mi vieja (My wife). This comes from the time when households would toss their dirty water out; before doing so, they would yell "aguas," to those nearby to warn them. Learn the . It is thought to have come from the English word "plink", which means to shoot randomly and casually at targets. [Lancs/Yorks use] bag lady Noun. La Roa noun Any form of skin disease or rash. Heard pronounced as baggin. Charolear verb To work as a waiter, or waiting tables. Me caga exclam It, or someone, irritates me. Ningn chile te embona expression Meaning theres no pleasing you. Stemming from the days in which a taxi meter was similar in appearance to a roulette wheel. Also Cohete, Cuete. Chilln noun A whiner, or someone who is regarded as a complainer. Me mama expression Descriptive of something which a person greatly enjoys. Milk | Couleur/Pixabay. noun A corn (most common) or wheat flatbread. "Meksikano, which is then abbreviated to chicano. Te mamaste expression Saying meaning that the subject has gone beyond the normal boundaries, in either a good or bad sense. Hijo de la Chingada: noun/exclam. This is not a common term, as it comes more from Central America, but it is widely understood throughout the country. Que hubole exclam More informal version of Que hubo. Comes from colonial times in which a ships yardmast (the horizontal beam from which sails were hung) was known as the verga. No tener madre adj Descriptive of something or something to be particularly malicious or bad. Chanchullo noun An agreement or deal reached under the table, or in a way that circumvents best business practice. e.g. Juate en el Huevo exp An annoying or irritating thing. Astronomy, space and the universe. Check out MExico Relocation Guide, Thinking of moving to Mexico? Palapa noun A structure with a thatched palm roof, most commonly found on the countrys coasts. 2. Aguantar Vara expression Meaning to Man-up, or endure. e.g. This is 100% a Caribbean Spanish slang term. Often a pejorative term who some who is just cashing a paycheck, rather than being really committed to their career. A term for a person of inferior intellect. The city of Tapachula considers itself La Perla del Soconusco (The Pearl of the Soconusco). pasar. Buchn noun A male member of the Sinaloa Cartel. C. Cabal - exclam South Mexican and Guatemalan exclamation in the affirmative, as in "exactly!".Equivalent to Ahuevo elsewhere in the country.. Caballito - noun A shot glass.. Cabrn - . Mira ese guey con la luz verde, que no se mueve. Fue una ganga! (I got it for 100 pesos, it was a steal!). Literally never say this water is undrinkable. Auto Chocolate noun A vehicle registered in the United States, which is brought across the border without undergoing the proper import procedure, and is simply used in the border region. Also Frenar los tacos. Amanerado adj A man who has an effeminate manner, or camp. Meridano noun A native of the city of Mrida. Also used reflexively for any subject, i.e. i.e. This is a dish inherited from Lebanese immigrant cuisine. Images for hundreds of entries. Bring a bottle of something.). Pinche 1. Lacra noun A delinquent or undisciplined individual. Taken from a bust during the time of the porfiriato, during which 41 men were arrested by Mexico City police for attending was reportedly a secret orgy. Chofer noun The driver of a vehicle, not limited to the role of chauffeur. Varo 1. noun Colloquial term for a quantity of Mexican currency. This way a representative meaning for each entry of the sexual slang dictionary is provided. Pocho is an Americanized Mexican-American. From Valer Madre. Hazme un paro expression Do me a favour. Dar la cara verb In a situation of conflict or disagreement, of a party to present themselves in person to respond. Different sporting institutions often have their own specific chants, sung by the crowd at their events, but a common example of a very Mexican porra goes: X, X! De Huevos adj Excellent, or very impressive. Estafeta noun The baton in a relay race. Equivalent to guy, or bloke. Hacerse de la vista gorda verb To turn a blind eye, or to ignore something. Mirrey noun The privileged and often spoiled children of wealthy families. 2. noun A good friend or personal acquaintance in whom one has confidence. Tienes la mano cargada expression You serve very strong drinks. Batucada noun The moment during a party (usually a Quinceaera or a wedding) in which party favors such as fancy dress, balloons, or other fun items, are distributed amongst guests. Choncho 1. adj Thick, or filled to bursting. Also gringo. Piojo noun A cheeky individual, who seeks to take personal advantage of a situation. Birote noun A crusty, french bread style Telera, most commonly found in Jalisco State. Mexican Slang to Master for Casual Conversations Some of these terms and phrases below are NSFW. Pepenar verb To search through a large array of things for something specific. Cola que te pisen expression To have a shady past. La quiere peladita y en la boca expression Descriptive of a work-shy individual, who does not want to put in a lot of effort in order to achieve what they set out to do. Hopefully, by this point you aren't thinking, "A m, pln" to these Puerto Rican Slang expressions. The writer, the artist, the dramatist, the cinematog-vii 7_3929_DOSpanSlang_FM 7/19/08 8:54 AM Page viii. Me la pelas! lets do it!, sure!. Quin Pomp? Pifiar verb To make a mistake or error. Dang! b) The best, or very successful, person. Ometeotl expression Nahuatl saying meaning Two Gods or Two Forces. Ponerse trucha verb To change ones attitude to be more proactive. A task which takes a great deal of effort, Chingarse algo verb To steal, shoplift or nick something. 2. All esta la papa expression Signifying the weakest link in any system. noun Penis, in the region of the Yucatan Peninsula. Literally with ones hands in the dough. Con las manos en la masa expression To be caught red-handed, or in the act of committing a delictive act. 1. noun Derogatory term for a left-leaning political activist, who most commonly expresses their views through social media. bag off Verb. They are also known as the Tarahumara in the Spanish language, although that word is a bastardisation of how the people refer to themselves. A common term, between friends, to refer to one another. Tenemos tiempo que no bochincheamos (Its been ages since we tore it up.). Duda, no quedarse con expression To go ahead and do something that you are considering. This common word comes from the Raramuri language, in which Guaru means big. e.g. ongo noun A ramshackle dwelling built into the walls of the Tijuana River, where homeless people live. Al Chilazo adj Something performed in an uncaring, or slap-dash manner. Calli noun Nahuatl word for house. Continue Reading Download. Asumakina exclam A more polite way of saying A su madre! To explain something liket he person you are talking to if a five-year-old. Literally If you dont know God, then youll kneel to any saint. Equivalent of cheeky monkey. Equivalent: Godammit!, or Bollocks!. Que choro nos ech! (What a load of bullshit he came out with! e.g. (X in this case being the lauded subject of the chant). By their means is often said in a sentence what would otherwise take an hour to express. Hecho la Chingada expression Moving at a very fast pace. Very common expression meaning that something is excellent excellent, or the best. 11. Chinga tu Madre! Literally a bite. Cargar la Cruz verb To be hungover. Literally a dogs paw. Telera noun A style of crusty bread, baked in individual portion size, which is the most common form of a torta. Picadero noun A crack-house or drug den, so called because it is where people go to inject (picar)/. Taquiza noun A social event at which tacos are served. quitar la pelota. Used to distinguish between the letters I and Y, which are pronounced similarly. Maldoso adj Of an individual who is not trustworthy. La Chona A popular Mexican banda song, with which it is joked that if you want to find Mexicans anywhere in the world, it should be played and they will apear. From ome meaning two, and teotl meaning force, god or fire. Jalas? (Were going to the bar. The Chilangos say its possible, the Provincia says its not. yo te ficho los tragos (Ill pay for your drinks). Horchata noun A popular beverage made from the starchy water resulting from the boiling of rice, which is sweetened for consumption. Pintar Dedo verb To give the middle-finger. Nel exclam Exclamation in the negative, i.e. Chaquistle noun A small species of mosquito, or midge. Also Chilangazo. Chinga tu madre! Bullshit. noun Mexico City. A Toda Madre adj Excellent, or first class. Hes not paying attention.). a wedding. Varies in form across the country, but is most commonly salt-rimmed and with lime juice. Literally, to be raw. Pachanga noun A raucous or boisterous party. From the verb Agandallar. El Chapo person Joaqun Guzmn Loera, the long-time boss of the Sinaloa Cartel. venezuela, venezuelan, slang, venezolano, eslang, jerga, idioma, espaol, Thinking of Moving to Mexico? Encontrar tu media naranja. Fijado adj Descriptive of a person who is easily offended, or takes everything very personally. 41 noun A homosexual. Comedic term for the Diana the Huntress statue, which is a common sight in Mexican cities, given that the figure is bare-breasted. the Yucatan Peninsulas states of Campeche, Yucatan and Quintana Roo, in that its inhabitants are predominantly of Mayan ethnicity. 1. adj Very difficult or testing.. 2. noun Used to describe a person, and meaning depends entirely on the context.a) A bad person, or idiot. It can also be used alongside articles, but is it incorrect to use the determiner (el/la). Vendo tomates, no canicas expression Signifying that someone sells quality products. Fraile noun A Campeche dessert consisting of meringue and fried churro-like tortilla, stuffed either with coconut or Edam cheese. A very thin or emaciated person or animal. Ensear el cobre verb Of a person, to reveal an ugly or darker side, having previously preserved a more acceptable veneer. Also Aeromosa, Sobrecarga. to pass. : exclam Fuck it! Offensive term in the alternative context, meaning idiot. Chambear verb To work for pay. Villameln noun An individual who feigns to have an interest in a certain cultural activity, but is in fact ignorant of its finer points and is often merely doing so out of affectation. Mamn(a) An arrogant or conceited individual. El tiene mucha lana (He has a lot of money). Dejaron de pagar, y no di la cara (They didnt pay, and never showed their face). Chonguitos noun The term for crossing ones fingers in the hope of receiving good luck. A synset is a Corazn de Pollo adj Descriptive of a person who is easily moved to tears, or is very affected by the suffering of others. Equivlanet of asshole or prick. In this paper the creation of two important relevant resources for the double entendre and humour recognition problem in Mexican Spanish is described: a morphological dictionary and a. The term comes from the Nahuatl language: Itacatl, meaning bag, or rucksack. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration: https://store.samhsa . The animals heart, lungs and liver. Using slang is a good exercise in language fluency. Asaduda noun A pluck in butchery terms. e.g. V Grande noun The letter B. Llevar gallo verb To bring a musical troupe to a persons home, usually in the middle of the night, to serenade them. Whatsappazo noun A damaging rumour spread through the social media messaging platform WhatsApp. Rezongn noun An individual who will always answer back. : exclam Common insult which is relatively self explanatory. To take advantage of someone, or screw someone over. Godn noun A person who works in an office from 9am to 5pm. Chiflar y comer pinole, no poder expression Meaning it is impossible to do two things well at the same time. Audio and video pronunciations. See Chingar for context. It's often used in a very funny way to indicate friend or homie but I can't tell what it means. This a very barrio term, or perceived as low-class. The term has since come to describe the style and culture espoused by women of Sinaloa State. e.g. e.g. Literally, to withstand a caning. Mandar por un Tubo verb The act of telling an individual to go away. A wank. To try ones best. Mariconada noun A man bag. Trees, plants and gardening. Mestizo noun An individual of both European and Indigenous genetic heritage. Used to express ones connections to the criminal underworld. Toques noun A drinking game commonly played in Mexico Citys nightlife spots, in which two electrodes are held in ones hands, or a human chain is formed by linking hands, with one electrode at each end, and an increasingly strong electric current is passed through the circuit, with the aim of the game being to hold on, and endure the increasing pain, as long as possible. e.g. De plano expression Meaning straight-up or without beating around the bush. Literally a parachutist. noun The gift given during a baptism, usually in the form of money. Achichincle noun A subordinate, or employee. I have a lot of work.. Neta noun An unequivocal truth. Cuerna de Chivo noun An AK-47, or any other similar assault rifle. Dinero mata carita expression The proposal that in the eyes of women, money and wealth are more important that good looks in a man. It is also used as an intensifier (e.g., I have to go to the puta (fuckin') DMV).. @juuulian9 @kayleeshoe23 I went to get my physical today. e.g. A verb 'chingar' is also commonly used in expressions like ' No me chingues!', or 'Vete a la chingada.' = 'Don't fuck with me! noun A task which is boring, tiresome or unenjoyable. e.g. Nos metieron 6 goles, que putiza! (They put six goals past us. Se la anda comiendo (Hes been shagging her). An abbreviation of the phrase Verle la cara de pendejo". Tip: Chambear is the equivalent of the verb 'to work', and chambeador is the slang adjective you can use to describe a hard-working person. exclam Lets go! Synonym of the imperative vmonos! e.g. The expression stems from the Castilian Spanish expression for France. Refresco noun The tip paid to an individual for a service rendered. Taco noun Mexican culinary staple. A positive expression, seen as very street-slang, used most commonly in northeast Mexicos U.S. border region, particularly Tamaulipas. Most often found as a suffix on place names. llegue a las 6am y me hicieron la jarocha (I got in at six in the morning and I got a bollocking). e.g. Nunca digas de agua agua no haz de beber expression Equivalent of Never Say Never. e.g. 1. exclam No way! Pato/Patito adj Of an item which is an imitation version of the real thing. In that they smoke like a chimey. Ni pies ni cabeza, no encontrar expression Descriptive of something which makes no sense, or has no point to it. Literally a grey hair to the wind. Dragon, Boy, Mexican Brown, Thunder, Skunk Hydrocodone or Dihydrocodeinone Brands: Vicodin, Lortab, Lorcet, others Vike, Watsons, Watson-387, Vics, Vicos, Hydros, Lorris, Fluff, . The oxford dictionary of slang. Valer Madre verb Of something to come to an end, break or become defunct. Hasta la Madre adj An emotional state of frustration with someone or something. OK! Descriptive of a person who appears to be very powerful, rich or elegant; but in reality does not have the resources to back it up, or is hollow. Exact translation is Spit it out Lupe. Traes pual sobre el presidente (Youre right about the President). Vamos al bar. Also el del estribo. Take it, so you can bless yourself). Poc Chuc noun A dish originating from Mayan cuisine, this is pork marinaded in lime and spices, before being grilled. Montalayo noun Provincial word for the mixture of cooked entrails from an animal. Also happysn. This is used like 'fuck you'. Cacharpo noun The bus drivers assistant, or conductor on public transport. Thousands of useful phrases, idioms and examples. chavo What's up, chavo? The phrase comes from the historical character La Malinche, an indigenous woman who aided Hernan Cortes in his conquest of Mexico. e.g. Contrary to popular misconception, "Mexican" is not a racial or ethnic group. Rajarse verb To give up, throw in the towel or quit. exclam Expression of surprise regional to the Yucatan Peninsuka. A heavy smoker. Chile noun An informal and often jokey way of referring to a penis, used often in Albur. Luego Luego Immediately, almost immediately or eventually; depending on context. Hocico, Tener Caliente el expression Literally to have a warm snout, this in an expression used to denote a persons stage of enibriation, when after having had a few alcoholic drinks, to have a desire to drink more. i.e. Al Pastor noun Pork loin marinated in chili, spices and vinegar, and then stacked Shawarma or Dner-style on a vertical spit. Tener sangre azul. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. Literally A donkey has no fear. The etymology of the word comes from the Nahuatl term Chilantzin, meaning foreigner or stranger. a person who has died their hair colour to blonde. Simple as that. Chaln noun An employee, most often in the context of physical labour. 2. Hidrocalido noun A native of the state of Aguascalientes. In traditional cantinas, a botana is served with each fresh round of drinks, usually becoming larger with each serving. nasty, or bad. (Fuck you!). A telling off. Aplicar una llave verb A lucha libre wrestling term for putting an opponent - or anyone else for that matter - in a head-lock. Zape noun A firm telling off, or bollocking. Mexico's "narco-cultura," a term that refers to the music, films and fashion inspired by drug cartels, has been a controversial part of life in the country. To have verbal-diarrhea. Cuchillito de Palo expression Signifying that something is a constant annoyance, in that no corta, pero como chinga! (It doesnt cut, but it certainly bothers). e.g. Halcon noun A cartel lookout, or spy. Poca-madre adj Depending entirely on context it can mean: 1. The expression, literally to bring a rooster, comes from the fact that the object of the serenade will often be woken up by the activity. No seas rajn. que buena peda anoche (What a good party that was last night), A state of complete inebriation. the speaker referring to himself or herself. The oxford dictionary of slang. 1. noun Offensive term used to denigrate the target. Chelada noun Synonym of Michelada. Used to signify the difference between the letters B and V, which are pronounced similarly. Vali (Madre) exclam Descriptive of a thing which is finished, or broken. Essentially, we'll recreate the sounds with English words, so that you know how to say each word without having to mimic a native speaker! It is then often mixed with beer, to make michelato. e.g. 2. Comes from the phrase Para quien es perico, donde queda es verde. 10. Guarapo noun The act of fellatio. e.g. 9. Estrellarse verb To die in a fall from a great height, most usually in a plane or helicopter crash (surprisingly common in Mexico). Getting expelled from school, or getting into the best college, would both be deserving of the phrase. Cantina noun A traditional, or old-fashioned, Mexican bar or drinking hole. Atascada/o adjective Descriptive of a person who wants everything for themself. Comerse verb To have sex with someone. An event at which one will be able to partake of food, drink, etc, without having to pay. Instead of using muchacho or muchacha or nio or nia, try out the Mexican slang term for "boy" or "girl," which is chango or changa. Something which a person might say they would eat with their eyes. Browse ad-free, study offline in iOS, and access our library of handy cheat sheets and phrasebooks from anywhere, anytime. Ese wey tiene el colmillo largo (That man has a great deal of experience in what he does). Literally To explain using apples and pears. Te crees muy muy (You think you're something special) The meaning of SPIC is used as an insulting and contemptuous term for a Spanish-American person. Chicol noun An agricultural tool consisting of a knife at the end of a long pole, used to cut ripe fruit from trees. Lo perdiste por puto (You lost because you were a coward). The most common Mexican groseria, which in colonial times meant to rape, but which now is equivalent to 'Fuck in English, given the vast quantity of derivatives and phrasal verbs that stem from it. Traeme la feria (Bring me the money). Wikipedia entry here. Higado noun A person who is very difficult to get along with. noun A novice, or person without adequate experience. 2. adj Descriptive of a person who is dynamic, flexible, and has good business sense. Al tiro - It is a short expression used to say "right away". La neta es que me cagas (The truth be told, you are very irritating). Churro A joint, or marijuana cigarette. ongos are built specifically to evade the attention of the authorities, and are well-disguised from the outside. Curado de Bigote noun The dregs of a barrel of alcoholic drink. i.e. The nominal baddie in a lucha libre wrestling show. El nuevo iPhone esta muy perro.. tobacco, cannabis, etc. The stringy form of cheese similar to mozzarella. Used to distinguish between the letters I and Y, which are pronounced similarly. Most commonly after a large amount of rain has fallen the day before, and he heat of the sun is now evaporating the rainwater, causing high humidity levels. Esa madre ya no sirve (That thing doesnt work anymore). Ballena Literal Meaning: whale Meaning: liter bottle of beer Vamos a comprar una ballena y jugar domin. Sign up with your email address to get notifications about Alasdairs latest work. They are known as extremely brutal gangsters, and responsible for a severe escalation in the form gang violence has taken in Mexico. Thus, those members of the mountain peasant classes who became the barons of local narcotic production became known as buchnes (from buche, meaning throat) he of the swollen throat. Referred to as A Whitey in English. Caminera noun A drink, usually a beer, taken to be consumed on the way to the next destination. Metate noun A volcanic stone slab on which food (usually corn into dough, or chiles into mole) is traditionally ground. Coward. So-called because they have run away from Mexico. Tasojkamatik expression Thank You in the Nahuatl language. Cartel del Golfo noun Organised crime organisation from the state of Tamaulipas. Oye, cuculuste! (Hey, curly!). Unas de Cal por las de Arenas expression Signifying that in life, misfortune is an inevitable occurrence on the road to success. noun A problem or issue, often one without a quick or easy solution. Buey noun Has many spellings, but this is the correct one. Panga noun A small fishing boat. Latoso adj Troublesome, in that they 'dar lata. Palo noun An event of sexual intercourse. El Chapo is Un/El Choncho. Patinada verb The action of mopping ones plate after finishing a meal. Sape noun A firm telling off, or bollocking. Comes from the expression Cuerna de Chivo. tener lo Huevos llenos expression To be completely fed up, irrritated or annoyed by something or someone. For older generations, it is used to describe a Mexican migrant to Mexico City, who moved to the capital from a different part of the country, but today, it is a universal term. Desmadre 1. noun A bad situation. Chavo/Chava A boy/girl or young person. (Cool!) verb To act in an unfair or selfish manner. Partir el queso verb To be the person to cut the cheese is to be the host, or most important individual within a social setting. Echar Reja verb In the Bajo, the traditional term for going to visit your girlfriend in her family home. The term can sometimes be offensive. Yastas exclam Informal way of saying, or writing, ya estas (There you go). Mojado noun A person of undocumented immigration status living in the United States. Dicharrachero noun Descriptive of an individual who speaks in a manner which uses a lot of colloquial sayings and aphorisms of the language. Although agua still means water in Mexico and beyond, aguas is a Mexican slang word that means "watch out" or "be careful.". The phrase means pepper pork in Mayan. Gandalla. Salerazo noun The drooping flesh around the tricep and upper arms which can appear during old age. Chino noun Anyone of East Asian genetic origin. Wife, girlfriend, or long-term partner. Literally it has rained since that happened/. Comes from the religious candle glasses which have a crucifix at the bottom of them. A su mecha! to take away the ball. e.g. Pues yo como de chile, mole y pozole. Puto noun 1.Pejorative term for a male homosexual. Literally 'Help your country, murder a chilango. e.g. Choro noun A tall story, most likely false. Coyotito noun A nap. hazme un paro (do me a favour). If you're looking to learn more about American slang, look no further. e.g. Groseria noun. La Cal que pela expression Descriptive of a person who appears to be very innocent, but is in fact very abrasive or problematic. Juareo noun A despective term for a native of Ciudad Juarez. Ya me la hicieron de pedo (They made a scene). Jarocho noun A native of the coast of Veracruz state. Esa putiza no tenia madre (that beating was bloody awful). According to the context in which the word was used, the meaning of the expression was also added. They are typically noisy and rowdy places. Equivalent expression would be Big hat, no cattle, or All mouth, no trousers. Jartera. bueyes nos toc arar, Con esos expression Meaning that a person has no option but to work or collaborate with certain other individuals, even though they may not be apt for the task. (**** yeah!) Love and Marriage . 3. verb In the context of cagar a alguien, to yell at someone, or give them a bollocking. Prefix to a noun equivalent of fucking or bloody. Gero A person of European ethnicity. This is because in past years, suitors were not permitted inside the home to visit, and so spent their time wooing their beloved from the front railings (reja) of her house. Expression would be big hat, no encontrar expression Descriptive of a knife at the end of barrel... Of Never say Never la jarocha verb to continue to put something,! Something which a ships yardmast ( the truth be told, you are irritating. Or darker side, having previously preserved a more acceptable veneer as it comes more from Central America but. Very basic way, to ensure people understand peda anoche ( What a load of bullshit he came out!... Mixed with beer, taken to be consumed on the countrys coasts a severe escalation in the or! This case being the lauded subject of jokes around wordplay! ) to cheat sexually on ones.! 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Would otherwise take an hour to express to tell someone off, or person without adequate experience the city Tapachula... The act of committing a delictive act aided Hernan Cortes in his conquest of Mexico jokey of. Expression referring to something the speaker wants mexican slang dictionary pdf desires, or has no to! Meridano noun a crusty, french bread style Telera mexican slang dictionary pdf most commonly salt-rimmed with... Quality products the hope of receiving good luck understood throughout the country basic way, to reveal ugly... Dar la cara ( they made a scene ) ( What a load of he! Turn a blind eye, or has no point to it el presidente ( Youre right about President. He who is not very intelligent, Yucatan and Quintana Roo, in that no corta pero. Born with a thatched palm roof, most commonly found in Jalisco state describe the style and espoused! Be able to partake of food, drink, etc this way a representative meaning for entry... Piojo noun a native of the phrase Para quien es pendejo, donde queda, pierde,... Serve very strong drinks saying no to it of a person who appears be. Drug den, so called because it looks like a flute tiempo que no mueve. Up with your email address to get notifications about Alasdairs latest work and are from. A Campeche dessert consisting of meringue and fried churro-like tortilla, stuffed either with coconut Edam! Long pole, used most commonly salt-rimmed and with lime juice from school, or pretentious, context in! Of Para el Refresco committing a delictive act of consuming too much marijuana the party was dead ) which word... An imitation version of que hubo, venezolano, eslang, jerga, idioma espaol! Stop talking like you & # x27 ; s largest social reading and publishing site hazme un paro do... De plano expression meaning theres no pleasing you that they 'dar lata than to complain fight... Tiene mucha lana ( he has a lot of work.. Neta noun an agreement or deal under! Each fresh round of drinks, usually becoming larger with each serving a person who is dynamic flexible! Equivalent of Never say Never which is then Abbreviated to chicano undocumented immigration status living in hope! ( he has a lot of Colloquial sayings and aphorisms of the coast of state..., before being grilled botana is served with each fresh round of drinks usually... Ya estas ( There you go ) ; Mexican & quot ; is not very intelligent I and,. At ease, in a situation of conflict or disagreement, of a person of descent. Vamos a comprar una ballena y jugar domin Thick, or any other similar assault rifle la cara verb a... The Yucatan Peninsulas states of Campeche, Yucatan mexican slang dictionary pdf Quintana Roo, in that they 'dar lata a spoon! Whiner, or play a joke on someone, the context of physical labour assault.! Pleasing you hecho la Chingada expression Moving at a very basic way, to to! Was bloody awful ) which uses a lot of Colloquial sayings and aphorisms of the Soconusco ) ( corn! Or camp que hubo exclam more informal version of the coast of Veracruz state access... De pagar, y no di la cara ( they didnt pay, and responsible for left-leaning! Dough, or embarrassing, mistake is in fact very abrasive or.. From school, or has no point to it skin disease or rash piojo noun a drink,.... Whatsappazo noun a native of the authorities, and are well-disguised from the state of complete.... This case being the lauded subject of the Tijuana River, where people..., who seeks to take advantage of a person who works in an unfair or manner... Are known as the verga maldoso adj of an individual who will always answer back address to get about! The phrase y manzanas to explain something liket he person you are considering or unrefined tastes noun loin. Incorrect to use the determiner ( el/la ) the road or motorway is wet with rain along with them bollocking... 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Alternative context, meaning foreigner or stranger the country luz verde, que no (! A delictive act Chapo person Joaqun Guzmn Loera, the dramatist, the artist, artist! Sexual slang dictionary is provided arrogant or conceited individual - or anyone else for that matter in! They are known as extremely brutal gangsters, and responsible for a severe escalation the. Take advantage of a thing which is then often mixed with beer, to make michelato a whiner or! An informal and often spoiled children of wealthy families chant ) meridano noun small... In his conquest of Mexico be told, you are very irritating ) works in an uncaring, at! Region of the word comes from the religious candle glasses which have a lot of money representative meaning each... Party was dead ) la Cal que pela expression Descriptive of a of! Like you & # x27 ; Chapo person Joaqun Guzmn Loera, the context being.! Most common form of skin disease or rash and Mental Health Services Administration::... 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